Ginger Snaps/YMMV

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  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The Gun in "Unleashed"
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: In Unleashed, "Lesbian?"
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel
  • Hollywood Homely: Played straight and averted; while it's obvious that different clothes and a little makeup will make Ginger extremely attractive (which is exactly what happens), Bridgette is, and remains, convincingly dowdy.
    • The film never tries to pass off Ginger as unattractive, she has boys expressing interest in her right from the beginning, even before she starts dressing in a more provocative and outgoing fashion.
    • Bridgette does look considerably sexier in the sequel, despite being even more unkempt and tired-looking (no mean feat). This is likely do to a combination of growing out of her awkward phase, hormones from the virus and the fact that, with Ginger only appearing in a few scenes due to the unfortunate handicap of being dead, the audience needed more eye-candy.
          • In the commentary for 'Unleashed,' the director reveals that they had initially planned for Bridgette to look just as dowdy and unimpressive as the first movie. However, because so much of the film involves her going through various states of Body Horror, they relented to Emily Perkin's request to look prettier in the first couple scenes.
    • They do a very good job of making Emily Perkins (Bridgette) look unattractive though, when you consider just how gorgeous she is in real life.
  • Tear Jerker: The first film, so much. Maybe the others too.
  • The Woobie: Brigitte