Game Breaker/Video Games/Turn-Based Strategy: Difference between revisions

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** [ Smoke grenades] are remarkably effective at decreasing the aliens' initial advantage; just drop it at the foot of the transport's ramp, before leaving, and the chances of the aliens' reaction fire hitting the redshirts drops drastically. [ Proximity grenades] are sworn by for many players to mine UFO exits and buildings aliens might be hiding in. Both together are a potent combination, especially if you've mined a Zombie that turns into a Chrysalid.
* Not to mention ''X-Com Apocalypse'''s Toxigun. An insanely powerful weapon that costs just a pair of APs per shot to fire and completely surpasses the aliens' Disruptor Shields. After researching this and the Personal Teleporter, the game pretty much turns into administering point-blank euthanasia shots to the aliens. Even more ridiculously overpowered Alien Gas Grenades and Alien Gas Rockets are available late in the game, provided you manage to {{spoiler|capture the Alien Queen live}}. The [[Teleporters and Transporters|Personal Teleporter]] allows you to instantly teleport your soldiers anywhere on the map, and it is not uncommon to [[Single-Stroke Battle|win the mission on the first turn]] considering that your soldiers are likely [[Person of Mass Destruction|people of mass destruction]] by the time you research this item.
** [[Spiritual Successor|Spiritual Successors]] ''[[UFO: AfterblankAfter Blank|UFO: Aftermath]]'' and ''Aftershock'' had warp weapons. Subverting the previously established player knowledge of armor=longevity, warp weapons inflict ''greater'' damage if the target is wearing armor. Devastating when first encountered, when the weapons are reverse-engineered by the player, they become the single most devastating weapon in the game, capable of one-shot killing ''anything'', as enemies are ''always'' wearing heavy armor at that point. Greatly toned down in ''UFO: Afterlight'', as the player only gets two warp weapons, with six shots each that can't be recharged during a mission and low base accuracy.
*** ''UFO: Aftershock'' has psionics with level 3 sniper, using the .50 calibre rifle with accuracy add-on and accuracy boosting psi-gear has a 1.1 - 110% chance of a torso hit. A headshot is merely 100% chance of instantly killing the standard mutant or [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|Wargot]]. Also you can field a whole team of these girls, and depending on the status of your install the accuracy aura buffs may stack. Gets more insane if you give them Katanas against [[Butt Monkey|Wargots]] in room-to-room combat...
*** Even against enemies that could take multiple headshots and survive, a called shot to the head is considered a critical hit and topples the target over (there are enemies with "knock back resistance" ability but they are not common). Guess how much time it takes to stand up? Approximately same amount as making another called shot. If there is another enemy between sniper and target, then there is chance of hitting the enemy blocking vision, and if this happens, that enemy will be critically hit as if it was intended target of called shot, even if it is impossible to make called shot on that enemy. Very effective against mutants and Starghost combat drones.
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