Inspector Spacetime has provided laughter to the English-speaking world for fully half a century.

First Inspector

  • The first appearance of the Blorgons. For something that became so scary, their first appearance was pretty bad.
  • The Inspector holding his trademark "eh" sentence-ender for a full minute and a half before being knocked out by the Monster of the Week.

Second Inspector

  • The Inspector at the end of The Cube in Time (and his second season), when Aiden urges him to "celebrate" their hard-fought victory. Nowhere else in the universe will you see Christopher Lee playing an ocarina and doing, just for a moment, a little soft-shoe dance in wellingtons.
  • The bit with the pot of gunpowder and the torch in The Revolution. Classic enough that Lee recreated the moment decades later when playing Saruman in The Lord of the Rings.

Third Inspector

  • The Kittens very possibly had the most unintentionally funny "villains" of the entire series, but the Inspector's various gags with that bit of string are genuinely hilarious. Marvel at Bernard Fox making something out of almost literally nothing..

Fourth Inspector

  • Lots of glorious black humor in Terror at Tooth Point, starting with that title; while the action does in fact take place on Tooth Point, it turns out the villain of the piece is a Classical Movie Vampire.

Fifth Inspector

  • Veneziana and Thorough's reactions when the newly-regenerated Inspector cheerfully emerges wearing her.. rather striking.. new outfit, topped with that hat, particularly Veneziana's terrified little squeak. The Inspector then applies some lipstick with suspicious confidence and expertise..

Inspector:: There! How do I look?
Thorough:: ...Breathtaking?


Sixth Inspector

  • The Inspector-Muppet in "Mindscrew". In addition to being adorable.
  • The Fifth Inspector's blink-and-you'll-miss it cameo in "The Only Inspector":

Door gets yanked open
"Oh! Hello there!"
"No, no! Too soon! Too soon!"
Door gets slammed shut


Seventh Inspector

  • Pretty much the entirety of Spectre Night. I mean, yeah, a lot of fans think it's an overly simplistic pro-Creationism parable, stretched over far too many episodes, but the writers more than make up for the thin plot with the sheer volume of jokes.

Ninth Inspector

  • The wonderful scene in Spacetime Musical where the Inspector replaced James Haggard's nuclear missiles with a grove of water-melon. The lyrics and choreography to that number were a hoot, as well.

Tenth Inspector

  • In Stare, where the Inspector describes the Snarling Lions as "wibble wobble time things". A real classic, and the Trope Namer for Wibble Wobble Time Thing.
  • The reaction when it's finally revealed that Henry Anglo is really the Sergeant: "You shaved off your mustache!?"

Eleventh Inspector

  • "I wear a bowler hat now. Bowler hats are neat."
  • "The Earth said 'om nom nom'. Must be Saturday."
  • "Oh, look at that. A shovel-y thing. I love a great big shovel-y thing."
  • "Quiet Man? How come you Can't shut up!"
  • "I demand Custard Creams! And Coffee!"
  • "That doesn't even make sense!"
  • This conversation with Cabin, the X7's in-flight hologram waitress:

Cabin:: Be afraid of me. I dispatched thousands of Infinity Knights.
Inspector:: Be afraid of me. I dispatched most of them.
Cabin:: Funny. You die now.


Inspector Spacetime:When in doubt Run!
Constable Wigglesworth: I hope there's a plan B.
Inspector Spacetime:{Grins} Run Faster!!