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{{quote|"The kids in the audience were stunned. There was almost complete silence. The movie had stopped being delightfully scary about halfway through, and had become unexpectedly terrifying."|'''[[Roger Ebert]]''', on ''[[Night of the Living Dead]]''.}}
|'''[[Roger Ebert]]''', on ''[[Night of the Living Dead]]''.}}
Say you're watching that new thriller that everyone's been talking about. You've heard nothing but praise for its uncompromising brutality, [[Emotional Torque]], and ability to mess with the audience, but so far nothing you've seen gives even a remote indication of why--
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* In the ''[[Kuroshitsuji (manga)|Kuroshitsuji]]'' manga, there is the time when after some events that were already horrible on their own, Ciel goes into [[Heroic BSOD]] and {{spoiler|orders Sebastian to burn a group of innocent children alive instead of rescuing them as planned. Sebastian obeys.}}
== Fan FicWorks ==
* The last book in the ''[[Tamers Forever Series]]'': ''Silent Sorrow'' takes this trope [[Up to Eleven]].
* The [[Spice Girls]] FIC, ''[[How Can It This Be]]'', goes for it thanks to [[Archangel Raphael]]. On the side, he and along some of the other known archangels [[One of Us|happens to be fans]].