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* In ''[[Marvel Zombies]]'', the zombies are attacking Doctor Doom's castle and the Scarlet Witch is infected by the Punisher. Gee, Scarlet Witch, did it never occur to you you could just teleport him and the other zombies away like you did with Ash earlier? Or teleport Enchantress away earlier so Dazzler wouldn't be infected? It is also never explained why Doom didn't just kill Enchantress in the beginning {{spoiler|like he did later}}.
* [[Green Lantern]]s [[Green Lantern Ring|have been variously shown as being able to warp time, move faster than light, contain supernovas, fight toe to toe with Superman, alter their own DNA, read minds, find subatomic aliens]]... Scratch that, if it's a superpower of any sort any given GL has used it at least twice. Now here's the thing. There are creatures other than Gods that bother them. Funny huh? It's somewhat justified in their case as their power require willpower and concentration to make anything happen. A GL who is having a bad day, is unfocused or demoralized will be less effective and the GL's are essentially human without their rings (or at least the human ones are.) Plus, their rings require a periodic recharge and anything yellow or anyone whose fast enough or crafty enough to remove a ring is a threat. Still, the idiot plot is somewhat less excusable in the case of veterans like Hal Jordan (or really, any of the Earth based GL's these days) as he is both experienced, and extremely strong willed.
* The chronic and widespread amnesia over the Iron Queen's [[Magitek]] is one of the main causes of the [[Idiot Plot]] that is The Iron Dominion Saga of ''[[Archies Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)|TheSonic Ironthe Dominion SagaHedgehog]]''; the Freedom Fighters are constantly clueless to the fact that their enemy can control machines with her mind, and wind up being shocked each time one of their cyborg or mechanical allies gets turned against them by her. They also keep forgetting that they have a counteragent to her spell ''right in their own backyard''. And in case you're wondering, there's actually a time in the saga where the Iron Queen ''herself'' forgets that she has this power, and has to be ''reminded'' that the Freedom Fighters are holed up in a [[Gray Goo]] city that she can manipulate...''after she successfully infiltrated and messed up said city with her powers''.
* Speaking of the [[Doctor Strange|Sorcerer Supreme]], he is repeatedly in situations where his virtually unlimited mystic abilities could resolve the plot, or at least make it much simpler. Alas, the good Doctor's imagination is often limited to that of those who write him.
** This was less of an issue during the time period that Strange had lost the mantle of the Sorcerer Supreme. He was still the go-to occult expert for the Avengers, but during that arc he no longer had the "virtually unlimited mystic abilities" that came with the title.
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'''Spike''': Why didn't you just use your magic to float the food down to the animals?
'''Trixie''': ''([[Head Desk|slams her head into the side of the tub]])'' }}
*:* This is also subverted in other places. Trixie's special talent is stage magic, so she's frequently frustrated when Spike asks her why she didn't do something ''Twilight'' (whose talent is magic itself) is capable of, but she's not.
== Films ==
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** Skeletor suffers from this a lot in both versions of the series. One big example was Faker. In the episode "The Shaping Staff" he somehow creates Faker out of thin air, Faker being a fully sapient duplicate of He-Man. One has to wonder why he never considered using such magic to create a whole army of evil clones if it was that easy to do so.
** In the 2002 series, the Snake Men retake Snake Mountain in all of five minutes, with Snake-Face using his powers to turn Skeletor's henchmen into stone with his gaze. However, when the Snake Men storm Greyskull later, Snake-Face, for some unfathomable reason, delays using this lethal ability until he goes up against He-Man, choosing to fight Mekanek with [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]. Say what? To drive home the point on how absurd this was, the comic book adaptation changed it, and he ''did'' use his gaze on Mek; fortunately, in this case, when [[Hoist by His Own Petard|his gaze was reflected back]] on him by He-Man and he got a taste of his own medicine, [[No Ontological Inertia|the effect on his victims wore off.]]
* In one episode of ''[[Sonic X]]'' where the setting is a jungle, Eggman tells Decoe and Becoe to go look for something to eat; both are reluctant to do so, as they’re afraid of the wildlife, and ask why Bokkun can’t do it. Eggman has to remind them that ''they'', unlike Bokkun and himself, are robots (as in, made of metal), and predators would not attack anything that is obviously inedible.
* This is lampooned in one episode of ''[[Xiaolin Showdown]]''. With Dojo has been striken by madness that strikes him every 600 years, he swallows the monks, Jack, and Wuya. Eventually, the monks find the two villains in Dojo's cavernous stomach, Jack being close to panic. Jack asks Wuya why she, being a spirit, can't just fly out; Wuya thinks about it, says "Good point", and does so... leaving Jack behind, much to his regret.