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[[File:Get_hold_of_yourself_3329Get hold of yourself 3329.jpg|link=Green Lantern|frame|[[As the Good Book Says...]]: "[[The Bible|Turn the other cheek]]".]]
{{quote|''"When a man strays from the right path, a kind man needs the courage to raise his fist and correct him."''|'''Jamil Neate''', ''[[Gundam X]]''}}
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Might overlap with the [[Dope Slap]]. May also be used on a [[Hysterical Woman]]. Similar in spirit, but not so much in execution, to [[Don't Make Me Take My Belt Off]]. Compare with [[Quit Your Whining]], in which it is verbal, but this trope can be used to "spicen" it up. If you need to lay a full-on beating to snap someone out of it, see [[Beat the Curse Out of Him]].
The ''[[Myth Busters]]'' tested a myth based on this trope and found that -- atthat—at least when dealing with someone who's merely tired and frazzled rather than suffering from a more serious condition -- acondition—a slap to the face ''does'' help the slapped person to focus on the task at hand and perform better. Apparently the idea is to invoke the 'fight or flight' response by temporarily boosting adrenaline and related hormones. Nevertheless, it should be applied with extreme caution, as [[It Got Worse|smacking someone who's already suffering can easily do more harm than good.]]
For reassembling after destruction, see [[Pulling Themselves Together]]. Also not to be confused with [[A Date with Rosie Palms]].
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=== Other examples: ===
== Fan Fiction ==
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** This was parodied during the extensive ''Patton'' movie pastiche in ''[[The Simpsons]]'' episode "Bart the General". Bart does it, but Grampa scolds him:
{{quote|'''Grampa:''' You can push them out of a plane, you can march them off a cliff, you can send them off to die on some God-forsaken rock, but for some reason you can't slap them.}}
* [[Myth Busters]] tested this trope on their December 22nd22, 2010 episode. Their result? ''Confirmed''. While not up to control, all three testers did better in practical tests when frazzled and then slapped than when unslapped.
** At least when the subject isn't suffering from PTSD, as above.
*** Depends, if the subject is already in a situation which can trigger a psychosis episode, it can actually snap them out of it. Largely due to the endorphins that get released from the sudden shock.
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