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* In ''[[Infamous (video game series)|In Famous]] 2'', the ''very first battle in the game'' is against {{spoiler|The Beast, a being of overwhelming power}} that Cole is trying to become more powerful to defeat. In a surprising inversion, the battle is far from hopeless, as Cole ends up winning. {{spoiler|Then the Beast breaks Cole, literally, and robs him of most of his advanced powers before breaking apart. It then reforms in Empire City, destroying it after Cole is taken south by boat, and the real game begins.}}
* In ''[[Red Dead Redemption]]'' has the final "boss" of the mission where you kill waves of army and BOI agents just to end up making a last stand and getting shot by the main bad guy with a bunch of lackeys.
* ''Every'' boss fight in ''[[Subnautica]]'' is a Hopeless Boss Fight. Your only weapon in the game is a high-tech ''knife'' (which you can't even craft at the beginning of the game), and the leviathans are ''huge''. Your only choices are to avoid them outright, to run as fast as you can when you see one, or die (which instantly respawns you far away, almost always without any salvage or resources you had on you). When you can finally build a stasis rifle or poison gas torpedoes for your submersible, option 2two becomes more practical. But you'll never, ''ever'' kill one.
* ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'' has the Boss fight with the Scarecrow, which combines this with [[Puzzle Boss]]. The battle is, in fact, a nightmare experienced by the hero after inhaling the villain's fear gas. In this horrible, inescapable dream, Batman is trapped in a facsimile of Gotham with a kaiju-sized Scarecrow who shoots [[Frickin' Laser Beams]] from his eyes. Trying to fight this thing the regular way is suicidal, as even one hit will kill you. To "defeat" him, Batman has to wake up, and to do that, {{spoiler|he has to get to the Bat-Signal without Scarecrow noticing him and shine it in the villain's eyes.}}