Innocent Fanservice Girl: Difference between revisions

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** Elves of the [[Forgotten Realms]] normally don't see any problems with nudity, and humans who dealt with them too much (including the Seven Sisters) sometimes pick up their habits. Though they make adjustments to not become too much of a distraction when among the humans. In books, citizens of Cormanthor (''Elminster in Myth Drannor'') considered a handful of enchanted gems stuck to the skin to be a fashionable dress, and for the ladies of Evereska (''Return of the Archwizards''), the discovery that men who see them swimming start to breathe heavily was rather disconcerting. Drow also got Eilistraee—as one of the authors put it, "goddess of butt-neckid moon dance". To be fair, in her case, her nudity is supposed to represent freedom, which she embodies.
** ''Every'' female character pictured in ''[[Dark Sun]]''; way too hot for armor on the post-apocalyptic setting of Athas, and anyone who does not become a capable fighter will not last long, so the typical female adventurer is a [[Hot Amazon]] in a [[Chainmail Bikini]].
** The Vaati (aka Wind Dukes of Aaqa) are powerful beings associated with the [[Dismantled MacGuffin| Rod of Seven Parts]]. Both genders are tall, muscular humanoids who rarely wear clothing; being spirits of elemental air, they don't exactly need it to keep warm.
* The Nazzadi in ''[[Cthulhu Tech]]''.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' has the [[Artificial Human|Alchemical]] ''Thousand-Faceted Nelumbo'', who, given that she's a cold-proof robot and a loner by necessity, usually doesn't wear anything other than a cloak, which she casts off during a fight. [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]], however, in that she's actually aware that this attracts stares-the cloak can reshape itself into normal clothing if she's forced into a social situation.