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* [[Cool Old Lady]]: For someone presumably old enough to remember the Great Depression, Grandma Gilmore is surprisingly keen on who Gene Simmons and Brooke Shields are.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: Professional golf events don't take place over the course of one day as Happy's early tournaments do, nor is it common for a player pairing to endure for all four days as the final tournament's pairing does. It isn't likely that Happy and Shooter would've been paired for '''all four days''' of a tournament. However, these aren't PGA tournaments.
{{quote| '''Shooter''': [[Lampshade Hanging|Damn you people, this is]] '''golf!'''}}
** After running down Happy, Donald crashes his Beetle into a broadcasting tower and the front compartment goes up in a puff of smoke and fire. Trouble is, a Volkswagen Beetle's engine compartment is in the ''back''.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: Happy, to his grandmother.
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** [[Watsonian Versus Doylist|So he could find out about Happy's Grandma's predicament.]]
* [[Funny Background Event]]: While Virginia and the tour commissioner are discussing Happy, [http://youtu.be/8qaAKxJp0EM?t=2m3s Happy can be heard on the TV in the background swearing up a] ([[Cluster Bleep Bomb|bleeped]]-[[This Trope Is Bleep|out]]) storm.
{{quote| '''Happy''': [[Punctuated for Emphasis|Piece! Of! Monkey]][[This Trope Is Bleep|sh*bleep*]]!}}
* [[Good Colors, Evil Colors]]: In Happy Gilmore's [[Imagine Spot|"Happy Place"]], Virginia is usually wearing white underwear. But when Shooter invades the dream sequence, her underwear is black.
* [[Gretzky Has the Ball]]: Semi-averted; they ''do'' mention that one can take a drop with a two-stroke penalty, but neither Shooter nor Happy does (Shooter would be hitting a ball off a patron's ''shoe'', and Happy would be putting over a fallen broadcaster's tower that winds up amazingly like a mini-golf hole).
* [[Grievous Bottley Harm]]: Happy threatens Shooter with it, but Virginia stops Happy before he can.
{{quote| '''Happy:''' Yeah, I was just looking for the other half of this bottle, and-- oh, here's some! There's some... over there, too.}}
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Happy.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Chubbs.
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* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy|I Want My Grandson To Be Happy]]: When Happy flounders in the final tournament thanks to Shooter's chiding that not even his [[Happy Place]] helps with. His grandmother finally breaks him out of it by telling him whether he wins or lose she just wants him to be happy. This calms him down enough to focus and make a comeback.
* [[Insult Backfire]]: A truly epic example:
{{quote| '''Shooter''': I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.<br />
'''Happy''': You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?<br />
'''Shooter''' (''panicked''): ...No! }}
* [[It Got Worse]]: Happy watches his grandmother's house get auctioned off. The winner? {{spoiler|1=Shooter McGavin.}}
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* [[Mentor Occupational Hazard]]: {{spoiler|Chubbs, who dies from a combination of fright and a long fall.}}
* [[Metaphorgotten]]:
{{quote| '''Happy''' (''to his golf ball, after barely missing a putt''): You son of a bitch ball -- why don't you just go home?! That's your home! Are you too good for your home?! Answer me!}}
* [[Moral Dissonance]]: Bob Barker has absolutely [[No Sympathy]] for Happy, even though it should be clear as day to him that ''Donald'' is responsible for Happy's screwing up.
* [[Morality Chain]]: Happy's grandmother is his defining moral point — her being in trouble is what sparks the whole plot off, and Happy rejects anything that will cause her harm in some way.
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* [[The Obi-Wan]]: Chubbs. The reason why he's [[The Mentor]] and not [[The Hero]] is better justified than in many stories. In golf, missing a hand [[Incredibly Lame Pun|is a large handicap]].
* [[Oh Crap]]: Shooter's reaction to Mr. Larson's threat after he has to play it where it lies...off Mr. Larson's foot.
{{quote| '''Mr. Larson''': That's two thus far, Shooter.<br />
'''Shooter McGavin''': Oh, you can count. Good for you.<br />
'''Mr. Larson''': And ''you'' can count...on ''me'', waiting for you in the parking lot!<br />
(''crowd "oooo"s in surprise while Shooter runs away, followed by someone in the crowd mockingly calling "Run Shooter!"'') }}
** Arguably an even better example between the two:
{{quote| '''Mr. Larson''': Trying to reach the green from here, Shooter?<br />
'''Shooter McGavin''': That's not possible, sir.<br />
'''Mr. Larson''': I beg to differ; Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat, no more than an hour ago.<br />
'''Shooter McGavin''': Well, MORON...(''turns around'') good for Happy (''sees Larson'') Gilm-OHMY''GOD!'' }}
** The look on Shooter's face when Mr. Larson bends his 9-iron is also priceless.
* [[Only a Flesh Wound]]: Happy is hit with a car. The only loss he suffers is his ability to hit the long drive; he quickly shrugs off his injuries and is able to win the tournament.
{{quote| '''Doctor''': Well, you're a little banged up but no serious injuries. Just keep off your feet for a few days. <br />
'''Happy''': To Hell with that, I gotta finish up. <br />
'''Doctor''': [[Lampshade Hanging|Fine! Do whatever you like. What would I know, I'm just a Doctor.]] }}
* [[Place Worse Than Death]]: The retirement home where Happy leaves his grandmother.
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* [[Running Gag]]: Lee Trevino looking at Happy forlornly and shaking his head.
** A twist later on though.
{{quote| '''Shooter''': You, beat me, at golf? Yeah right, and [[Critical Research Failure|Grizzly Adams had a beard]].<br />
'''Trevino''': (''interjecting'') [[Grizzly Adams]] ''did'' have a beard. }}
* [[Sir Swearsalot]]: The TV censors can barely keep up with Happy.