Heroes (TV series)/Tropes A-E: Difference between revisions

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* [[Absentee Actor]]: Common in seasons 1, 2 and 4, but not so much 3 - unsurprisingly [[Hayden Panettiere]] appears in the most episodes, with 73 (admittedly this includes one episode where she only appears uncredited in stock footage - but Santiago Cabrera once only appeared in stock footage and he ''did'' get credited, so it counts); Jack Coleman comes a ''very'' close second with 72.
* [[Aborted Arc]]: We had a list up (see the Discussion page), but Heroes has had quite a few of these since Volume 3.
* [[Aborted Arc]]: We had a list up (see the Discussion page), but Heroes has had quite a few of these since Volume 3.
** [[Vaporware]]: Mention must also be made of the abandoned, potentially fascinating ''Origins'' spin-off anthology series.
** [[Vaporware]]: Mention must also be made of the abandoned, potentially fascinating ''Origins'' spin-off anthology series.
* [[Absentee Actor]]: Common in seasons 1, 2 and 4, but not so much 3 - unsurprisingly [[Hayden Panettiere]] appears in the most episodes, with 73 (admittedly this includes one episode where she only appears uncredited in stock footage - but Santiago Cabrera once only appeared in stock footage and he ''did'' get credited, so it counts); Jack Coleman comes a ''very'' close second with 72.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Niki Sanders, Elle Bishop, and {{spoiler|[[All There in the Manual|Flint and Meredith Gordon]]}} all had abusive fathers.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Niki Sanders, Elle Bishop, and {{spoiler|[[All There in the Manual|Flint and Meredith Gordon]]}} all had abusive fathers.
** [[All There in the Manual|...and Eden's stepmother.]]
** [[All There in the Manual|...and Eden's stepmother.]]
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* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Samuel is genuinely upset after he kills both {{spoiler|Mohinder and Joseph}}.
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Samuel is genuinely upset after he kills both {{spoiler|Mohinder and Joseph}}.
** However he seems to get over it by the point we meet im in the series as he's happy to kill hundreds if not thousands to achieve his ends.
** However he seems to get over it by the point we meet im in the series as he's happy to kill hundreds if not thousands to achieve his ends.
* [[Arc Words]]: The stylised RNA symbol that appears on almost everything surrounding the Heroes (it's also a combination of Japanese characters ''saiyo'' meaning "great talent" or "godsend"), [[Memetic Mutation|"Save the cheerleader, save the world,"]] and the ''Activating Evolution'' book written by Mohinder's father, just to name a few.
* [[Archnemesis Dad]]: Arthur Petrelli
* [[Archnemesis Dad]]: Arthur Petrelli
* [[Arc Words]]: The stylised RNA symbol that appears on almost everything surrounding the Heroes (it's also a combination of Japanese characters ''saiyo'' meaning "great talent" or "godsend"), [[Memetic Mutation|"Save the cheerleader, save the world,"]] and the ''Activating Evolution'' book written by Mohinder's father, just to name a few.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Brutally subverted with Scott, the [[Super Soldier]] Marine in Volume Three.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Brutally subverted with Scott, the [[Super Soldier]] Marine in Volume Three.
** Played straight with Noah Bennet, who wasn't even supposed to have a connection to Claire when they first shot the pilot.
** Played straight with Noah Bennet, who wasn't even supposed to have a connection to Claire when they first shot the pilot.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Hiro goes back to the year 1671 in season 2 and meets his hero Takezo Kensei, and they go on adventures together.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Hiro goes back to the year 1671 in season 2 and meets his hero Takezo Kensei, and they go on adventures together.
* [[The Atoner]]: Nathan goes through this in Volume 2, including getting tanked and growing an uber-scraggly [[Beard of Sorrow]], over his role in nearly blowing up New York City in Volume 1. He goes back to being a dick midway through Volume 3 and through most of Volume 4, though, with pretty much ''the rest'' of the cast ending up as The Atoner in Volume 4.
* [[The Atoner]]: Nathan goes through this in Volume 2, including getting tanked and growing an uber-scraggly [[Beard of Sorrow]], over his role in nearly blowing up New York City in Volume 1. He goes back to being a dick midway through Volume 3 and through most of Volume 4, though, with pretty much ''the rest'' of the cast ending up as The Atoner in Volume 4.
* [[Attending Your Own Funeral]]: Volume 4 ends with all the Heroes gathering together for the first time in the show's history to witness {{spoiler|[[Burn, Baby, Burn|the destruction of Sylar's body.]] What most of them don't know is that "Nathan" is really Sylar after he was brainwashed into believing he's Nathan and assuming his appearance permanently by Ma Petrelli and Matt Parkman. The body being burned is a fake, a dead shapeshifter who [[No Ontological Inertia|died while mimicking Sylar's appearance]].}}
* [[Attempted Rape]]: Brody to Claire. Subverted, though, in that rather than being stopped by the [[Big Damn Heroes]] or even the girl herself, the attempt fails because he accidentally ''kills'' the girl, and apparently he's not a necrophiliac.
* [[Attempted Rape]]: Brody to Claire. Subverted, though, in that rather than being stopped by the [[Big Damn Heroes]] or even the girl herself, the attempt fails because he accidentally ''kills'' the girl, and apparently he's not a necrophiliac.
* [[Attending Your Own Funeral]]: Volume 4 ends with all the Heroes gathering together for the first time in the show's history to witness {{spoiler|[[Burn, Baby, Burn|the destruction of Sylar's body.]] What most of them don't know is that "Nathan" is really Sylar after he was brainwashed into believing he's Nathan and assuming his appearance permanently by Ma Petrelli and Matt Parkman. The body being burned is a fake, a dead shapeshifter who [[No Ontological Inertia|died while mimicking Sylar's appearance]].}}
* [[Author Appeal]]: Compare the sheer amount of blonde women against those with any other hair colour.
* [[Author Appeal]]: Compare the sheer amount of blonde women against those with any other hair colour.
** Also, check the heights of the majority of the main women. One would think [[Masi Oka]] had a line in his contract stating that all women who appear on screen with him must still be shorter even when wearing heels.
** Also, check the heights of the majority of the main women. One would think [[Masi Oka]] had a line in his contract stating that all women who appear on screen with him must still be shorter even when wearing heels.
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* [[Axe Crazy]]: Sylar and, to a comparatively lesser extent, Elle.
* [[Axe Crazy]]: Sylar and, to a comparatively lesser extent, Elle.
* [[Back From the Dead]]: Claire (<s>Once</s> ''<s>twice</s>'' ALL THE FUCKING TIME), Peter Petrelli, Adam Monroe/Kensei, and of course Sylar (''[[Staying Alive|I've lost count!]]''), all thanks to the secondary [[Disney Death]] powers of their [[Healing Factor|regeneration]]. Mr. Bennet and Maya, thanks to Claire's blood, as well as Nathan, thanks to Adam's blood. Linderman was teased to be this in Volume Three, but ultimately he wasn't.
* [[Back From the Dead]]: Claire (<s>Once</s> ''<s>twice</s>'' ALL THE FUCKING TIME), Peter Petrelli, Adam Monroe/Kensei, and of course Sylar (''[[Staying Alive|I've lost count!]]''), all thanks to the secondary [[Disney Death]] powers of their [[Healing Factor|regeneration]]. Mr. Bennet and Maya, thanks to Claire's blood, as well as Nathan, thanks to Adam's blood. Linderman was teased to be this in Volume Three, but ultimately he wasn't.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Hiro, while still retaining an almost childlike innocence. Claire and Molly have the adorable part down cold, just not the badass part.
** Claire arguably becomes more badass as the series progresses, and is unarguably still adorable. {{spoiler|1=(Even when taking a pencil and going all Rachel McAdams in ''Red Eye'' on Sylar.)}}
* [[Badass Family]]: The Bennets. Noah sets the gold standard for [[Badass]] on the show. Claire [[Took a Level In Badass]] in Volume Three, and single-handedly let the heroes loose in Volume Four. Sandra helps Claire hunt down villains in Volume Three and hide fugitive heroes in Volume Four. And even Lyle tries to brain the radioactive Ted Sprague with a baseball bat and even gets to take down [[Psycho Electro]] Elle in Volume 3.
* [[Badass Family]]: The Bennets. Noah sets the gold standard for [[Badass]] on the show. Claire [[Took a Level In Badass]] in Volume Three, and single-handedly let the heroes loose in Volume Four. Sandra helps Claire hunt down villains in Volume Three and hide fugitive heroes in Volume Four. And even Lyle tries to brain the radioactive Ted Sprague with a baseball bat and even gets to take down [[Psycho Electro]] Elle in Volume 3.
** Notably the Petrellis are clearly ''supposed to be'' this kind of family but too many of them are [[Invincible Hero|Invincible Heroes]] and [[Invincible Villain|villains]] who hold the [[Idiot Ball]] for far too long.
** Notably the Petrellis are clearly ''supposed to be'' this kind of family but too many of them are [[Invincible Hero|Invincible Heroes]] and [[Invincible Villain|villains]] who hold the [[Idiot Ball]] for far too long.
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* [[Badass Normal]]: Mr. Bennet. And arguably Peter during the "Find the Haitian" thing. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, in Peter's case, it didn't take. The Golden Boy is back to power mimicry thanks to the super-serum, though it's apparently a bit more limited. (Also, that would imply [[Emo|Peter]] had ever ''deserved'' the label badass). And as of Volume 4, it seems Hiro might be going this way too. He's certainly giving it his all.}}
* [[Badass Normal]]: Mr. Bennet. And arguably Peter during the "Find the Haitian" thing. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, in Peter's case, it didn't take. The Golden Boy is back to power mimicry thanks to the super-serum, though it's apparently a bit more limited. (Also, that would imply [[Emo|Peter]] had ever ''deserved'' the label badass). And as of Volume 4, it seems Hiro might be going this way too. He's certainly giving it his all.}}
** Danko? I mean he throws a knife into Sylar's head. Pretty badass.
** Danko? I mean he throws a knife into Sylar's head. Pretty badass.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Hiro, while still retaining an almost childlike innocence. Claire and Molly have the adorable part down cold, just not the badass part.
** Claire arguably becomes more badass as the series progresses, and is unarguably still adorable. {{spoiler|1=(Even when taking a pencil and going all Rachel McAdams in ''Red Eye'' on Sylar.)}}
* [[Bad Future]]: Once a season. (Note: Season, not Volume.) In a possible example of [[You Can't Fight Fate]], pretty early in Volume Four it becomes clear that {{spoiler|the Volume One [[Bad Future]] is turning into the Bad Present.}}
* [[Bad Future]]: Once a season. (Note: Season, not Volume.) In a possible example of [[You Can't Fight Fate]], pretty early in Volume Four it becomes clear that {{spoiler|the Volume One [[Bad Future]] is turning into the Bad Present.}}
** Likewise, Volume Five offers hints that {{spoiler|Samuel may have played a hand in Volume Three's [[Bad Future]].}}
** Likewise, Volume Five offers hints that {{spoiler|Samuel may have played a hand in Volume Three's [[Bad Future]].}}
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* [[Catch Phrase]]: "YATTA!"
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "YATTA!"
** And variations on "I can be a hero!"
** And variations on "I can be a hero!"
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: Most notable with Ando, whose [[Stalker with a Crush]] behavior towards Niki was gradually dropped as he [[Ensemble Darkhorse|gained popularity]].
* [[Character Name Alias]]: We never do learn "Claude"'s real name.
* [[Character Name Alias]]: We never do learn "Claude"'s real name.
{{quote|"I'm the [[The Invisible Man (film)|Invisible Man]]. I'm [[Claude Rains]]."}}
{{quote|"I'm the [[The Invisible Man (film)|Invisible Man]]. I'm [[Claude Rains]]."}}
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: Most notable with Ando, whose [[Stalker with a Crush]] behavior towards Niki was gradually dropped as he [[Ensemble Darkhorse|gained popularity]].
* [[Chaste Hero]]: Past-Noah manages to refuse the advances of a beautiful woman who he was working with at the time.
* [[Chaste Hero]]: Past-Noah manages to refuse the advances of a beautiful woman who he was working with at the time.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
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* [[Coitus Ensues]]: Sylar and Elle randomly getting it on towards the end of volume 3.
* [[Coitus Ensues]]: Sylar and Elle randomly getting it on towards the end of volume 3.
* [[Colour Wash]]: Most notable in the Texas and New York sequences. The former have a warm golden glow, while the latter favour [[Unnaturally Blue Lighting]].
* [[Colour Wash]]: Most notable in the Texas and New York sequences. The former have a warm golden glow, while the latter favour [[Unnaturally Blue Lighting]].
* [[Comatose Canary]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Noah Bennet and Takezo Kensei.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Noah Bennet and Takezo Kensei.
* [[Combined Energy Attack]]: An interesting inversion in Volume 5. It's been revealed that {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]] Samuel Sullivan's [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Earth Bending]] ability is powered by the presence of evolved humans. It's strongly hinted that if he gathers enough followers at the Carnival, he'd gain [[Earthshattering Kaboom|the power to split the Earth in half]].}}
* [[Combined Energy Attack]]: An interesting inversion in Volume 5. It's been revealed that {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]] Samuel Sullivan's [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Earth Bending]] ability is powered by the presence of evolved humans. It's strongly hinted that if he gathers enough followers at the Carnival, he'd gain [[Earthshattering Kaboom|the power to split the Earth in half]].}}
** Which suggests {{spoiler|that the Volume 3 [[Bad Future]] has not been averted...}}
** Which suggests {{spoiler|that the Volume 3 [[Bad Future]] has not been averted...}}
*** Or at least heavily implies that Samuel may have been the cause since {{spoiler|his power in amplified by the presence of other Specials and the Volume 3 future had powers readily available to the public via the induction serum.}}
*** Or at least heavily implies that Samuel may have been the cause since {{spoiler|his power in amplified by the presence of other Specials and the Volume 3 future had powers readily available to the public via the induction serum.}}
* [[Comatose Canary]]
* [[Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are]]: Sylar in Claire's house.
* [[Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are]]: Sylar in Claire's house.
* [[Comic Book Time]]: Bizarrely inverted. By the third Volume a lot of time seems to have been ''added'' to the timeline!
* [[Comic Book Time]]: Bizarrely inverted. By the third Volume a lot of time seems to have been ''added'' to the timeline!
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* [[Dressing as the Enemy]]: Peter is all set to try this after knocking out one of the Black Ops agents, until Tracy points out to him what a stupid idea it is (he still puts on the guy's uniform, though, because why say no to free Kevlar?). In a later episode, Sylar does the exact same thing, with much more success, although he has [[Paper-Thin Disguise|much more experience in performing that particular trick]]. Hiro also does this when he and Ando try to shut down building 26.
* [[Dressing as the Enemy]]: Peter is all set to try this after knocking out one of the Black Ops agents, until Tracy points out to him what a stupid idea it is (he still puts on the guy's uniform, though, because why say no to free Kevlar?). In a later episode, Sylar does the exact same thing, with much more success, although he has [[Paper-Thin Disguise|much more experience in performing that particular trick]]. Hiro also does this when he and Ando try to shut down building 26.
* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]: Simone, DL, Caitlin, {{spoiler|Adam Monroe, Bob, Usutu -- though he got better, maybe -- Scott, Knox, Nathan...}}
* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]: Simone, DL, Caitlin, {{spoiler|Adam Monroe, Bob, Usutu -- though he got better, maybe -- Scott, Knox, Nathan...}}
** {{spoiler|Danko}}. He survives the entirety of Volume 4, despite the fact that every single person wants him dead. He is back for Volume 5, and he is building up to retaining his recurring character status. He even narrowly avoided death at the hands of Tracy. Not even a minute later, Knife Guy comes in and slices him up, killing him before he even knows whats going on.
** {{spoiler|Danko}}. He survives the entirety of Volume 4, despite the fact that every single person wants him dead. He is back for Volume 5, and he is building up to retaining his recurring character status. He even narrowly avoided death at the hands of Tracy. Not even a minute later, Knife Guy comes in and slices him up, killing him before he even knows whats going on.
** DL was probably the worst example. Everyone else was killed onscreen. DL was shown dead with no explanation until the 8th episode of the season and the way he was killed by someone with no powers (Who is not Bennet) just seemed like an excuse to get rid of him.
** DL was probably the worst example. Everyone else was killed onscreen. DL was shown dead with no explanation until the 8th episode of the season and the way he was killed by someone with no powers (Who is not Bennet) just seemed like an excuse to get rid of him.
* [[The Dulcinea Effect]]:
* [[The Dulcinea Effect]]:
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*** {{spoiler|Being trapped for five years in your own mind to wallow in your guilt will drastically change one's outlook on life, especially if you're only company is your more compassionate and moral archnemesis.}}
*** {{spoiler|Being trapped for five years in your own mind to wallow in your guilt will drastically change one's outlook on life, especially if you're only company is your more compassionate and moral archnemesis.}}
* [[Equal Opportunity Evil]]: The gang that forms out of the Level 5 escapees.
* [[Equal Opportunity Evil]]: The gang that forms out of the Level 5 escapees.
* [[Everybody Lives]]: In the "Redemption" season finale, the Heroes manage to stop Samuel's plot to destroy New York City without causing or allowing a single death; thanks to [[Big Bad]] Samuel's many [[Kick the Dog]] moments throughout the season, his [[The Dragon|right-hand men]] and other followers are [[Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal|all convinced to turn against him without a fight]], rendering the previously all-powerful [[Big Bad]] into a powerless sap to be dragged off by the cops. Meanwhile, Sylar stay true to his redemption and incapacitates Doyle without killing him. This is pretty noteworthy considering the show's tendency to purge all its secondary characters at the end of each Volume, typically with a massive Sylar-centric bloodbath.
* [[Everybody Owns a Ford|Everyone Is Driving A Nissan]]
* [[Everybody Owns a Ford|Everyone Is Driving A Nissan]]
* [[Everybody Lives]]: In the "Redemption" season finale, the Heroes manage to stop Samuel's plot to destroy New York City without causing or allowing a single death; thanks to [[Big Bad]] Samuel's many [[Kick the Dog]] moments throughout the season, his [[The Dragon|right-hand men]] and other followers are [[Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal|all convinced to turn against him without a fight]], rendering the previously all-powerful [[Big Bad]] into a powerless sap to be dragged off by the cops. Meanwhile, Sylar stay true to his redemption and incapacitates Doyle without killing him. This is pretty noteworthy considering the show's tendency to purge all its secondary characters at the end of each Volume, typically with a massive Sylar-centric bloodbath.
* [[Everyone Is Related]]: The number of major characters who have been revealed to be related to each other is getting a little silly at this point. For example, Claire is Noah's adopted daughter; she's also {{spoiler|Nathan's biological daughter}} and therefore, {{spoiler|Peter's niece and Ma Petrelli's granddaughter}}. Oh, and it was revealed that Sylar (maybe) and Flint (yes, cause why the hell not?) are {{spoiler|her [[Evil Uncle|uncles]]}} [[Tangled Family Tree|We half expect the writers to say, "What the hell, Adam "Kensei" Monroe is '''everyone's''' great-great-great-great-ect.-grandfather."]] He ''does'' have a [[Meaningful Name]]. [[All There in the Manual|At one point he took the last name Sanders. Also he had two sons in Italy in the 17th century]] and his heraldic crest ([[Arc Words|the symbol]]) is also the symbol of the Petrelli family law firm. And, of course, [[Justified Trope|superpowers are genetic.]]
* [[Everyone Is Related]]: The number of major characters who have been revealed to be related to each other is getting a little silly at this point. For example, Claire is Noah's adopted daughter; she's also {{spoiler|Nathan's biological daughter}} and therefore, {{spoiler|Peter's niece and Ma Petrelli's granddaughter}}. Oh, and it was revealed that Sylar (maybe) and Flint (yes, cause why the hell not?) are {{spoiler|her [[Evil Uncle|uncles]]}} [[Tangled Family Tree|We half expect the writers to say, "What the hell, Adam "Kensei" Monroe is '''everyone's''' great-great-great-great-ect.-grandfather."]] He ''does'' have a [[Meaningful Name]]. [[All There in the Manual|At one point he took the last name Sanders. Also he had two sons in Italy in the 17th century]] and his heraldic crest ([[Arc Words|the symbol]]) is also the symbol of the Petrelli family law firm. And, of course, [[Justified Trope|superpowers are genetic.]]
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: {{spoiler|Pa Petrelli has his first speaking line after draining Adam Monroe's power, [[No Ontological Inertia|causing him to age]] ''[[Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade|The Last Crusade]]''-style and crumble to dust. Those words?}}
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: {{spoiler|Pa Petrelli has his first speaking line after draining Adam Monroe's power, [[No Ontological Inertia|causing him to age]] ''[[Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade|The Last Crusade]]''-style and crumble to dust. Those words?}}
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* [[Evil Eyebrows]]: Sylar.
* [[Evil Eyebrows]]: Sylar.
* [[Evil Foreigner]]: "The German," the psycho with <s>Magneto-type</s> totally original electromagnetic powers.
* [[Evil Foreigner]]: "The German," the psycho with <s>Magneto-type</s> totally original electromagnetic powers.
* [[Evil Makeover]]: According to Volume Three, hair gel = evil.
** Except that in Sylar's case, once he started donning the hair gel, he kept trying to go good.
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: Whenever some erstwhile [[Chessmaster]] keeps Sylar alive or even ''feeds him powers'' while plotting to use him to further their own evil schemes, you ''know'' the main man is going to eventually turn around and make things end badly for them. Bennet even Lampshades this when confronting Danko.
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: Whenever some erstwhile [[Chessmaster]] keeps Sylar alive or even ''feeds him powers'' while plotting to use him to further their own evil schemes, you ''know'' the main man is going to eventually turn around and make things end badly for them. Bennet even Lampshades this when confronting Danko.
{{quote|'''Bennet:''' Just how dumb are you? Who did you think would be left standing the moment Sylar got bored? ''You?''}}
{{quote|'''Bennet:''' Just how dumb are you? Who did you think would be left standing the moment Sylar got bored? ''You?''}}
* [[Evil Makeover]]: According to Volume Three, hair gel = evil.
** Except that in Sylar's case, once he started donning the hair gel, he kept trying to go good.
* [[Evil Matriarch]]: Mrs. Petrelli, especially in the first two Volumes.
* [[Evil Matriarch]]: Mrs. Petrelli, especially in the first two Volumes.
* [[Evil Overlooker]]: Both covers to the first graphic novel collection show Sylar looming over the Heroes. As does the Season 2 DVD cover. And the second graphic novel collection.
* [[Evil Overlooker]]: Both covers to the first graphic novel collection show Sylar looming over the Heroes. As does the Season 2 DVD cover. And the second graphic novel collection.