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== General Examples ==
=== Anime and Manga ===
* In ''[[Inuyasha]],'' Jaken uses his staff to try to burn one of another villain's [[Asteroids Monster|attacking pieces]]. Bad idea.
* Partial example: in ''[[Naruto]]'', Sasuke sets {{spoiler|the 8-Tails}} on fire with {{spoiler|Amaterasu}}, which makes it flail around and hit ''his teammate'' Karin, setting her on fire (luckily, he found a way to put her out).
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=== ComicbooksComic Books ===
* ''[[V for Vendetta]]'' has this, but it's a borderline case. The hero{{spoiler|, V,}} gets set on fire during his explosive escape {{spoiler|from a hideous concentration camp/secret medical test site}}, walks off into the sunset, goes ''[[Bored with Insanity|utterly sane]]'' and proceeds to take down {{spoiler|the dictatorship responsible for his physical and mental disfigurement}}. Although by the time he does it he's not on fire anymore, so it's debatable.
* ''[[Hellboy (comics)|Hellboy]]: Blood and Iron''. Pyrokinetic Liz heats up metal Hecate; she gets BIGGER and makes things very uncomfortable for Hellboy, who she's holding. Oops.
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=== Films -- Live-Action ===
* Happens in the 2008 horror film ''Mirrors''. Makes some sense as {{spoiler|the "villain" Anna is possessed by some sort of otherworldly evil force and hence probably isn't bound by normal human limits.}}
* Jason in ''[[Freddy vs. Jason]]'' is set on fire. It doesn't keep him from killing anyone. To top it off, spraying beer eventually puts him out before it can do any real damage. Doubly ironic as it was being dosed in more highly concentrated alcohol that set him on fire in the first place.
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=== Gamebooks ===
* Happens after a fashion in the ''[[Lone Wolf]]'' book ''Wolf's Bane''. Early on in the story, Lone Wolf is trapped in an otherworldly plant stem. Your options include cutting your way out, shouting your way out, and using magic. The problem comes with the last option, since the player isn't told ''which'' spell Lone Wolf will use. He ends up casting his lightning hand spell, which does effectively open the stem up, but it also causes the apparently flammable sap in the stem to ignite and burn furiously. You take damage from the resulting inferno if you're not immune to fire.
=== Literature ===
* In ''Stone of Tears'', the second book of the [[Sword of Truth]] series, Zedd, Chase, and Chase's daughter encounter a beast from the Underworld. The little girl uses a magic wand to set it on fire... and the beast start laughing and presses the attack. It's eventually defeated (but not killed) when Zedd encases it in a block of ice and order guards to chop it to bits.
* The third book in ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' has the example of Beric Dondarrion taking on Sandor "the Hound" Clegane with a flaming sword. {{spoiler|Despite the fact that Sandor is terrified of fire due to childhood trauma, it doesn't work. Beric dies, although it doesn't stick.}}
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=== Tabletop Games ===
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'': The monstrous Tyranids were damaged as normal by fire attacks, but could continue moving and attacking. In fact, several models (particularly those who were [[Axe Crazy|affected by the Frenzy rules]]) were subject to this. Khorne Berzerkers were as tough as a [[Super Soldier|"normal"]] [[Space Marine]], had even better armour and ran faster to get into combat, making it quite likely that turning a flamer on one would only lead to him running full pelt into you ''whilst on fire''.
** In previous editions, using any heat weapons (flamers, melta-guns, plasma weapons, and so on) did nothing to the Eldar Avatar... because he is a molten iron incarnation of the Eldar god of war. This has since been nerfed: he is now only immune to flamers and meltas.
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=== Videogames ===
* Ignus from ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'' is permanently on fire as a result of the collective hedge wizards in the Hive opening a portal to the elemental plane of fire ''inside his body'' and turning him into a living effigy as a way of punishing him for an act of mass arson. As a punishment, it failed miserably -- it only made him ''happy''.
* In ''[[Resident Evil 4]]'', before fighting the Village Elder, Leon shoots an [[Exploding Barrels|explosive barrel]], setting him and the barn they're both locked inside on fire. This doesn't so much kill him as make him [[One-Winged Angel|reveal his terrible true form]].
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=== Webcomics ===
* ''[[Girl Genius]]'': "[ Great. Now the crowd is trapped by the stalagmites while the flaming monster advances.]"
* In ''[[8-Bit Theater|Eight Bit Theater]]'', Red Mage attempts, and ''[ fails]'', to invoke this trope.
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=== Web Originals ===
* A [[Nuke'Em|nuke]] was one of the methods proposed by the [[SCP Foundation]] to kill the so-far-indestructable SCP-682. It was turned down mainly because the brass was worried about what SCP-682 could become if it survived, as it generates a defense mechanism against whatever is used on it. One of the pages mentions launching SCP-682 into the sun with a giant cannon. It came back a little while later, on fire.
=== Western Animation ===
* In ''[[Beast Wars]]'', Megatron, while in a temporarily weakened state due to an imminant [[Power Makeover]], gets thrown into a pool of lava. The result? He emerges in dragon form.
* In the ''[[Family Guy]]'' episode "Lois Kills Stewie", when Lois assumes Stewie is dead after being caught in an explosion. He's not.
=== Real Life ===
* [[Truth in Television]]. No, really:
* Another example reiterated in a comedy routine. Man lights bonfire. Man sees mouse. Man throws mouse into bonfire. Burning mouse runs into man's house. Man has no house. Man tells story on news.
=== Examples with Zombies ===
=== Media in General ===
== Media in General ==
* As established in the page quote, doing this to zombies is a crapshoot. While they may lack the brains to put themselves out, and the thinking is they'd bump into each other and set each other on fire, setting off a chain reaction of sort is fine, it tends to backfire as they can also run into ''you'', or the building you're hiding out in, or any surrounding buildings, in which case you'll set ''everything around you on fire''. Also, zombies aren't scared by fire and don't feel pain, so it wouldn't be as scary as it would for a normal human. The odds are you'll make things worse. [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nice going]].
=== Anime & Manga ===
* An experiment in ''[[Highschool of the Dead]]'' demonstrates that a molotov cocktail does not, in the short term, improve an assault from [[Not Using the Z Word|"them"]].
=== [[Card Games]] ===
* [ Nothing ruins your day like a blazing zombie.]
=== Films -- Live-Action ===
* Demonstrated in the recent remake of ''[[Dawn of the Dead 2004]]'': The DVD has an extra about a guy holed up in a gunshop who tries molotov cocktails on the zombie horde from his roof. All he gets is lots of walking, charred zombies (people don't really burn that well, being largely water and all) who all smell like smoky bacon (he's running low on food).
** In the actual movie, a group in the parking garage lock the zombies outside a chain-link fence, then set them on fire when they realize that they're getting through. The zombies do burn enough to die, but that may be justified by the group dousing them in gasoline beforehand.
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=== Literature ===
* It is noted both in ''[[World War Z]]'' and ''[[The Zombie Survival Guide]]'' that flaming zombies have caused added havok (and increased property damage) on more than one occasion.
=== Myth and Legend ===
* In one traditional Cree story, two children are being chased by the severed head of their mother, and they start a wildfire behind them to stop her. However, she rolls straight through the fire, and then they're being chased by the ''flaming'' severed head of their mother. (Fortunately, shortly afterwards she goes through a river and the fire gets put out, but by then she's a skull.)
=== Tabletop Games ===
* In ''[[Mage: The Awakening]]'' however, its necessary to assign a weakness to a zombie (otherwise you have to devote a success to making it so they can only be destroyed by essentially [[Chunky Salsa Rule|being reduced to a fine paste]]) which can include fire.
* ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' has a special undead monster, "Blazing Bones". It's created when someone under [[Dead-Man Switch|death-preventing contingency magic]] is killed by fire while using another magic and they all interfere. It is a skeleton with remains of its living mind, still aflame, and still feeling this. It quickly discovers that hurling or pouring fire into someone else gives relief and [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil|goes on an insane rampage]]. It's "healed" by magical fire damage, but obviously is not going to be grateful for this.
=== Videogames ===
* In ''[[Halo 3]]'', using fire against the Flood can sometimes lead to this. Sticky grenades [[Oh Crap|had a similar effect]] in the earlier games.
* It works even worse for the player in ''[[Return to Castle Wolfenstein]]'': While flame works well against the sword'n'shield zombies, it turns the unarmed ghost-skull ones into mean firebreathing mofos.
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=== Webcomics ===
* Kat from ''[[Sequential Art (webcomic)|Sequential Art]]'' [ discovered] what's worse than a homicidal zombie pirate.
=== Western Animation ===
* When [[El Tigre]] had to battle Santara Of the Dead's grandson; Django of The Dead. El Tigre managed to get Django to drop into a lava pit in the final battle, but came back using the lava around his hands and arms to blast himself back onto the platform and use said lava to retaliate. Until he accidentally touched his own guitar with his lava hands and destroyed himself.