Incredibles 2/Quotes

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Mr. Incredible

We didn't do anything wrong.
—Bob referring to the Underminer fight
You won't need to. I got it, you go do this thing. Do it so... I can do it better.
—Bob telling Helen she doesn't have to worry about the kids.
Math is math! MATH! IS! MATH!
—Bob having difficulty understanding Dash's 'new math'
They said it was...bu...THAT'S MY CAR!!!
—Bob seeing that the Incredibile is owned by someone else
BECAUSE I'M FORMULATING, OKAY?!?! I'm taking in information, I'm processing! I'm doing the math, I'm fixing the boyfriend and keeping the baby from turning into a flaming monster! How do I do it? By rolling with the punches, BABY! I eat thunder and CRAP lightning, OKAY?! 'Cause I'm Mr. Incredible! Not "Mr. So-So" or "Mr. Mediocre-Guy". MR. INCREDIBLE!
—Bob angrily explaining why he didn't tell anyone about Jack-Jack's powers
I'm used to knowing what the right thing to do is but now, I'm not sure anymore. I just wanna be (sighs) a good dad.
—Bob worrying about being a good dad for his kids
Your bodies and your character are weak, your promises are empty and you will pay for it.
—A hypnotised Mr. Incredible


If laws are unjust, there are laws to change them! OTHERWISE, it's CHAOS!
After we went underground, my husband used to listen to a police scanner waiting for something to happen. And I got mad at him for it. Oh, I'm such a hypocrite.
—Elastigirl waiting for crime in New Urbem
You know it's crazy, right? To help my family, I gotta leave it. To fix the law, I gotta break it.
I'm not all dark and...angsty. I'm Elastigirl. I'm, you know, flexible. I mean, look at the-the...
—Elastigirl lamenting her grey supersuit
Screenslaver is still out there. All I did was play his game and win this round. He's gonna want more and as long as he gets to play, he wins.
The believer would tell you to make your mark. Don't wait for permission, assert yourself and impose your will on the status quo.
—Elastigirl giving advice to Evelyn
Years of mandated hiding and silence have made us bitter. You bring us into the light only to clean up the messes your lack of discipline creates!
—A hypnotised Elastigirl
[laughs] I don't wanna die!
—Elastigirl when suffering from hypoxia aboard Evelyn's jet


You're not going anywhere, you little maggoty creep!
—Violet when trying to avoid babysitting duties
You're not sticking me with babysitting!
But we're supposed to help if there's trouble.
I just thought it was kinda cool. Fighting crime, as a family.
—Violet reflecting on the Underminer fight
Good thing we won't stand out. Wouldn't want to attract any unnecessary attention.
—Violet sarcastically pointing out that the mansion stands out
I HATE superheroes, and I RENOUNCE THEM!!!
—Violet after she found out Bob had Dicker wipe Tony's memories of her
You're not good. You're super.
—Violet reassuring Bob that he's a good dad
This is important. They are in trouble. It's up to us! To us! Understand?
—Violet telling Dash that only they can save their parents


 We wanna fight bad guys!
It's got a big yard! Near a forest! AND A POOL!
—Dash when checking out the features of the mansion
Is she having adolescence?
—Dash suggesting a reason for Violet's outburst
Ha-ha! "The Bored Platter!"
—Dash responding to Violet claiming The Happy Platter looks bored
We're your kids! We need to know these things!
—Dash after finding out Jack-Jack has powers
Yeah, baby! My sweet ride!
—Dash when the Incredibile emerges from the sea


—Jack-Jack when seeing his mom on the TV


Don't be mad because I know when to leave a party. I'm just as illegal as you guys. Besides, I knew the cops would let you go.
—Lucius referring to the Underminer fight
Oh you need more than me time, Bob. You need major life realignment on a number of levels. Starting with baby super-freak here! You need some solid outside-the-box thinking.
—Lucius giving advice to Bob
We no longer serve you, we serve only us! May the fittest survive.
—A hypnotised Frozone


I LOVE SUPERHEROES! The powers, the costumes, the mythic struggles!
—Winston greeting the three Supers
They see destruction and they see you. So, if we wanna change people's perceptions about superheroes, we need you to share your perceptions with the world.
With great respect, let's not test the whole "insurance-will-pay-for-everything" idea on the first go 'round, okay?
—Winston justifying his choice of Elastigirl to lead the Supers campaign
This is a momentous occasion. We've all managed to accomplish something extraordinarily rare in today's world. We agree on something.
—Winston at the Super legalisation ceremony


Well, it's been a while since your superhero days and even then, you were kind of in Mr. Incredible's shadow.
—Evelyn reminding Elastigirl of the glory days
Aw, shucks! I'm just the genius behind the genius.
—Evelyn after she helped Elastigirl capture the Screenslaver
Ease. People will trade quality for ease every time. It may be crap, but hey, it's convenient.
—Evelyn just before she hypnotises Elastigirl
Our sweet parents were fools to put their lives in anybody else's hands. Superheroes keep us weak!
—Part of Evelyn's monologue to a captured Elastigirl
You're gonna help me make supers illegal, forever.
You know what's sad? If it weren't for your core beliefs, I think we could've been good friends.
—Evelyn in the jet with Elastigirl


The Screenslaver interrupts this program for an important announcement.
—Screenslaver announcing himself to the world
You are no longer in control. I am.
—Screenslaver at the end of their monologue


Done properly, parenting is a heroic act. Done properly.
—Edna after Bob described his struggles with his kids
Your bill will be covered by my fee for being Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Frozone's exclusive designer throughout the known universe and until the end of time. But babysitting this one I do for free, darling.
—Edna telling Bob her price is not monetary


I sort of knew her, but she'd changed. Relaxed. She was more sure of herself. Cool, cute. I asked her out to a movie.
—Tony talking about Violet
It's not her fault superheroes are illegal. And it's not like I don't like strong girls. I'm pretty secure... manhood-wise...


I felt like an outcast...before. But now, with you being you, I feel like...Yay, me.
—Voyd when first meeting Elastigirl
I saw what you did back there. That was incredible! No pun intended.
—Voyd talking to Violet after the city was saved


BEHOLD, THE UNDERMINER!!! I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! I hereby declare war on peace and happiness! Soon all will tremble BEFORE ME!
—The Underminer about to enact his plan
—The Underminer when detonating bombs below the city


You want out of the hole? First, you gotta put down the shovel.
—Rick to Bob and Helen
Politicians don't understand people who do good simply because it's right. It makes 'em nervous. They've been gunning for Supers for years. Today was all they needed.
—Rick after the Underminer fight


Where are you going ASAP? You better be back ASAP! And leaving that suit!
—Honey when Lucius was about to go to the Parr mansion

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