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''[ The Off Track]'' by Aoi Umi
* Recommended by [[Solandra]]
* ''Pairing(s)'': Shuichi/Yuki
* ''Synopsis'': Shuichi and Yuki go on a trip to America. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
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''[ Shooting Stars]'' by Chained Dove
* Recommended by [[Solandra]], Raserei Hojo
* ''Pairing(s)'': Tohma/Eiri is the underlying one. There is also one-sided Ryuichi/Tohma, Sakano/Tohma, and Mika/Tohma. Well, and Tetsuya/Noriko.
* ''Synopsis'': Tohma Seguchi has had an eventful life, from the formation of Nittle Grasper to his interactions with Eiri to the later tragedies that ensue.
* ''Comments'': The best Nittle Grasper backstory you will find. Period. Noriko isn't pushed into the background, Ryuichi is developed beyond the [[Genius Ditz]] stereotype, and Tohma... let's just say that you'll understand all too well how he could have gone from the person at the start of the fic to the person he has become by the canon timeline. Sadly, it's a [[Dead Fic]], but there are more than enough chapters to get a sample of beautiful writing and characterization. Not to mention the extensive [[Emotional Torque]] -- ''no one'' is going to look at Tohma the same way again after reading this fic.
''[ Spin]'' and ''[ Dizzy]'' by Hawk Cloud
* Recommended by [[Solandra]]
* ''Pairing(s)'': Tatsuha/Ryuichi, with Shuichi/Yuki on the background
* ''Synopsis'': Tatsuha finally gets the chance to meet his idol... but it isn't exactly what he imagined it to be.
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Ralphiere's [ LiveJournal "30 Kisses" challenge]
* Recommended by [[Solandra]]
* ''Pairing(s)'': Shuichi/Yuki
* ''Synopsis'': Ralphiere's collection of her Shuichi/Yuki stories written for the [[Live Journal]] "30 Kisses" challenge, covering a broad range of fluff, humor, angst, and smut.
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''[ The Price of Fame]'' by X-parrot
* Recommended by [[Solandra]]
* ''Pairing(s)'': Shuichi/Yuki with mentions of Hiro/Ayaka
* ''Synopsis'': In the author's own words: "Shuichi is educated in educated in superstardom, hotel mattresses, and the wisdom of pink bunnies."
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''[ The One Who Makes Him Smile]'' by Moon71
* Recommended by [[Solandra]]
* ''Pairing(s)'': Shuichi/Yuki, one-sided Yuki/Ayaka, Hiro/Ayaka
* ''Synopsis'': Ayaka's perspective on the events that led her to meet her fiance, his lover, and her second love.
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''[ Insomnia]'' by peroxidepest17
* Recommended by [[Solandra]]
* ''Pairing(s)'': Shuichi/Yuki
* ''Synopsis'': Yuki can't sleep. It has everything to do with being in a foreign country and suffering from sexual deprivation. It has absolutely nothing to do with <s>Sh</s> things he couldn't care less about. Really.
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* ''Comments'': Yes, you read that right, Taki/Shuichi. The story's a little AU-ish in that Taki, though still a prick, is not Shuichi's rapist but rather Yuki's rival for the singer's hand. Novel-length and humorous.
== [[Humor]] ==
''[ Wild Kissing Night]''
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