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''The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan'' (''Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yūutsu'') and ''[[Nyoron Churuya-san]]'' are two gag manga spinoffs of ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]]'', animated and broadcast on [[YouTube]] as three to five-minute shorts. Though famous for "trolling" on their fanbase as of late, Kyoto Animation was rumored to produce this series' as a way to pacify the fans for waiting 3 years for an actual 2nd Season of ''Haruhi''!
Both series have now reached their conclusions, with Haruhi-chan 25 and Nyoro~n 13 being the last episodes. Both are available on [http://www.crunchyroll.com/the-melancholy-of-haruhi-suzumiya Crunchyroll], along with the regular [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]] episodes.
Bandai has licensed both series and released them on two DVD sets. ''Haruhi-chan'''s manga is licensed by Yen Press.
'''''The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan''''' takes the characters and situations from ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]]'', [[Chibi|chibifies]] them, and turns the madness and comedy up to eleven while adding copious amounts of [[Rule of Cute|High-Octane Cute]].
[[File:haruhi_balloon_contest_1289.jpg|frame|[[Faux Symbolism]] at its most WTF.]]
* [[Actor Allusion]]:
=== ''Haruhi-chan'' provides examples of: ===
** Look at [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AftOiqov9Wk#t=1m13 Haruhi's face] and tell me that isn't [[Lucky Star|Konata]]! Her voice in Haruhi-chan even sounds like Konata's. (Unsurprising, since [[Aya Hirano]] plays both characters.)
* [[Actor Allusion]]
** Yuki Nagato sings "[[Ga -Rei Zero|Paradise Lost]]" by [[Minori Chihara]] at the end of Episode 6. She also plays Kagura Tsuchimuya in that series.
** Look at [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AftOiqov9Wk#t=1m13 Haruhi's face] and tell me that isn't [[Lucky Star|Konata]]! Her voice in Haruhi-chan even sounds like Konata's.
** It is her. [[Hirano Aya]] plays both of them.
** Yuki Nagato sings "[[Ga Rei Zero|Paradise Lost]]" by Minori Chihara at the end of Episode 6. She also plays Kagura Tsuchimuya in that series.
** Achakura holding an umbrella to open a door is a reference to ''[[Rozen Maiden]]'', seeing as [[Natsuko Kuwatani]] does her and Suiseiseki. And hearing her say [[Verbal Tic|DESU~]] really reminds people of Suiseiseki, DESU~
* [[All CGI Cartoon]] - The first few episodes.
* [[Anachronic Order]] - Just like with [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|the anime]]'s first run and the [[Light Novels]], the ''Haruhi-chan'' shorts are arranged differently than the manga.
* [[Angrish]] - Achakura lapses into this when Nagato gives her dog food in a dog bowl to eat.
* [[Art Shift]]:
** The characters may go back to their normal-looking selves for a gag (and at one point Bishoujo, before reverting back to [[Super-Deformed]] style.
** Yuki's doujin [[Visual Novel]].
* [[Astronomic Zoom]]:
** Every episode of ''[[Haruhi-chan]]'' except for episode 25 begins with this.
** SANTA-DA[[User:Gethbot|Gethbot]] ([[User talk:Gethbot|talk]])!
* [[Author Appeal]] - [[Ninja Maid|Mori-san]] certainly appears a lot- she's even the focus of the first story in volume 4, where Koizumi gets her to {{spoiler|cosplay as Haruhi}}. And if that's not enough to convince you, there's a surprising amount of bonus art of her in casual clothes or with her hair in a ponytail.
* [[Badass]] - Tsuruya, especially in Episode 21.
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* [[Badass Santa]] - Haruhi's concept of Santa, part of a clan of super-muscled old ninjas who infiltrate houses and deposit gifts. And she turns poor [[Those Two Guys|Taniguchi]] into one.
* [[Bad Bad Acting]] - In episode 20.
{{quote| '''Achakura:''' (monotone) Oh, no. Kimidori-san has gone flat.<br />
'''Kimidori:''' (equally monotone) I can't go on. Please commit my body to the ocean.<br />
'''Achakura:''' (monotone) Sorry, throwing you in the ocean will be environmental destruction. }}
* [[Battle Aura]] - Used for a game of ''[[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|dodgeball!]]''
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* [[Blank White Eyes]]
* [[Blatant Lies]] - Mori after she just jumped through a window.
{{quote| '''Ms. Mori:''' I'm just a normal maid passing through! }}
* [[Blood From the Mouth]]
** Haruhi, after... [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|taking story suggestions for an amateur film]]. To the extent that she had to be hospitalized, even.
** Also happened when Achakura kicked Yuki in the gut in episode 10.
* [[Blow You Away]] - Tsuruya, as shown in Episode 17. Poor Mikuru.
* [[Blue Withwith Shock]]
* [[Boke and Tsukkomi Routine]] - Yuki's interactions with Achakura seem to follow these quite closely. Yuki's the boke.
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]
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** Kyon asks about another episode's title.
** From episode 14:
{{quote| '''Kyon:''' YOU! It's terrifying to have a balloon burst in your face!<br />
'''Haruhi:''' Uh, Kyon, [[Lampshade Hanging|a main character]] shouldn't make a face like that. }}
** From Episode 25:
{{quote| '''Nagato(in-game):''' If you'd like...<br />
'''Kyon:''' That's from Disappearance! }}
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]] - This might be stretching things, but judging from episode 25's opening, Nagato's game contains a "Kyon's sister" route, so if Kyon's the protagonist...
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** Haruhi is more hyperactive than in the regular series.
** Mikuru is more [[Moe]] than in the regular series.
** Koizumi has stopped being ''remotely'' subtle in his [[Shipper Onon Deck]] activities, taking every opportunity to try to convince Kyon to couple up with Haruhi. Kyon's having none of it, although in volume 4 he's able to force Kyon and Haruhi to go on a scripted date together as a penalty game. {{spoiler|They nearly die.}}
** Subverted with Yuki, as her stoicness is overshadowed by her [[Otaku|otakuness]], which ''is'' hinted at in the original series, albeit not as played up. Look at the masks she buys in the [[Groundhog Day Loop|Endless Eight]]. So it could be this subtle aspect is exaggerated even more, making it an [[Exaggerated Trope|exaggerated version]] of [[Character Exaggeration]].
* [[Cherry Blossoms]]
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* [[Covert Pervert]] - Yuki. Light on the 'Covert', but with extra 'Pervert'.
* [[Cranial Eruption]] - Yuki and Achakura do this to each other semi-regularly.
* [[Depending Onon the Writer]] - Deliberately exaggerated with Yuki, [[Gamer Chick|who]] [[Otaku Surrogate|doesn't]] [[Cosplay Otaku Girl|just]] [[Covert Pervert|read]] [[Yaoi Fangirl|books]] in this series.
* [[Determinator]] - Kyon, considering how often he blows up.
{{quote| '''Kyon:''' I'm a man with motivation.}}
* [[Disappears Into Light]] - Kyon in episode 9. "Hikari ni naru!!!!"
* [[The Ditz]] - "Mikuru got confused, and stopped thinking."
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* [[Double Knockout]] - Episode 10.
* [[Dramatic Wind]] - Episode 17.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]] - Arakawa. With how that car was spinning he's even worse than [[Azumanga Daioh (Manga)|Yukari-sensei]].
* [[Dynamic Entry]] - Kyon's sister gives one to Kyon in episode 1 with a spinning drill kick.
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: Churuya's first appearance is actually [[media:churuya_1092.png|during the intro of episode 25]].
* [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]]
{{quote| '''Kyon:''' [[It Makes Sense in Context|Koizumi, I love you]].<br />
*Koizumi blushes*<br />
*Haruhi [http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/Anime_Fan_Otaku/Haruhi_feelings_shattered.jpg faints, dark aura appearing,] [[Divide Byby Zero|reality starts to crack]]* }}
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]] - Yuki spins Achakura [[Memetic Mutation|right round]] in episodes 6 and 8.
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]] - Inverted. Tsuruya claims she once defeated a bear.
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]
** Koizumi, all the time.
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** In Episode 16, when Yuki sets a sword to homing mode to cut an object in any way possible.
** Subverted when Kyon tried it and his wrists got twisted and his body got thrown around like a ragdoll, since it was the first time he had ever used a sword.
* [[I'm Taking Her Home Withwith Me]] - What Yuki does with Achakura. Although she doesn't do it because Achakura is cute, but rather so she can keep an eye on her.
* [[Info Dump]] - Parodied. When Yuki was describing a particularly nasty [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]], everyone else promptly announced that the explanation was too long and they couldn't understand it.
* [[I Was Just Passing Through]] - Frequent excuse made by Arakawa and Mori whenever Itsuki calls them in for favors.
* [[The Jimmy Hart Version]] - The theme for the [[Dating Sim]] intro sound like the ''Nursery Rhyme'' intro "True My Heart". An especially generic example, since "True My Heart" is already [[Memetic Mutation|memetically]] generic.
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* [[Punny Name]] - Achakura is a lisped version of Asakura. "Acha" can also be a "wince in pain" interjection, sometimes reacting to metaphoric pain or even someone else's pain. (E.g., watching someone get hit and saying, "Ooh, that's gotta hurt.")
* [[Really Dead Montage]] - Happens in episode 24 with {{spoiler|Kimidori, as soon as the Time Bomb explodes. Subverted since he gets better}}.
* [[The Rival]] - Tsuruya vs Mori. This reaches ''[[DragonballDragon Ball]]'' levels.
* [[Rule of Cute]] - Aww!!
** Can I take Yuki-chan home with me?
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** It wasn't translated into English as such, but in episode 19 Kyon says [[Hell Girl|"Ippen shinde miru?"]] to Haruhi.
** Several episodes reference parts of Book 7: the Spring Setsubun Festival (episode 8), the Valentine's Day chocolate cakes (episodes 11 and 12), the treasure hunt (episodes 17 and 18), and Mori and Arakawa riding around in a taxi (episodes 12 and 18).
** Kyon shouting "Hikari ni naru~" (see [[Disappears Into Light]]) is a direct [[Shout-Out]] to [[Gao Gai GarGaoGaiGar]].
** That ghostly Santa looks suspiciously like that red-eyed Santa Claus in ''[[Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Haré+Guu]]''.
** One of the lines in the intro is [[DragonballDragon Ball|KA-ME-HA-ME-HA]]!
** The fighting game that Nagato offers to play with Kyon is [[Street Fighter II (Video Game)|Street Fighter II]] with all the characters as cute girls
* [[Sinister Silhouettes]] - Parodied with Asakura claiming to be a member of the [[Four Is Death|Radical Big Four]], which is quickly revealed [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil|to be under]] the [[Terrible Trio|three leaders]], all of whom are shown as generic featureless silhouettes. Kyon proceeds to call it cheesy and blame it on [[wikipedia:Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken|Yasu.]]
* [[Slapstick Knows No Gender]]
* [[Slow-Motion Pass-By]] - In episode 12.
* [[Spinning Clock Hands]] - While Haruhi and the other girls prepare chocolate sculptures.
* [[Spit Take]] - Kyon's understandable reaction to finding out [[H Game-game|what Yuki was doing on her laptop.]]
* [[Squee]] - An in-story example is Haruhi's reaction to cornering "Santa". Her angrily-flushed cheeks visibly give way to a [[Luminescent Blush]], and the resulting squeal echoes throughout the solar system, and even the galaxy.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]
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** ''Supersonic'' dodgeball. With ''[[Battle Aura|Battle Auras]]''.
** The mock kaiju battle in episode 25, with Mikuru as sort-of Mothra and Yuki as Godzilla. Kyon can only watch in stunned silence.
** And from the same episode - ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]''-style ''doodling''.
** Mori and Arakawa's various entrances.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?]] - In-universe: In the subbed version, Kyon protested that the game Yuki lent him was rated E... [[Eroge|but that didn't stand for "everyone" in this case.]]
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* [[Visible Sigh]]
* [[Vocal Evolution]] - A version of it. Haruhi's voice is more high pitched and sounds more similar to [[Lucky Star|Konata]] then her main anime counterpart.
* [[X Meets Y]] - ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]]'' meets ''[[Lucky Star]]''.
* [[Yaoi Fangirl]]
** Haruhi's script for ''[[Incredibly Lame Pun|The Gift of the Maid]] II: Stealing Love Within a Month of Death'' has Kyon and Itsuki winning the battle-maid tournament and becoming a couple. Haruhi witnessing Kyon's discovery of a "barrier to the heart" put her in a short-term amnesiac coma.
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'''''[[Nyoron Churuya-san]]''''' follows the adventures of Tsuruya's super deformed counterpart Churuya as she quests for smoked cheese, [[Failure Is the Only Option|almost always unsuccessfully.]] Also featured is Ashakura, Ryoko's counterpart with a [[Stalker Withwith a Crush|massive, but ultimately doomed crush]] on Kyon.
Everyone besides Churuya and Ashakura is rendered with the same generic, non-super-deformed body with [[Eyes Always Shut]], and they're all general [[Jerkass|jerk asses]]. Still, Churuya usually gets a happy ending after enduring some hardships throughout the rest of the episode.
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** Churuya finding Taniguchi or Kyon in random places.
** Kyon's "No-No" signs.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]] - Ashakura towards Kyon.
* [[The Stoic]] - Surprisingly, not just Yuki.
* [[Super-Deformed]] - Churuya and Ashakura.
* [[Tertiary Sexual Characteristics]] - Hokori-chan wears pink hairbows on her [[Girlish Pigtails]].
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]
** Kyon decided to give Churuya some smoked cheese for Christmas.
** Also, in one incident of the chain-yanking example, Churuya gets to see the sakura tree blossoming.
** In the final episode, Churuya invites Ashakura to have a sleepover at Kyon's house.
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]] - The whole cast except Churuya and Ashakura. Especially jarring with Mikuru.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]] - Churuya and smoked cheese. The whole thing got started because the creator of the yonkoma [[Author Appeal|happens to like it]].
* [[Verbal Tic]] - You know the one. :3 nyoro~n...
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