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[[Did Not Do the Research|Research is hard.]] While this is generally true of [[Hollywood Science|all science]], psychology in particular is vulnerable, as it's a very, ''very'' new field still under heavy development. Only recently has psychology emerged as a mature science with robust theories, and supposed "facts" of the past are [[Urban Legends|still in popular culture]] despite being [[Science Marches On|debunked]]. Writers fail to recognize this, and the [[Informed Ability|supposed professionals]] in their stories will quote woefully out-of-date representations of [[All Psychology Is Freudian|Sigmund Freud's]] theory of the unconscious, Carl Jung's collective unconscious [[archetype]]s, or Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is the equivalent of a modern physicist [[You Fail Physics Forever|discussing luminiferous aether]], or a biologist believing [[Lamarck Was Right]].
[[Did Not Do the Research|Research is hard.]] While this is generally true of [[Hollywood Science|all science]], psychology in particular is vulnerable, as it's a very, ''very'' new field still under heavy development. Only recently has psychology emerged as a mature science with robust theories, and supposed "facts" of the past are [[Urban Legends|still in popular culture]] despite being [[Science Marches On|debunked]]. Writers fail to recognize this, and the [[Informed Ability|supposed professionals]] in their stories will quote woefully out-of-date representations of [[All Psychology Is Freudian|Sigmund Freud's]] theory of the unconscious, Carl Jung's collective unconscious [[archetype]]s, or Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is the equivalent of a modern physicist [[You Fail Physics Forever|discussing luminiferous aether]], or a biologist believing [[Lamarck Was Right]].

Further complicating things is the [[Rule of Cool]]: if there are multiple versions of a disorder, a writer will tend toward the [[Flanderization|most interesting, dramatic, or visible of them]]. Thus, in fiction, [[L Is for Dyslexia|all dyslexics can't read anything past a fourth grade level]], [[Tourettes Shitcock Syndrome|all people with Tourette's compulsively swear]], and [[The Schizophrenia Conspiracy|all people with schizophrenia think demons are out to cover up the truth of global warming]]. Many people, [[Reality Is Unrealistic|overexposed to the fictional versions]], are surprised to discover that not only are there milder versions of all these disorders, but the milder versions account for anywhere from 90% to 99.9% of the people diagnosed with them.
Further complicating things is the [[Rule of Cool]]: if there are multiple versions of a disorder, a writer will tend toward the [[Flanderization|most interesting, dramatic, or visible of them]]. Thus, in fiction, [[L Is for Dyslexia|all dyslexics can't read anything past a fourth grade level]], [[Tourette's Shitcock Syndrome|all people with Tourette's compulsively swear]], and [[The Schizophrenia Conspiracy|all people with schizophrenia think demons are out to cover up the truth of global warming]]. Many people, [[Reality Is Unrealistic|overexposed to the fictional versions]], are surprised to discover that not only are there milder versions of all these disorders, but the milder versions account for anywhere from 90% to 99.9% of the people diagnosed with them.

Naturally, there is some [[Truth in Television]]. Freud is still relevant, he is simply not the state of the art, but rather, one of the beginnings (similar to the way Newton's Laws are still used alongside Einstein's). While many or even most of the theories of Freud, Jung, and other early psychoanalysts [[Science Marches On|have been refuted scientifically]], their work shaped and continues to shape psychology and the popular mind. Concepts like projection, defense mechanisms, and the like are still used in therapy... simply not in their antique form. For instance, Hollywood is woefully unaware of the refinements suggested by Anna Freud (Sigmund's daughter) and his other students.
Naturally, there is some [[Truth in Television]]. Freud is still relevant, he is simply not the state of the art, but rather, one of the beginnings (similar to the way Newton's Laws are still used alongside Einstein's). While many or even most of the theories of Freud, Jung, and other early psychoanalysts [[Science Marches On|have been refuted scientifically]], their work shaped and continues to shape psychology and the popular mind. Concepts like projection, defense mechanisms, and the like are still used in therapy... simply not in their antique form. For instance, Hollywood is woefully unaware of the refinements suggested by Anna Freud (Sigmund's daughter) and his other students.
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== Comic Books ==
== Comic Books ==
* The arc in ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'' where Emma Frost seduced Scott Summers, is a clear case of bad psychiatry (probably an intentional one). Not only was she treating him when she made advances, when Jean brought up that her husband was being taken advantage of, to Xavier, who has [[Informed Ability|been an actual psychiatrist]] for years, he tells Jean she is overreacting, and doesn't even consider Emma just might be violating ethics. And as a double blow to actual psychiatry, Scott is now portrayed in a happy relationship with Emma.
* The arc in ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'' where Emma Frost seduced Scott Summers, is a clear case of bad psychiatry (probably an intentional one). Not only was she treating him when she made advances, when Jean brought up that her husband was being taken advantage of, to Xavier, who has [[Informed Ability|been an actual psychiatrist]] for years, he tells Jean she is overreacting, and doesn't even consider Emma just might be violating ethics. And as a double blow to actual psychiatry, Scott is now portrayed in a happy relationship with Emma.
* According to the "[[Informed Ability|Doctors]]" in ''[[Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth]]'', [[The Joker]] is not insane ([[Did Not Do the Research|a legal term, that one won't find a mental health professional saying in that context]]) but Supersane! Yes it's a condition similar to [[Tourettes Shitcock Syndrome|Tourette's]]! You know what else? It's a load of Bullshit! [[Grant Morrison]] might as well have a physicist claiming that Black Holes happen because people fart while sleeping and is similar to the String Theory. To be fair most interpret this as a way to show that the Doctors in Arkham are a bunch of quacks and that they are the reason no one ever gets better in Arkham; this hasn't stopped a sizable part of the fanbase to adopt it as [[Comically Missing the Point|an accurate interpretation of the Joker's Psyche]] though.
* According to the "[[Informed Ability|Doctors]]" in ''[[Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth]]'', [[The Joker]] is not insane ([[Did Not Do the Research|a legal term, that one won't find a mental health professional saying in that context]]) but Supersane! Yes it's a condition similar to [[Tourette's Shitcock Syndrome|Tourette's]]! You know what else? It's a load of Bullshit! [[Grant Morrison]] might as well have a physicist claiming that Black Holes happen because people fart while sleeping and is similar to the String Theory. To be fair most interpret this as a way to show that the Doctors in Arkham are a bunch of quacks and that they are the reason no one ever gets better in Arkham; this hasn't stopped a sizable part of the fanbase to adopt it as [[Comically Missing the Point|an accurate interpretation of the Joker's Psyche]] though.
** To elaborate, this "Super-Sanity" is that Joker remakes himself every day because he finds the flow of modern life too stressful and overpowering. Now, firstly, there is no universally agreed definition of sanity, but generally speaking it is understood by psychologists to be ones ability to function normally in everyday life, and how "normal" you are. So the idea that being ''Super'' sane means that the world is crazy is a contradiction in terms. The second thing is that what the psychologists are describing is actually more like an extreme form of Dissociation, a psychotic break from reality caused by trauma and/or an inability to deal with life's stresses. So Morrison and his shrinks are wrong twice over (assuming, again, that Morrison didn't just intend the doctors to be talking out of their asses).
** To elaborate, this "Super-Sanity" is that Joker remakes himself every day because he finds the flow of modern life too stressful and overpowering. Now, firstly, there is no universally agreed definition of sanity, but generally speaking it is understood by psychologists to be ones ability to function normally in everyday life, and how "normal" you are. So the idea that being ''Super'' sane means that the world is crazy is a contradiction in terms. The second thing is that what the psychologists are describing is actually more like an extreme form of Dissociation, a psychotic break from reality caused by trauma and/or an inability to deal with life's stresses. So Morrison and his shrinks are wrong twice over (assuming, again, that Morrison didn't just intend the doctors to be talking out of their asses).
*** Subsequent writers have occasionally made use of the term "Super-Sanity", as well, though the meaning seems to have shifted somewhat. Usually it just means he's at least slightly [[No Fourth Wall|aware of the fact he's a comicbook character]].
*** Subsequent writers have occasionally made use of the term "Super-Sanity", as well, though the meaning seems to have shifted somewhat. Usually it just means he's at least slightly [[No Fourth Wall|aware of the fact he's a comicbook character]].