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== Film ==
* ''[[A Hard Day's Night]]''. [[John Lennon]] has [ the following dialogue] with a random girl.
{{quote|'''Millie:''' Oh, wait a minute, don't tell me, you are...
'''John:''' No, I'm not.
'''Millie:''' Oh, you are.
'''John:''' I'm not.
'''Millie:''' Oh, you are, I know you are.
'''John:''' I'm not, no.
'''Millie:''' You look just like him.
'''John:''' Do I? You're the first one that's said that ever.
'''Millie:''' ''motions to the mirror'' Yes, you do. Look.
'''John:''' No, my eyes are lighter. The nose.
'''Millie:''' Oh, your nose is very.
'''John:''' Is it?
'''Millie:''' I would have said so.
'''John:''' Oh, you know him better, though.
'''Millie:''' I do not! He's only a casual acquaintance.
'''John:''' That's what you say.
'''Millie:''' What have you heard?
'''John:''' ''leans in, lowers his voice'' It's all over the place.
'''Millie:''' Is it? Is it really?
'''John:''' Mmm, but I wouldn't have it. I stuck up for you.
'''Millie:''' I knew I could rely on you.
'''John:''' Thanks.
'''Millie:''' ''puts on her glasses'' You don't look like him at all.
''John walks away, pouting''
'''John:''' ''to himself'' She looks more like him than I do. }}
* In [[Clint Eastwood]]'s ''Hereafter'', George Lonnegan has quit being a professional psychic, but is recognised by a young boy at the book fair. He pulls this one as well, but it doesn't work, and {{spoiler|he eventually helps the boy talk to his dead twin brother, offering him some closure}}.
* The classic comedy example is from ''[[Annie Hall]]'',when Alvy is accosted by a man on the street who recognizes his face but can't remember his name. "Hey, dis is Alvy Singah! Dis guy's on television! Alvy Singah!"
* This happens to Don Lockwood in ''[[Singin' in the Rain|Singin in The Rain]]'', and he only escapes through a [[Meet Cute]].
* ''[[Airplane!]]'', the co-pilot is Roger Murdock (pro basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar). A kid recognizes him as Kareem, but he initially denies it until the kid repeats some insulting statements his father made about him. He then admit he ''is'' Kareem, and apparently has a second career as an airline pilot that he performs under a false identity.
== Live-action Television ==
* The hidden-camera prank show ''[[I Get That a Lot]]'' takes this [[Up to Eleven]] by having actual celebrities pretend to be workers in everyday establishments like clothing stores, hot-dog stands and fast-food restaurants. Customers usually immediately recognise them, but the celebrities play along by pretending that they merely [[Shaped Like Itself|look like...themselves.]]