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The portrayal of sixties hippie culture is limited. Tellingly, political protest and music are scarcely mentioned. It works best as a critique of the hedonistic excesses of the movement. As a "warning work" it has similarities to ''[[Requiem for a Dream]]''. It has a similar theme of disenchanted youth going off the rails as is found in ''[[The Catcher in The Rye]]''.
==== If you are looking for the trope that used to have this name, please see [[Alice Allusion]]. ====
=== ''[[Go Ask Alice]]'' provides examples of these tropes: ===
* [[Alice Allusion]]: In relay: the book is named from "White Rabbit", a song by the contemporary psychedelic band [[Jefferson Airplane]] who in turn saw drug imagery in ''[[Alice in Wonderland]]''. Carla in the novel also wonders if [[Lewis Carroll]] was on drugs when he wrote it.
* [[Anonymous Author]]: Or published as such, at any rate.