Highschool of the Dead: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abandoned Hospital|Abandoned Clinic]]: Where some of the group go to collect frozen plasma and a blood transfusion kit for the old woman.
* [[Action Dress Rip]]: Happens a couple of times to Shizuka as well as Saeko and Saya's mother.
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: Played pretty straight throughout. With rare exceptions (like Saya's parents) anything an adult does makes the situation immediately worse. Even Shizuka had this in the early days due to her lack of intelligence.
* [[After the End]]
* [[And That's Terrible]]: Much of the claims that the team has crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] is consistent with the fact that they often do things that would be frowned on in a normal world, but are absolutely essential in a [[Zombie Apocalypse]] such as driving without a license, showing independence and not obeying adults.
* [[Apocalyptic Log]]: The news report the students watch in one of the classrooms that ends with the broadcast abruptly cut.
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: The household survivor who tearfully said sorry over and over as he stabbed {{spoiler|Alice's father}}, [[Moral Event Horizon|leaving him for dead and abandoning]] {{spoiler|Alice}} to the zombies.
* [[Artifact Title]]: Only the first few chapters take place in high school.
* [[Artistic License Physics]]: While most of the weapons the group has are either improvised or are designed to hit something, Saeko's wooden bokken should have broken well before the end of the first day, since it was designed as a training weapon and clearly not meant to be an actual weapon, given how hard she is striking the zombies to kill them.
* [[Asshole Victim]]: Asshole teacher Shidou, a thug who threatens to rape one of the main characters, and some really stupid protesters who were in denial of the dead coming back to life and refused to cooperate with the police or the ultranationalists.
* [[Author Appeal]]: The older and current work of the original manga artist make his preference for larger breasts pretty clear. The only difference with this work is just how blatant it is. Almost every female on the page past puberty sports at least a D-cup.
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** The kids are forced to drive without a license, use guns, act strongly as individuals, rely on themselves instead of authority figures or the government and steal things to survive. It doesn't seem that bad from an American point of view, until you remember that this [[Values Dissonance|story takes place in Japan]]. Takashi's narration actually makes reference to this several times, usually in the form of "It had been just half a day, and we had already changed this much."
** {{spoiler|Takashi}} shoots a would-be mugger/rapist, but leaves him alive so he can be bait to draw off any zombies in the area.
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: Rei's mother wields one. Rei also favors this type of weapon.
* [[Non Sequitur Episode]]: The OVA
* [[Bleached Underpants]]: The artist draws [[Hentai]], to no surprise. And by the looks of it, it seems that the artist also placed a character from one of his H-Manga in the story [http://www.citymanga.com/highschool_of_the_dead/chapter-6/14/ here] (The reporter with the lightning-bolt earrings).
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* [[Car Fu]]: Zombies get mowed down several times over the course of the series.
* [[Car Skiing]]: Episode 12 of the anime adaptation has the group escaping the overrun mansion in the Humvee. To get past the barricades, the Humvee leans so far over it nearly tips.
* [[The Cameo]]: In the first episode of the anime, Saeko is the only one of the main group to not be shown speaking, only being twice shown momentarily, first being in the kendo training room when the outbreak starts in the school over the PA, and then pulling her bokken towards the zombies that approach her at the end.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
** Way, way back in the high school, Saya and Hirano snatched a toolbox from one of the workshops. When they finally reach the police station, Saya lends Hirano one of the tools from that toolbox, a hand-powered drill. He uses it to break into the armory.
Line 91 ⟶ 94:
** A student named Kazu Ishii who is protecting Shizuka gets bitten from behind by zombies [[Dangerous Windows|breaking through the windows]], and Saeko offers to kill him before he turns. With a smile on his face, he replies "Please do it."
** {{spoiler|Hiro Tamaru}} gets one by {{spoiler|Asami}}'s hands after getting caught in the hole at the clinic.
** Hisashi, due to being bitten realizes this will be his fate if he sucummbs to the bite and asks Takashi to help him over the railing so he can fall to his death, deducing that the impact will destroy his brain. However, Takashi's initial refusal to do it, along with Rei being in flat denial of this being necessary means Hisashi turns anyway and has to be put down by Takashi.
* [[Dying Like Animals]]: Many people simply cannot cope with the existence of "them", and many others, like Shidou, take advantage of that.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: The team has decent grasp on reality, but the horror of their current situation has made everyone a tad bit unstable, and a few of them have displayed [[Heroic Sociopath|Sociopathic]] / [[Ax Crazy]] tendencies.
* [[The End of the World as We Know It]]: The group is acutely aware of this, especially Takashi when he realizes near the beginning that their moral code is adapting to the circumstances, thereby changing their personal world forever. Saya also knows that those who try to change the world back to what it once was will be doomed.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: The US and Russia seem to launch an all out nuclear attack on China and Korea together, though, not necessarily as allies, as theresthere's no words on who else has launched at whom other then that, if any.
* [[Establishing Team Shot]]:
** Done as the group prepared to leave the school.
Line 154 ⟶ 158:
** [[Lampshaded]] when the team raids a [[Abandoned Hospital|hospital]] to acquire plasma for a dying old woman. {{spoiler|They point out that since the woman needs ''regular'' blood transfusions and they can only bring back enough usable plasma for one, they are essentially risking all their lives to buy her an extra week or two at the most. One of them does in fact die during the raid. As if that weren't already messed up, the old couple commits suicide a short time later}}.
** Played triumphantly straight when our heroes brave a veritable ''horde'' of "them" to save one little girl... and won.
** It backfires earlier when Takashi insists on waiting for Shidou and the other students, despite Rei being adamant that Shidou be left behind. Takashi still orders that they wait, and lets them on. Rei tells Takashi that they will regret this, and sure enough later on, Shidou winds up allowing the destruction of the Takagi estate, the closest place the group gets to a safe refuge.
* [[Hot Dad]]: Alice's dad.
* [[Hot Mom]]:
Line 162 ⟶ 167:
* [[I Cannot Self-Terminate]]: Some survivors who have been bitten have to be [[Mercy Kill|mercy killed]] by others. [[Justified]] - if Hisashi's and Ishii's (nurse's office student) deaths were any indication, the zombie bites would have weakened them enough that they would not be able to kill themselves and would thus need outside help.
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: Replacing a word in a famous title or name with "dead", eg. "The Good, The Bad, And the Dead".
* [[I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!]]: In the OVA, the ladies, aside from Saeko, use this tactic to get Takashi and Kohta to gather food for them.
* [[Implausible Hair Color]]: There is a rather large percentage of blond and brown-hairs in the cast. More so than in [[Real Life]] Japan, at any rate. These, at least, are natural hair colors. The same can not be said of pink-haired Saya.
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: A given due to the setting, including but not limited to broom handles, power drills, and drip stands.
** Alice is able to use a tire to knock a zombie away from Shizuka.
* [[Ideal Hero]]: [[Deconstructed Trope]]. Acting like this in a [[Zombie Apocalypse]] is a surefire way to lead to disaster, with several characters pointing out that this is the worst type of mindset to possess in this situation and that pragmatism will be necessary. In the anime, Saeko even bluntly Takashi that his hopes to save everyone will not work, she herself admits she doesn't like it, but they have no other options.
* [[Infernal Retaliation]]: A molotov cocktail proved that fire does not really bother "them", but does make them slightly more dangerous.
* [[It Got Worse]]: Good luck finding many situations that don't start going to crap within 5 pages in the manga.
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* [[Papa Wolf]]: Inverted. Rei {{spoiler|almost kills Shidou}} because he made her father cry.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: Though the whole group has pretty much taken it upon themselves to be the new family of Alice, Hirano and Takagi seem to be the ones she's latched onto as surrogate parents. This was [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] and used as [[Ship Tease]] in [http://www.mangareader.net/high-school-of-the-dead/29/32 chapter 29].
* [[Plot Hole]]: Rather minor, but when the group fully comes together for the first time, Saeko feels the need to say her name when she introduces herself, despite Rei later saying that she won a national championship the previous year. Given that Saeko managed to do that, she should have been recognized by the other characters instantly.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]:
** The main characters have never hesitated to protect and support each other.
Line 262 ⟶ 269:
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: {{spoiler|The scenario of getting medical treatment for the old woman. In the clinic, one of the able-bodied survivors dies. Later, when the zombies get into the mall, the old woman and her husband commit suicide by jumping off the roof anyway, meaning all that came of it was one less survivor and conflict between the characters}}.
* [[Shoot Out the Lock]]: Averted. Hirano stops Takashi from attempting to shoot out the lock of the police station's armory, worried that the bullets will riccochet and hit one of them.
* [[Shout-Out]] In the English dub of the second dub, Saya tells Hirano a paraphrased staple line of [[Terminator|the Terminator franchise]]: "You wanna live right? Then stick with me!".
* [[Shown Their Work]]:
** The guns are amazingly detailed, and are shown to have actual limitations. Kohta Hirano also makes sure that everyone who even touches one follows strict gun safety, as American gun enthusiasts are generally taught to do.
** The author shows a decent understanding of how the American government works, although that's a bit more subtle.
** While the infamous "Matrix Boobs" scene in the anime is used as evidence as the show's excessive reliance on fanservice, when Takashi does try to use a sniper rifle without using it correctly, all he does is just kill one zombie by pure luck and stagger the others. It is also noted just how bad sniper rifles are at close range because the fact the weapon needs to be steadied and will move off kilter when fired means it is a terrible weapon at close range. The fact that Rei's breasts are severely sore from when Takashi used Rei to balance the weapon is actually justified since such a large amount of recoil and force jets out like a blast wave, through in the fact Takashi fired rounds for what is presumed to be hours judging by the transition from the day to the evening, it is no surprise that Rei yells at Takashi about this in a later episode.
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: Takuzo and his party briefly serve as companions to Takashi's party.
* [[Skinship Grope]]: Sure, flesh-eating ghouls are overrunning the earth and civilization is crumbling. No reason not to throw in some scenes of the girls feeling each other up in the bath, right?
Line 271 ⟶ 280:
* [[Spoiler Opening]]: For those who have not read the manga, they may be confused as to who the little girl in the anime's OP is. She does not appear until episode 7.
* [[Strawman Political]]: the protestors on the bridge and the woman in the Takagi compound who somehow connect the zombie apocalypse with government repression and Japanese repression of the rest of Asia, respectively. They all also think that the zombies can be cured of their disease. It's notable that they all die horrible deaths.
* [[Strong as They Need to Be]]: Precisely how strong the zombies are will always vary. The first zombies encountered by the gang are not stunned or only slightly staggered by hits anywhere except the head. Others have them knocked back or over by a simple poke that isn't very hard. Furthermore, how safe it is to get into hand to hand combat will also vary. Sometimes it will be so dangerous that only Saeko or going for a headshot will be safe enough, but in other times, as long as the person doing it isn't surrounded, they can easily beat up the zombies in hand to hand combat.
* [[Stupid Sacrifice]]: That one mall survivor didn't need to go out like a badass. As Shizuka pointed out, his stab wound was not even serious.
* [[Sweat Drop]]: Common. It is a rather tense situation.
Line 285 ⟶ 295:
** The [[Nietzsche Wannabe]] mall survivor who attempted to knife several zombies but did not even scratch one before getting swarmed and devoured. The dumbest part was that Shizuka pointed out that his knife wound was not even critical, making his actions senseless.
** A special mention to the would be mugger {{spoiler|who tried to rape Rei, '''OUTSIDE''', in the middle of a [[Zombie Apocalypse]]. You know where the zombies are going to most likely to hear and then eat you. This idea is not only despicable but beyond stupid. Even if Takashi had not been there, the mugger's actions would of gotten both, him and Rei killed. Good thing Takashi rescued her, shot the guy, and left him alive to be zombie bait.}}
** Hisashi, despite being told point blank that someone was killed and the teachers are eating it each other, and being smart enough to get weapons and avoid the crowded hallways, stupidly decides not to take a weapon for himself, stating he will rely on his karate skills. To no surprise, he gets bitten for this stupidity and winds up dying by the end of the first episode.
* [[Too Hot for TV]]
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: Hirano goes from a nerdy, awkward doofus to Rambo once he gets his hands on some guns.
Line 294 ⟶ 305:
** When Takashi says his mother is a teacher at another school we cut to a shot of it and a few zombified children.
* [[Updated Rerelease]]: When the series began with the erratic schedule for its releases, Kodansha decided to have Shouji rerelease the previous volumes in full color, it stopped at the 4th volume after a regular release between each new volume, it's unclear if the project will go further than that.
* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]: While Takashi is no slouch in the fighting department, if he needs help, expect both Saeko and Rei to put their mutual jealously aside to help him.
* [[We Need a Distraction|We Need Some Zombie Bait]]:
** A morbid example with Takashi wounding a thug at the gas station and leaving him for dead. His screams of pain attracted the zombie horde, allowing Takashi and Rei to escape with little notice.
Line 305 ⟶ 317:
* [[Wilhelm Scream]]: In episode 1, as the Outbreak begins and students flee in a panic.
* [[Wingding Eyes]]: Appears to various cast members in various forms.
* [[World of Action Girls]]: If a female shows up in a prominent role, they have to be this to survive. Very tellingly, while the males are no slouches in combat, it is the females who wrack up the larger body counts.
* [[World of Buxom]]
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Rei and Shizuka are in very real denial initially about the zombies and are absoluetly horrified when someone asks for a [[Mercy Kill]]. They do quickly adjust to the situation.
* [[Wrench Whack]]: The preferred weapon of Mad, the Takagi mansion's mechanic.
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[Dawn of the Dead (film)|Dawn of the Dead]]'' meets ''[[Lord of the Flies]]'' meets ''[[School Rumble]]''.
** ''[[Saved by the Bell]]'' meets ''[[Resident Evil]]''.
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]: Saeko Busujima, emphasis on the 'wild flower' aspect.
* [[Youth Is Wasted on the Dumb]]: Shidou's arguement on the bus when trying to decide on a leadership role is that none of the main cast can do it, since according to him, most of them are barely in their teens. Given that Shidou is [[The Sociopath]] and a [[Complete Monster]], not to mention that most of the main cast are close to adulthood, Shidou is likely lying about the age estimate, as he clearly knows some of them by name.
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Occasionally Rei, Saeko, and Alice.
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]: This story seems to follow the Romero rules, but "they" have a ''very'' strong grip. Also the zombies start slow, but if they hear a sound nearby they can move quicker. The fact that it's played as realistically as possible is also notable. The protagonists test and figure out that "they" must find things through vibrations. No circulation also means that in Japan's humid weather, the dead will probably decompose to the point of uselessness in a little under a month. Nobody has a clue how the dead are still capable of moving, though.