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== Literature ==
* In [[Harry Potter]], Peter Pettigrew (aka Wormtail) was known as the quiet yet unassuming guy in the Marauders. Also the fact that he was killed supposedly by Sirius, yet nothing besides that. This trait is what made him trusted by Sirius with the Potter family secrets and {{spoiler|no one suspected that he and the rumor Death Eater spy are one and the same.}}
* In [[Blindsight]], the Captain iswas this trope. It's so bad that the protagonist treats this as a huge reveal that the Captain iswas in charge (It's no secret that the Captain iswas an AI, plus the protagonist is a walking [[Sherlock Scan|Sherlock Scanner]], who forgets the Captain's existance since it doesn't leave any clues).
* In [[Dragaera|Vlad Taltos]], Kragar iswas just utterly forgettable that no one will notice him, even though he's standing in the same room, speaking to them, and hasn't moved.
* In the novel, [[Nobody]] (By Jennifer Lynn Barnes), had the Nobodies, the titular group, needs a timer to remind them who they are looking for in case when one of them goes rogue. Since this trope is their biggest power and weakness.