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* [[Audience Participation]]: Increasingly, Ethan and Hila have taken to being more personal with their own fanbase and often ask for suggestions on what stuff to cover.
* [[Badass Israeli]]: Hailing from Israel, Hila served in the IDF through conscription. Though she states that she was mainly doing desk jobs, her military training still surfaces occasionally.
* [[Bait and Switch Comment]]/[[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Lampshaded and Parodied in ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqgtVpD328o Ethan Joins a 90s Boy Band]''. The song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhv6gipA3dc "Get Down"] by B4-4, reviewed in the video, has the line "I'm gonna make you come tonight.. over to my house." Ethan parodies it by extending the pause between the lines to make it extremely awkward to Hila.
** Discussed when Ethan is talking with music producer (and [[The Cameo|guest]]) [https://youtube.com/user/schmoyoho Schmoyoho] for boy band song ideas:
{{quote|'''Ethan''': So this is important, too: a lot of sexual innuendo. "I wanna make you come... over to my house." Right? So it's like... It's like "Yes, I wanna fuck you, but since dad's also listening to this song, I just wanna have you over dinner."}}
:* Parodied again in Ethan and Schmoyoho's finished song: "I'm gonna make you jizz...[[A Worldwide Punomenon|cuzzi]] with me tonight."
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Hila, who's usually the cameraman, comes across as demure and shy at times. But every now and then, [[Badass Israeli|her past in the IDF]] becomes evident, which can come across as jarring.
* [[Berserk Button]]:
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* [[Catch Phrase]]:
** "We've got goofs, gaffs and we've got laughs."
** "It was a romp, a riot and a laugh." (with variations)
** "Come on, dude."
* [[Culture Clash]]: Occasionally pops up, especially if a video involves Ethan explaining some American custom or tradition to the Israeli-born Hila.
* [[Chekov's Gun]]: Discussed in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUsQXymovS0 his review] of Jack and Jill, when [[Adam Sandler]]'s character meets the Mexican sleeping janitor, and Ethan expects him to be a character, not a one-off "joke." After all, "if you hang a gun, you gotta use it."
* [[Conspiracy Theories]] Parodied in ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onXbATmL--8 Jews Did 9/11 PROVEN]'', a revisit of [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCMdvOeGA-8 an earlier video], where Ethan looked at a YouTube channel blaming Jews for various tragedies.
* [[Culture Clash]]: Occasionally pops up, especially if a video involves Ethan explaining some American custom or tradition to the Israeli-born Hila.
* [[Determinator]]: The channel itself has faced more than its share of threats and lawsuits over time. Ethan and Hila however, keep pushing through.
* [[Discredited Trope]]: In ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0Cxt1pReMs Two Handed Great Sword]'', Ethan considers the [[Master Swordsman]] this:
{{quote|'''Ethan''': I have to ask, dude: Are you aware of what year it is? People don't walk around in swords anymore, dude! People don't use swords in fights anymore, it's not- (beat) (to Hila) Do you think he knows that? [[Wrong Genre Savvy|I'm not sure if he knows that]].}}
:* In [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjtiX4Gv6m4 his reaction to ''KILLING BEST FRIEND PRANK''], Ethan considers prank videos to be dead.
* [[Dramatic Reading]]: Ethan read other contestants' profiles in ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4JCF01NR6s WE WON A TRIP TO MEET DJ KHALED (apparently)]''.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: The first videos on the channel look decidedly basic and featured more conventional attempts at comedy from Ethan.
* [[Epic Fail]]: Some of the stuff h3h3 covers tend to stop short of whatever they're aiming for and land into this instead.
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{{quote|'''Ellen Sirot''': For me, an injury really would mean—a paper cut or a broken nail or a little bruise, something mundane to you—would be a disaster for me.
'''Ethan''': A disaster. 'A paper cut?' ''What a fuckin' disaster!'' '''"OOOHHH!''' ''A paper cut again?!'' Call my manager, Chris, '''I can't use the fucking phone, dude! I can't do anything!''' ''Chris, call my manager, tell him to- to cancel all my appointments for the next year.''" (loud cough)}}
* [[Mood Dissonance]]: ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onXbATmL--8 Jews Did 9/11 PROVEN]'', during one video Ethan is watching, a "high-energy" [[Trance]] track plays with footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center.
* [[Narcissist]]/[[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Parodied in ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkIpwHn5AEE The Hand Model]'':
{{quote|'''Ethan''': I've never seen someone stroking themselves in admiration. 'I am literally the perfect human being.'}}
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:* In [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgjhpCj_yRI The Water Project], Ethan and Hila read from the Diamond Water packaging and recognise the reference to [[Rihanna]]'s "Diamond" ("Live healthy. Shine bright.")
* [[Speaking, Like, Totally Teen]]: The host in the [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPCDoANDkl4 How to Clean Your Gamer Gear video] tries ''so'' hard to be [[Totally Radical]] in what amounts to a glorified infomercial aimed at gamers, peddling canned ''air'' that it's cringeworthy to watch in action.
** ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKeew-cVijE When the Cringe is Too Strong -- BORN MOBILE]'', from [http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2414112,00.asp Qualcomm's keynote at CES 2013], has much worse teen speak, such as "How do you do, fellow kids?", "OMG!" and "FUEGO!" Ethan and Hila couldn't believe their eyes the entire time.
* [[Take That]]: To [[Jeff Dunham]] in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cej-tUlnJ8U the video] which introduced the grotesque Jeff Dunnie Fuck Doll.
{{quote|'''Ethan''': ''(listening to his doll)'' What was that? ''(slams puppet into the sofa, slapping and punching it in the face'') SHUT UP, JEFF DUNHAM!}}
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* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: For Ethan, Pepsi Max. From the vlog [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiBx-UNMdNg Post office adventure]:
{{quote|'''Ethan''': They'd better start paying me, dude. I've been slinging this shit for years, man.}}
:* Subverted in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDFyOla--zc?t=2m50s BFF Test]. It's now Diet Cherry Cola, although Pepsi Max does appear in more recent videos.
* [[True Art Is Incomprehensible]]: Parodied and lampooned in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7ez-gIt08I this video on modern art] and how it tends to [[Viewers are Morons|treat audiences like idiots]].
* [[Verbal Tic]]:
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** [[Defied]] in the channel itself. Ethan is very vocal about not treating his audience like "fucking idiots" or "little babies" when it comes to links.
* [[What Happened To The Mouse]]: Sean, a friend of the couple who's also helped run h3h3, hasn't really been seen as of late. It's explained that he stayed behind in Israel while Ethan and Hila returned to America. [[The Bus Came Back|And then]], he came back in a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYljaRS7g64 recent video] from Ethan and Hila's trip to Israel.
* [[The Wiki Rule]]: The [http://h3h3.wikia.com/wiki/H3h3_Wiki H3h3 Wiki] on [[Wikia]].
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Ethan and Hila tend to also ''recommend'' some of the people they react to. Not necessarily because they agree with them but rather out of good faith.
** This can sometimes have hilarious consequences, like the host of How to Clean Your Gamer Gear playfully owning up to the lunacy of it years after it was made thanks to the h3h3 video.