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For some reason, werewolves in modern fiction are often subject to this type of transformation, rather than (just) the full moon. Can involve a [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] or a [[Jekyll and Hyde]] scenario. [[Berserk Button|Berserk Buttons]] are often involved as well. May result in a [[Heroic RROD]].
See also [[One-Winged Angel]], [[Limit Break]], [[Super Mode]], [[Turns Red]], [["Growing Muscles" Sequence]].
Also known in some circles as "Retard Strength," for the phenomenon where mentally handicapped people can command a surprising amount of physical force and speed when stressed. This is generally attributed to the lack of emotional inhibitors to tell them that their actions are destructive.
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== Mythology ==
* Possibly the [[Ur Example]] is Cúchulainn of [[Celtic Mythology]]; in battle he would undergo something called ríastrad or battle frenzy, in which he would transform into something not unlike an [[Eldritch Abomination]] in its hideousness and ferocity. This form was only beaten once, when he was approached by a [[Full -Frontal Assault|group of nude women]]. He modestly averted his eyes, whereupon the men snuck up on him and dunked him in a barrel of water, which exploded on contact. A second barrel boiled away, and the third became pleasantly warm before Cúchulainn resumed his normal form.
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[[Category:You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry]]
[[Category:Hulking Out]]