The webcomic HERO


The Duck (to Valentine): I will always go and do dumb things for you (like going to look for you, even if you are a big stupid head and go off without me!)--and it means to say I love you.

    • Right before Valentine and Lost escape through the Serpent/Venice's door:

Valentine: Will you just let me apologize! I have never done anything for you and you have always done everything for me, even stupid dumb stunts you know you can't do--
Serpent: You're my brother. I'll always do dumb things for you. And whatever I choose to do, you owe me nothing.


The film Hero

  • Anvilicious: Broken Sword spells out The Aesop in a speech to Nameless, who then tells it to the Emepror once he believes it.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Every. Single. Fight scene.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: the entire Blue flashback. It's interesting that the King is the one telling this flashback, describing his two mortal enemies as tender, selfless lovers.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: Many Western critics saw the fundamental message of the movie as, "Despotism and brutal military conquest of your neighbors is acceptable if it's done in the name of unity and peace." However, in China this message isn't particularly unusual. China's long history of civil wars is partly responsible.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: it's not as prominent to Western viewers, but the promise of a Jet Li / Donnie Yen rematch was a huge deal to Wuxia aficionados.
  • Values Dissonance: Many Western viewers see the film as an open endorsement of despotic rule, while Eastern viewers are more likely to see it as a question of whether the end justifies the means.