I've Got a Secret/YMMV
These things about I've Got a Secret are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.
- Funny Moments:
- Don McNeil drops eggs on the Garry Moore version, then Alan Alda duplicates during the syndicated run.
- July 1, 1959: Groucho Marx's appearance. His secret? He had nearly gotten the hosting job on Take It or Leave It (which became The $64,000 Question), but lost it to Moore.
Garry: Excuse me, Groucho, Henry [Morgan], but I see someone holding up one finger, does that mean anything? |
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Some fans thought the 2006 version really didn't need an all-gay panel.
- Too Good to Last: The 1976 version lasted all of four episodes. Didn't help that it was slotted directly against Happy Days.
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