Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)/Characters/Two: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Atoner]]: His main motive for becoming Fuhrer is to ensure that nothing like Ishval ever happens again. According to Riza, {{spoiler|his ultimate goal would most likely lead to him getting tried and probably put in jail for what he did in Ishval, and he's just fine with that.}}
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: By far the most [[Badass]] member of his unit, {{spoiler|as well as the resistance he organized}}.
* [[Badass]]: Probably the most powerful of all the State Alchemists. Incinerated {{spoiler|Lust and curbstomped Envy}} with no effort, and he actually had to be injured twice {{spoiler|and Blinded in the Final Battle against Father}} [[Story -Breaker Power|to preserve]] [[Drama -Preserving Handicap|the drama]].
** [[Badass Bookworm]]: On the same vein with Ed.
** [[Badass Finger -Snap]]: His main attack.
** [[Badass in A Nice Suit]]: Less obviously than Kimblee, but he always wears either a uniform with a dress shirt underneath or a suit. The only exception is when he's in hospital.
** [[Badass Longcoat]]
** [[Colonel Badass]]
** {{spoiler|[[Four -Star Badass]]: At the very end of the manga.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Handicapped Badass]]}}: Temporarily. {{spoiler|He gets his sight back.}}
* [[Battle Couple]]/[[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: With Riza.
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* [[The Fettered]]: He refuses to back down even after his plan is {{spoiler|temporarily}} foiled by {{spoiler|Wrath}}, and his goal involves {{spoiler|getting himself tried for the war crimes he committed in Ishval}}. He won't sacrifice a life if he can help it, [[Thou Shalt Not Kill|including enemies' lives]], {{spoiler|and refuses to do Human Transmutation even when Hawkeye gets her throat slit.}}
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Tells Hughes not to talk about his loved ones in Ishval because "those characters always get shot in the next battle." He's referring to novels.
* [["Get Out of Jail Free" Card]]: Subverted ''hard'' when it is revealed {{spoiler|that he feels immensely guilty for [[My Greatest Failure|his actions in Ishval]]; being considered a war hero for committing mass murder sickens him and he actually ''wishes'' he was in jail for it.}}
* [[Good Looking Privates]]
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: He has a scar on the back of his hand from when he had to {{spoiler|cut a transmutation circle into it to kill Lust.}}
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* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Implied once in the manga. When he first sees Barry the Chopper put his hands on Riza (who clearly doesn't like it), Roy responds by pulling on his ignition gloves and telling her to stand aside because "there's going to be a ''fire'' tonight." It's noteworthy that the font of his speech bubbles changes for this scene, and he's shown to be literally growling.
* [[Guile Hero]]
** [[Hey, It's That Voice!|Oh]], [[Street Fighter|the irony]]! [[Bleach|So much]]!
* [[Handsome Lech]]: [[Obfuscating Stupidity|Subverted]], as the women he is seen with {{spoiler|are part of his hidden information system}}. Still, one of the novels implies that he thoroughly enjoys the company of the fairer sex even outside his information system. It's not as if he can be blamed, either, with working long hours in an environment that's 10% female at best.
* {{spoiler|[[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Happens during his battle with Envy. He was so consumed with his revenge, he started to lose sight on all of his goals and ambitions.}}
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: He has a brief one in the ''Brotherhood'' anime when Bradley {{spoiler|plays the [[Love Is a Weakness]] card and announces that he's making Riza his own personal assistant, essentially holding her hostage for Roy's good behavior.}} The poor guy's face turns ''gray''.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: Inverted. He's the only character whose mere presence is enough to constitute a deadly threat to the [[Hero -Killer|Homunculi]], making him a Hero Killer Killer.
* [[Hero With Bad Publicity]]: Especially after {{spoiler|the Maria Ross incident}}.
* [[How Dare You Die On Me!]]: He says something like this to {{spoiler|Hughes's grave after his funeral}}, and then later says it almost word-for-word to {{spoiler|Riza when her throat is cut}}. It's even closer to an exact quote in the ''Brotherhood'' anime.
{{quote| '''Roy:''' Don't you dare die! Stay with me, {{spoiler|Lieutenant}}!}}
* [[Hurting Hero]]
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* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: So very, ''very'' much. About the only way his [[Fan Service]] factor could be increased would be if he got as many [[Shirtless Scene|shirtless scenes]] as Ed.
* [[No Badass to His Valet]]: Yes, he's the powerful Flame Alchemist and even some of his allies are afraid of him. But his "precious subordinate" Riza has no qualms about sassing or even bullying him if the need arises, and he wouldn't dream of retaliating; the only time he's ever seen acting even remotely ''annoyed'' with her, it's because [[Death By Despair|she almost]] ''[[Death By Despair|died]]''.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: Delivers this to {{spoiler|Envy after admitting that he killed Maes Hughes.}}
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Though more like obfuscating perversion.
* [[One-Man Army]]: With his flame alchemy he can wipe out entire cities with a snap. Think what he can do to soldiers in formation.
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** Amusingly enough, Arakawa mentions in the third guidebook that she never intended him to be this way, despite the widespread fandom reaction. She states that he really isn't all that tall and although he's not bad looking, he isn't ravishingly handsome either. Most fandom estimates using Ed (the only canonical height ever given) as a baseline put him around or just under six feet.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Not that he actually ''needed'' to take one, but, {{spoiler|while he temporarily loses his eyesight, he also gains the ability to transmute without a circle. It can be assumed that, although he's recovered his sight, he retained this skill.}}
* [[Tricked -Out Gloves]]: They help him with his alchemy.
* [[Troubled but Cute]]
* [[Urban Legend Love Life]]: As a part of his [[Obfuscating Stupidity|facade]].
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** The guy took down a TANK. What a badass.
** Probably best shown late in the manga/Brotherhood. The Briggs men have won, while Bradley {{spoiler|had his train blown up in the middle of a bridge several episodes earlier, presumably killing him, and in any case leaving him missing in action. And then his voice, perfectly calm and even pleasant, is heard over the radio, telling them that now he's back, and he's rather displeased with what's been happening in his absence}}. The collective [[Oh Crap]] on the faces of ''everybody'' who heard the radio says it all.
** [[Four -Star Badass]]: In the backstory, and still as Commander-in-Chief of the Amestrian military.
* [[Bait the Dog]]: Even when there are a lot of hints to his sinister reputation, his seemingly quirky personality (i.e. giving people melons, dressing as a [[Hawaiian -Shirted Tourist]], etc.) makes him seem like a nice guy at first.
* {{spoiler|[[The Berserker]]: During his fight with Scar. Bradley knows he doesn't have to long to live, so he decides to go out with a bang.}}
* [[Blood Knight]]: {{spoiler|After Father summons his five sacrifices, Wrath (by now grievously injured by Ling Yao) is no longer needed, so he throws himself into one final battle against Scar.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Death By Irony]]: After saying several times that there is no such thing as God, the solar eclipse, the symbol of God in alchemy, plays an instrumental role in his defeat.}}
* [[Deep -Cover Agent]]: {{spoiler|Set up and molded by Father's conspiracy into the seeming savior of Amestris.}}
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: An omake in one of the manga volumes has him proudly proclaiming to like women with "junk in the trunk!", and having a face off with Mustang over the importance of which female anatomy is better.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: He often dual-wields and has been seen carrying up to four spare swords.
** [[Cutlass Between the Teeth]]: {{spoiler|Does this when both his arms are cut off before being defeated by Scar}}.
* [[Drama -Preserving Handicap]]: Bradley can ''still'' kick serious ass despite being out of his prime by a good degree.
** None of the other characters could actually beat him. In order for {{spoiler|Scar}} to even be on equal footing, Bradley had to be ''half dead''.
** If you think disabling his {{spoiler|Ultimate Eye}} will mean he's no longer a threat, think again.
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* [[Fragile Speedster]]: {{spoiler|ONLY in relation to the other Homunculi, as despite being insanely fast and strong, he's the only one who has no regenerative abilities. He can still take a lot of abuse, it's just that you only need to kill him once. As he himself explains to Mustang, he only has one soul inside of him, unlike the others.}}
* [[General Ripper]]: There's a scene in the flashback to the Ishval war in which an Ishvalan leader offered his life in exchange for ending the Amestrian genocide. Bradley mocks him for thinking he can set his life equal to those of everyone in his country, and orders that the genocide resume. {{spoiler|It's not for nothing that he's Wrath.}}
** [[Four -Star Badass]]: Not a particularly good kind.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Comparatively, since {{spoiler|he can't regenerate like his Homunculi brethren - he's a (somewhat) normal human defensively, so he only needs to be killed once. But...''good luck'' even coming close to hitting him, let alone killing him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]}}
* [[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!|Grandpa, What Massive Hotness You Have]]
* {{spoiler|[[Hero -Killer]]}}
* [[Historical Hero Upgrade]]: {{spoiler|After his death, the heroes can't risk exposing his crimes or true nature, as doing so could cause a war due to Bradley's good reputation. So they're forced to do this to him.}}
* [[Hollywood Atheist]]: He's not real sensitive about religion, ranting about how the Ishvalan genocide should have shown Scar that "there is no God in this world!"
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** [[Badass Long Hair]]: The Northern Wall has gorgeous long flowing blonde hair.
** [[Badass Normal]]: When pitted against her younger brother, [[Curb Stomp Battle|she wipes the floor with him]] despite not having any alchemic or superhuman powers herself.
** [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[Bishie Sparkle]]: Apparently the [[Bishie Sparkle]] has [[Running Gag|been passed down the Armstrong line for generations]].
* [[Black Sheep]]: Sort of.
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* [[Gun and Sword]]
* [[Ham to Ham Combat]]: With her brother.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Hot Chick With a Sword]]
** But DON'T try to ever call her pretty or feminine to her face.
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** [[Idiot Hair]]: That one fringe.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Do not mess with the man's friends or family.
* [[Bicep -Polishing Gesture]]
* [[The Big Guy]]: For Mustang's group. He's head and shoulders above ''everyone else'' in the military.
* [[Bishie Sparkle]]: [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] (and possibly [[Played for Laughs]]) in that he's not a [[Bishonen]]. He certainly is pretty, but not a ''[[Bishonen|pretty boy]]''.
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* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]: Seems to specialise in manipulating the earth's crust.
* [[Emotional Bruiser]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: A state alchemist is a genius by definition, and his alchemy happens to be [[Full -Contact Magic|more physical than most]]. You can even tell through his alchemy how much of a genius he is: all alchemical creations have slight cracks/lines on them that reveal their crafted nature. Major Armstrong's creations are ALWAYS blemish-free and expertly crafted, seeming sculpted rather than created. The man could sculpt Michelangelo's David with his fists of he wanted to.
* [[Gentle Giant]]
* [[Ham to Ham Combat]]: Whenever he and his sister are in a room together it becomes an escalating war of [[Feed Me]] lines. His battle with Isaac McDougal is another example.
* [[Heroic Build]]: And '''''[[Walking Shirtless Scene|FLAUNTING IT!!]]'''''
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: During the Ishval war.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Incoming Ham]]: "Stand '''BACK''' and prepare for a display of '''ARMSTRONG ALCHEMY!!'''"
** "''Impressive!'' You managed to '''dodge my alchemy so easily!'''"
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* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Power Fist]]: His hands in battle are encased in metal gauntlets, which have his transmutation circles etched into them. To transmute things, he punches them.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]: Arguably.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The red to Olivier's blue.
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: So much so that it seems strange to see him fully dressed.
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* [[Genius Bruiser]]: [[Word of God]] has that he's the third most intelligent character in the series. The two smarter than him? ''They're hundreds of years old.''
* [[Good Looking Privates]]:
* [[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: {{spoiler|A strange variation of it. Technically, he was already dead to begin with, but the moment Pride displays his hypocrisy in his beliefs, Kimblee becomes convinced that it's humans who are ultimately more deserving than the homunculi, and at that point weakens Pride enough for Ed to finish him off. Last we see of Kimblee is a nice big grin as he covers his eyes with his hat, and walks away in the torrent of souls to oblivion.}} It was ''[[Badass]]''.
* [[Hair Antennae]]: A ''very'' rare villainous example.
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: He's full of them, more so than even Father or the homunculi. He gives three of them during the Ishval campaign, the biggest being the one to Hawkeye and Mustang, explaining how they knew the risk when they put on the uniform, and that the only way they could honor those they killed was to remember them, since their victims would never forget what they did. He also gives one to Ed during their battle, Alphonse during ''their'' battle, and [[Shut UP, Hannibal|attempts to deliver them to]] Scar and Major Miles.
* [[Having a Blast]]: Causes anything--from buildings to the air around him--to become unstable, resulting in truly impressive explosions.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely|He Cleans Up Nicely]]: The first appearance of Kimblee in the series presents him as an unkempt prisoner. Fast forward, and he dresses up in a stylish suit.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: Came reeeeeally close to making this literal with Ed.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: He is, without question, a crazed [[Blood Knight]] [[Mad Bomber]]. He is also intelligent, truly admires and respects the Rockbells for their tenacity {{spoiler|even when assigned to kill some of them}}, protects Armstrong from military court martial, and generally demonstrates a certain [[Pet the Dog]] quality... often before, or even combined with, an even bigger [[Kick the Dog]] moment. [[Noble Demon]] he ain't.
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|The Philosopher's Stone he drops during his battle with Edward is picked up by one of the chimeras he abandoned for dead and delivered to Alphonse Elric, who uses it in their final battle with Kimblee, and with it eventually defeats him.}}
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* [[Jerkass Has a Point]]: Jerkass has ''a lot'' of points. Oh, and how.
* [[Just Following Orders]]: He follows the orders to commit the Ishvalan genocide without a second thought and he is disappointed when he sees others fail to do the same. Kimblee sees it as a soldier's job to follow orders, no matter what they may be.
* [[Know When to Fold 'Em]]: {{spoiler|Just as Scar was about to kill him, Kimblee breaks the rail between them so the train would continue without Scar riding. He voiced his obvious displeasure before doing so.}}
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: A rather chilling example of [[The Sociopath|sociopathy]].
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: {{spoiler|Scar assaults Kimblee with a pipe, wounding him near-fatally in the same place where Scar's brother was wounded because of Kimblee's attack.}}
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* [[Photographic Memory]]: As Scar points out after meeting him for the second time, Kimblee's memory is frighteningly accurate.
* [[Power Tattoo]]: Has the circles needed for his trademark explosions tattooed on his palms.
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]
* [[Slasher Smile]]: Very frequently.
* [[Social Darwinist]]
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* {{spoiler|[[More Than Meets the Eye]]: For more on Selim, just take a gander at Pride's entry.}}
* [[Tareme Eyes]]/[[Tsurime Eyes]]: {{spoiler|Physical eye difference from Selim to Pride.}}
* [[Theme Naming]]: He shares his name with [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Selim_I:Selim I|an Ottoman sultan]] famed for his conquests. Makes sense for the führer's son.
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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: Buccaneer's "Crocodile" automail arm.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: Olivier comments that means mourning isn't needed.}}
* [[Twinkle Smile]]: He's probably got the ''biggest'' smile in the series, shown after Olivier extends their time limit in the tunnel to save who they can.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Buccaneer/Baccania.
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* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Alternately Schieska, Scheska, Ścieżka.
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: Other characters have alchemy, great shooting skills or control over fire. She can memorize anything she reads, and reproduce it exactly.
** Forms something of a [[New Powers As the Plot Demands]] situation -- she's only introduced after the library burns down and her ability is actively needed to help Ed and Al with their quest.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: After being drafted by Hughes to help restore the lost library books, she's pretty much never seen again.