Flight, Strength, Heart: Difference between revisions

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Of course [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]] can also apply, which means this power can allow nasty surprise or emergency exit if no one ever takes it into account or it's just too wildly out of line to suspect. Which means the character is "multiclassed" as a [[Spoony Bard]] or [[Lethal Joke Character]] and standalone versions of these are avoided.
A [[Sub -Trope]] of [[Combo-Platter Powers]], [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others]].
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** Negi has a secondary one involving {{spoiler|his artifact, which borrows the powers of his partners. This includes [[Telepathy]], [[Anti-Magic]], a [[Great Big Book of Everything]], etc. It also includes a [[Magical Girl]] staff that allows him to [[Extreme Graphical Representation|surf the internet]].}}
** Then there's Jack Rakan, whose portfolio includes [[Super Strength]], invincibility, ability to [[Crazy Awesome|disregard the laws of physics]], and... can [[The Nose Knows|locate enemies with alarming precision by the scent of their panties]]. Which [[Panty Thief|he stole right off of them]].
* Luca of ''[[Saint Beast]]'' gets flight, strength, and the ability to read minds via his fingertips. In a different story one might be able to find meaningful uses for this, but in the actual series the only thing he can use it for is to read his boyfriend's mind -- the reason he actually ''wished'' for it in the first place. In comparison Judas' [[Finger -Suck Healing|healing kiss/breath]] is a lot less [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|lame]].
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*** This was originally supposed to be another example of applied [[Super Speed]], but they didn't have the budget for it.
** And the "throw a cellophane S-shield to wrap around you and then dissolve" power from the second.
*** This was clearly a Kryptonian gadget, not a power. Like the multiple copies of himself and the reversed [[De -Power]] chamber, it was traps he had set up to frustrate his opponents until they fell for his last ploy.
** Of course, [http://www.superdickery.com/ Superdickery] features plenty of completely ridiculous (and fortunately, temporary) powers.
*** The worst case of which is a simple multiplication, which Supes calls "[http://superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=676:high-school-math-is-a-super-power-apparently&catid=36:stupor-powers-index&Itemid=38 Super-Mathematics]" ''while he gets the answer wrong''.
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== Web Original ==
* Aquerna, at [[Super -Hero School|Whateley Academy]] in the ''[[Whateley Universe]]''. Strength, quickness, leaping ability, and.. she can talk to squirrels (although some of the time this one is her ''best'' power).
** Makes sense once one considers that she gets her powers from a (possibly the) squirrel ''spirit''. She gets overshadowed by many of the flashier super-teens at the school, but it's actually a pretty neat and consistent package.
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[[Category:Flight Strength Heart]]