Forced Meme: Difference between revisions

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** ''[[Pokémon Black and White]]'''s Smugleaf: A Meme In the Making. [[Sarcasm Mode|Thanks, Kotaku.]]
* In ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', in response to the sudden popularity of the [[Ascended Extra|minor]] Horde character [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Varok]] [[Memetic Badass|Saurfang]] (due to the [[Chuck Norris]]-themed 'Facts' actually being [[Actually Pretty Funny|funny/awesome]]), many Alliance players attempted to use the same meme to promote Alliance minor heroes, in hopes of recreating the Saurfang phenomenon.
** To date, they have tried this for Bolvar Fordragon initially, then Magni Bronzebeard when that didn't catch on, then Varian Wrynn (... with ''[[Creator's Pet|disastarous]]'' results), then Magni's brother Muradin Bronzebeard, and nowthen with the upcoming expansion Cataclysm, this isit beingwas attempted again with Genn Greymane and [ Darius Crowley]. To date, none of these characters have actually caught on, despite many of them being generally likable (or at least tolerable) by the ''entire'' playerbase. Although it has resulted in Blizzard giving many of these characters, Bolvar in particular, more prominent roles in the story.<ref>[[Hilarious in Hindsight|Saying he could hold back the entire Scourge on his own is pretty much true now.]]</ref>
* With the release of ''[[Portal 2]]'', several attempts have been made to get something to catch on to be the next "The cake is a lie!". This has included "SPAAAAACE!", "I'm a potato!" and "combustible lemons". While they have caught on among ''Portal'' fans, none of them have manage to achieve the same widespread popularity. The most likely reason is simply because it couldn't possibly be just as unique and fresh as the original was - which was what amplified the popularity of those original memes.
** It could also be an attempt by the writers to make the memes of ''Portal 2'' to be not so popular as the cake meme due to how [[Creator Backlash|they got sick of everyone telling them how the cake is a lie.]]