Gears of War/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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'''Anya''': You ''what''?}}
* [[Inferred Holocaust]]: {{spoiler|Collateral damage caused by The Lightmass Bomb after ''Gears of War''. The bomb evaporated a lot of the Imulsion in the Locust tunnels; on the surface, it causes a fatal disease called "rustlung"}}.
* [[It Is's the Same, Now It Sucks]]: ''Gears of War 2'' had some complaints because much of the preview footage was showcasing the enhanced visuals, with everything else having the same weapon selection. It wasn't until they started showcasing the new features that quite a few people quieted down, particularly a demonstration of the new weapons, chainsaw duels and using ''[[Meat Shield|meat shields]]''.
* [[Memetic Badass]] (It's ''[ Carmine]!'')
** There are four [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse]] and four Carmine brothers. Not a coincidence.
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