Humans Are the Real Monsters: Difference between revisions

"fanfiction" -> "fan works"
("fanfiction" -> "fan works")
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{{quote|''"Beware the beast Man, for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or lust, or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death."''|''[[Planet of the Apes]]''}}
|''[[Planet of the Apes]]''}}
For [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|cynics]], human history isn’t exactly all that wonderful and cheery. Throughout the ages, human civilizations have been primarily motivated by both viciousness and greed, having fought countless wars, colonized lands that were already inhabited by other people, treated those inhabitants as second-class citizens (at best), sold them into slavery or [[Shoot Everything That Moves|just slaughtered them]] (at worst), and stripped lands bare of their precious minerals and resources for their own wealth and benefit.
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* In ''[[Durarara!!]]'', Izaya has it that the the whole of humanity are self-obsessed, stupid, hypocritical, hateful, contradictory, destructive little bastards—which is exactly why he ''loves'' humans.
* This is how [[Faux Affably Evil|Diva]] views humanity in ''[[Blood Plus]].'' [[Freudian Excuse|Well, you would think the same thing if you were used as a lab rat]].
* [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] in ''[[Kimba the White Lion]]''. While the series started off with a terrible first impression of humanity with [[Evil Poacher|Viper Snakely]], there are some good-hearted humans like Roger Ranger and his uncle who become friends with Kimba.
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* In Peyo's original "King Smurf" comic, later [[The Smurfs (animation)| adapted for the cartoon]], the plot entails Papa Smurf leaving to look for rare ore, and another smurf [[Adaptational Villainy| (Brainy in the animated version)]] taking over as leader, then becoming [[Drunk with Power]] and becoming a cruel tyrant. This leads to a rebellion among roughly half the smurfs and a civil war between the two factions that nearly destroys the village until Papa Smurf comes back, and after finding out what happened, shames them all into realizing that they're the idiots they are with six words: "You've been acting like human beings!" [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped| The moral could not have been clearer]]; this side of humanity is something that the peace-loving smurfs have always despised.
== FanfictionFan Works ==
* Humanity and all of its sub-species in ''[[Aeon Natum Engel]]''.
* In ''[[The Return (fanfic)|The Return]]'' this is [[Exclusively Evil|humanity's hat]], [[Humans Are Special|their defining quality]], and [[Muggles Do It Better|why they're still alive]].
* In general, almost every ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' [[Fanfic]] that involves humans features this trope in one way or another. Even if the humans aren't actively malevolent, they'll still be brooding over how embarrassed they are of humanity's evil, or even become an unwitting gateway through which evil and corruption enters the pony universe.
** In one series titled ''[[The Conversion Bureau]]'' it's flat-out stated that the ponies, both those born as ponies and the '"converts'", teach this constantly to the humans they're trying to recruit into [[Superior Species|their oh-so-superior culture and race]]. It is all very [[Anvilicious]]. It also leads to the rather [[Fridge Logic|obvious problem]] of, if Equestria is a utopia and humans are all evil monsters, then why do the ponies WANT''want'' us to become part of the herd?
** Another fic, ''[[The Thessalonica Legacy]]'', subverts this nicely. The humans are violent, warlike, and sometimes outright murderous compared to the ponies, but it's because they [[HAD to Be Sharp|had to be in order to survive their harsher universe,]] putting them more in [[Humans Are Flawed]] territory than here.
** ''[[Article 2]]'' [[Averted Trope|averts]] this. Although humans seem more aggressive and rude then the ponies, this is treated as different cultures and neither is shown as superior. It is also pointed out multiple times that Shane is just one human, a soldier, and in a very stressful situation, so its not really fair to use him as proof of any faults in humanity as a whole.
* In ''[[The Man with No Name (fanfic)|The Man With No Name]]'', [[Doctor Who|the Doctor]] goes on one of his famous rants when he finds out what the Alliance did to River's brain.
* In ''[ Renegade Reinterpretations,]'' a ''[[Mass Effect]]'' fanfiction, the human race's first contact with the wider galaxy happened much earlier, and with the [[Exclusively Evil|Batarians.]] Humanity spends the next hundred years playing catch-up, and is only able to survive by becoming a race of total bastards. In this timeline, Cerberus is viewed as ''heroes'' for experiments that even the ''canon'' Cerberus would be squicked at. At one point, once Humanity decides to go on the warpath against the Batarians (and is capable of doing so), the Citadel offers to make humanity a member race, give them reparations, money, land, medicine, technology, and all former Batarian territory. All they had to do was '''NOT''' invade the Batarian Homeworld. Humanity's response? "They went to the trouble of looking up what the largest fleet in the galaxy had been so they could surpass it by a time and a half."
== Film - Animation ==