I Fight for the Strongest Side: Difference between revisions

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(moving quote to quote page. Also think subtrope see also type of stuff goes at the end of the article description, so moving that.)
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{{quote|''[[Trope Namer|I follow the strongest side!]]
''...That is all I have ever known.''|{{spoiler|'''King Bulbin'''}}, ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess|The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess]]''}}
|{{spoiler|'''King Bulbin'''}}, ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]]''}}
In a normal [[Defeat Means Friendship]] scenario, someone formerly opposed to the hero joins their side or at least becomes more affable towards them shortly after being defeated by them. In this trope, the defeat is the sole reason for their [[Heel Face Turn]]. The defeated character effectively says, "Okay, now that I know you're stronger, I'm gonna join up with you now. " The reasons for this varies:
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[[Sub-Trope]] of [[Defeat Means Friendship]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
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* In his earliest appearances in ''[[Superman]]'' comics, Bibbo Bibbowski was like this - He broke his hand punching Superman, and from then on Superman was his "fav'rit" because he was tough. When he saw the Man of Steel getting beaten up by [[Lobo]], his reaction was "Yer even tougher than Superman. Yer my ''new'' fav'rit". In later appearances he respected Superman for always doing the right thing.
== [[Film]] ==
== Film ==
* ''[[Blazing Saddles]]''. After Sheriff Bart has defeated Mongo:
{{quote|'''Mongo:''' Mongo stay with Sheriff Bart. Sheriff first man ever whip Mongo. Mongo impressed, have deep feelings for Sheriff Bart.}}
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* In ''Untold Tales of [[Blackest Night]]'', the Rainbow Raiders (a group carrying on the legacy of the original Rainbow Raider) attempted to side with the [[Zombie Apocalypse|Black Lantern Corps]]. However, they have no idea how becoming a Black Lantern actually works and end up killing themselves for nothing.
== [[Literature]] ==
* Every single member of the kif species from the ''[[Chanur Saga]]'' by [[C. J. Cherryh]]. Since the kif have nothing that's recognizable to other oxygen breathing species as a conscience or sense of morality, this is how their entire society is organized.
* Wormtail from ''[[Harry Potter]]'' as he'd just be pathetic otherwise.
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* Near the end of the second book in [[Harry Turtledove]]'s Tale of Krispos series, the [[Big Bad]] [[Evil Sorceror|Avshar]]'s [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Haloga mercenaries]] start to desert him when [[The Hero|Krispos]] finally manages to beat him. The first man to join Krispos tells him that he only followed Avshar because he thought he was the strongest man in the world, but Krispos beat him, so that means that Krispos is the strongest and he must serve him.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* Somewhat subverted with Isabella on ''[[Robin Hood (TV series)|Robin Hood]]''. She specifically states that she wants to be on the winning side, and this (along with an [[Woman Scorned|ill-timed break up speech]]) is what causes her to turn ''against'' Robin and the outlaws.
* In ''[[Firefly]]'', this is how Jayne Cobb ended up aboard ''Serenity''. We find out in "Out of Gas" that Mal convinced him to betray the mercenaries he was currently working with, (and robbing Mal at the time), in exchange for a higher pay and his own bunk.
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* This is why {{spoiler|Zevran}} joins the party in ''[[Dragon Age Origins]]''. In his own words, even if he managed to kill the hero through backstabbery, he might be killed by his masters on principle for failing the first time anyway. Basically, he enlists because it's his best chance to survive.
** When reaching the village of Haven, which is isolated from most of the Darkspawn invasion, Sten will threaten to take control of the party because he feels you are too weak and thinks you are fleeing from the battle. Once you beat him in a duel he admits that you are strong enough and will follow you with no more complaints.
* In ''[[Farscape: The Game]]'' there is a [[Human Aliens|human alien]] named [http://farscape.wikia.com/wiki/Vreena Vreena] that betrays her people because of this.
{{quote|"Peacekeepers, scarrans, what does it matter who rules? I'll never be in charge. I'm just doing what I have to to survive."}}
* In the ''[[Kamen Rider Dragon Knight]]'' video game, if chosen as the player character, Kamen Rider Strike, originally having joined [[Big Bad|Xaviax]] because he percieved him as strongest, comes to believe that good guys have better odds and decides to turn on Xaviax. While his ending does have him saving the world, the story mode still pits him against the heroes...
* In ''[[Killzone]]'', ISA gets a good deal of traitors amongst them throughout the invasion of Vekta, Adams shut down the defense line that allowed the invasion to happen and the Colonel allowed nuclear weapons to fall into enemy hands.
* {{spoiler|King Bulbin}} from ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]: [[Twilight Princess]]'' as quoted above is the [[Trope Namer]], and a Type 1 example. He gives you a key that helps you progress through the final dungeon, and he stops harassing you.
* The [[Sword of Plot Advancement|Dual Blade]] ''[[Lufia and The Fortress of Doom]]'' behaves like this.
* Dragons in ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]'' will only follow those who prove themselves to be the strongest. Odahviing, [[The Dragon|the right-hand]] of [[Big Bad|Alduin]], aids the Dragonborn after the Dragonborn forces Alduin to run away at the Throat of the World and captures Odahviing himself. Odahviing explains that he is doing this because a) he wants to free himself and b) after Alduin fled like a [[Dirty Coward]] Odahviing and the other Dragons are no longer certain that he is worthy to lead them. After the Dragonborn defeats Alduin, Odahviing will swear his loyalty, allowing the Dragonborn to summon him with the "Call Dragon" shout.
** Also in the case of the Civil War, if the Stormcloaks win, {{spoiler|Jarl Elisif, who Ulfric Stormcloak widowed to become High King, will submit to the Stormcloaks since the Empire is now gone from Skyrim and she has no other choice. She still despises Ulfric however.}}
** An interesting variation. Paarthurnax betrayed Alduin and sided with Mankind during the last Dragon War, teaching the Ancient Nords the Thu'um, which allowed them to turn the tide and defeat Alduin and his followers once and for all. Essentially, Paarthurnax chose to follow the strongest side as all Dragons do... he just happened to ''make'' them the strongest side first.