Harry Potter/Headscratchers/Other: Difference between revisions

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* Why exactly are Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans popular at all? Regular companies without magic can create candy that tastes like vomit or earwax but don't. Why? Because no one wants to eat something that tastes like that. Companies make candies that people actually want to taste like chocolate and cherry. Admittedly there are people who like mouth-watering candies that make your eyes water, but they aren't a majority and those candies aren't stocked in large amounts.
** But thats the appeal! You buy chocolate, you get chocolate. You buy a bag of Bertie Bott's, you could get anything. Could be chocolate, could be toast, could be ants, could be boogers. Every bean is a gamble. They also seem to be more popular with kids (the one time Dumbledore ate one, he had his [[Nostalgia Goggles]] on), who can appretiate the "danger" and the grossness. There is a social factor too: You can't say much about sharing a chocolate bar, but with the Beans you and your friends have something to talk about with every bite.
*** Errr, that's the point. People ''want'' the "you buy chocolate, you get chocolate" thing. There is a reason that so many laws exist about consumer product labels, truthfulness of. When people are reaching into their pocket and hauling out hard-earned cash, they want to be assured that they are getting exactly what they pay for. The whole 'blind bag mystery pick' thing is something that most people ''don't'' want, and at minimum will expect to pay a seriously discounted price if they do want. So how does Bertie Botts stay in business?
* Why didn't any of the characters simply apparate out of tight situations? I can understand Dumbledore and Snape, since it's impossible to apparate in/out of Hogwarts, but what about Lily, James and Harry? If she heard Voldemort coming, she probably had more than enough time to grab Harry and just apparate to a safer place, and I don't seem to recall there being anything mentioned about how "they couldn't have done that because so and so".
** They didn't have their wands with them (established in DH). Unless you are crazy powerful and can do wandless magic (i.e. you are Dumbledore/Voldemort), you need a wand to Apparate.