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See also [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]. See [[Patchwork Map]] for when this occurs in the overworld.
== [[Video GamesGame]] Examples ==
* Named for the stage of the same name in ''[[Banjo-Kazooie|Banjo-Tooie]]'', which was one half [[Lethal Lava Land]], the other half [[Slippy-Slidey Ice World]]. It's pretty reasonable given that fire (volcanoes) and ice (snow cover) are both associated with mountain terrain. (For added difficulty, you get turned into a snowball in the Ice side, and then must return to the Fire side while in this form to accomplish an objective. Have fun with that.)
** When you go to [[Cloudcuckooland]], you can look down and see the ice mountain and the lava mountain. There is no explanation for the two zones being right next to each other.
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** Floria in ''Milky Way Wishes'' in [[Kirby Super Star]] has four different levels connected by doors (winter, summer, fall, and spring). Likewise, the technically final planet, Halfmoon, is an unusual mixture of [[Space Zone]] and [[Jungle Japes]].
** In ''[[Kirby Mass Attack]]'', several stages in Sandy Canyon are a rather contradictory combination of [[Temple of Doom]] and [[Eternal Engine]].
* ''[[Guild Wars]]'' has two. Shing Jea Island is an Eastern-looking [[Green Hill Zone]]/Slippy Slidey Ice World, and the Maguuma Jungle is a wasteland filled with red rocks, [[Jungle Japes]], and [[Bubblegloop Swamp]].
* Happens in the [[Shoot'Em Up]] ''[[Tyrian]]''. In Episode 4, you are required to go [[Lethal Lava Land|into a planet's core]] to stop the bad guys from [[The End of the World as We Know It|turning it into a sun]]. Once you do so, the planet's core starts cooling down rapidly, and you have to [[Slippy-Slidey Ice World|get out of there via an ice passage]] or freeze to death.
* The ''[[Neverwinter Nights]]'' expansion Hordes of The Underdark has Cania, the eight plane of hell, which is a frozen wasteland with rivers of lava. The characters even point out the physical impossibility of this, and that it must be supernatural. In fact, it goes a bit deeper than that; the rivers of lava flow through the ice ''because'' it's impossible. The arbitrary landscape is designed to torture the mind.
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' has a few of these, as if its patchwork geography weren't already schizoid enough. The icy continent of Northrend is home to Sholazar Basin, a tropical forest preserved by Titanic magic. There's a spot in the east called the Avalanche where the Titans' defenses are broken and the snows of Icecrown are invading it. Un'goro Crater in southern Kalimdor is a similar example—a tropical jungle sandwiched between two deserts and preserved by the Titans. The world PvP area of Wintergrasp is even more of a mishmash, featuring a jungle plateau and a volcanic caldera amid ice, water, and snow. Similarly, Dragonblight has the dragonshrines, microcosms of life, nature, and fire in the snowy wasteland. In all of these cases, [[A Wizard Did It]], explicitly.
** Blackfathom Depths fuses [[Under the Sea]] with [[Temple of Doom]] and Wailing Caverns fuses [[Underground Level]] with [[Prehistoria]].
* Mt Here and There in ''[[Graffiti Kingdom]]'', which is a big mountain, with a white line drawn drown the middle. The two halves are nearly identical, and the only necessary rooms are the ones that have fire AND ice, meaning it actually functions as two versions of the same level.
* This could arguably apply to many ''Doom'' levels, Which were built to look like techno-bases, but slowly turn into hellish architecture by the presence of the demons.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XII]]'' featured the Giza Plains. Initially a dry plains, full of deserty enemies much like the deserts that surround the other sides of Rabanastre, but when the rains come it turns into a lush swampy region with much tougher, more aquatic styled enemies. Although the "seasons" in Giza start out locked and change only by advancing the plot, midway through the game or so, they start cycling every hour (which is handy since there are certain tasks that can only be completed in one season or the other, and at least one which requires returning during the different seasons).
* ''[[Scribblenauts]]'' has a volcano-y and snowy peaks area in the first half of the game.
** This being ''Scribblenauts'', you're also perfectly capable of conjuring a snowman in the volcanic area or a volcano in the tundra.
* ''[[Nethack]]'': The Valkyrie Quest has both lava and ice in the same map. Explained as the result of Fire Giants invading the naturally frosty Valkyrie homeland.
* ''[[Loco Roco]]'' has Jaojab which alternates between yellow [[Mayincatec]] areas and green [[Jungle Japes]] areas.
* The [[Katamari Damacy]] - esque wii game [[The Munchables]] features one in it's last stages. It's actually a frozen island and a volcano cut in half and sawed togheter like Dr. Frankenstein's resort.
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* The Colombia Temple Ruins level in ''[[Soldier of Fortune]] II'' is a [[Jungle Japes|jungle level]] with a [[Mayincatec]] [[Temple of Doom]].
* In ''[[Dragon Quest VI]]'', the cave before Murdaw's keep starts as a [[Lethal Lava Land]], then you climb up stairs and you find yourself in a watery cave.
* The ''[[StarCraft II]]'' map editor allows easy combination of any type of terrain, allowing a few unusual maps like [http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/ICCup_Testbug testbug] to come out.
* ''Super [[Monday Night Combat]]'' features Moco Loco Arena, which is situated on a remote island featuring an active volcano on one side and a snowy alp on the other. This is all just window dressing, since actual gameplay doesn't involve either, though it's thematically significant—the two sides of the island represent the two sides of the conflict, the Hotshots and the Icemen.
* ''[[Snailiad]]'' has two:
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* World 4 in ''[[Something]]'' is a desert/ice world. One of its levels is "So Sand or Snow?", where Mario can use pipes to switch between the desert and ice halves.
== AnimeNon-Video andGame MangaExamples ==
=== Anime and Manga ===
* The first New World island the Straw Hats visit in ''[[One Piece]],'' Punk Hazard, is half-fire, half-ice. On one side, you have a sea of boiling red water, dragons, and volcanoes. On the other half, a mountain of ice and snow storms, separated from the fire half only by a large lake. {{spoiler|That's because [[An Ice Person|Aokiji]] and [[Magma Man|Akainu]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|fought there two years ago]].}}
=== [[Literature]] ===
* The high score is currently held by the Keep of the Four Worlds in Roger Zelazny's Amber series: Lava, an ocean, mountains, and a dusty plain with never-ending tornadoes, with the castle at the place where all four intersect.
.=== [[Tabletop RPG]] ===
* The Elemental Chaos of the ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' 4 ed. is a place where the laws of physics can be a bit screwy (you can have oceans made out of lightning), so places like those described in the trope are not unheard of. Furthermore, there are actual creatures that embody this trope, being lava-ice creatures.
=== [[Web Comics]] ===
* [http://www.reallifecomics.com/archive/021204.html This strip] from ''[[Real Life Comics]]'' is a perfect example.
* In ''[[Homestuck]]'', all the planets in the medium are described from two characteristics. Dave's planet, "Land of [[Lethal Lava Land|Heat]] and [[Eternal Engine|Clockwork]]", falls under this trope.
=== [[Real Life]] ===
* [[wikipedia:Mount Erebus|Mount Erebus]] in Antarctica is a lava lake surrounded by snow and ice.
* Iceland - most recently, the volcanic eruptions in Spring 2010 in a glacial area, providing some [http://www.flickr.com/photos/yahooeditorspicks/galleries/72157623855495574/ stunning pictures].
* Yellowstone, particularly in the winter.
* Desserts that are usually served hot (like Apple Pie or Chocolate Lava Cake) then topped with ice cream rely on this dynamic and are best eaten IMMEDIATELY''immediately'' to get the full effect.
* In winter, most active volcanoes whose crater is above the snowline are like this.
* Hawaii's Big Island is home to just about every clime in the book. From a desert made of miles and miles of black rock, to mountaintops with occasional snow, to a rainforest (where Kona Coffee's coffee plantation is found), to more temperate zones, and of course an active volcano. The Big Island has been described as having every climate in the book, except for arctic tundra.