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** In the Basic editions of D&D where elves were a class rather than a race, [[Interspecies Romance]] between a human and an elf typically resulted in either a human or an elf, much like in Tolkien's world.
** Eberron gives a very reasonable explanation to why half-elves are a race, and lays down specific rules for half-elves and their offspring (half-elves breed true, elves and half-elves always have half-elf children, and a half-elf/human pairing has an equal chance of producing a half-elf or human). When the elves first started trading with humans, they realized that humans were very short-lived and could die in a matter of ''decades''. Some elves decided it would be good business to marry wealthy human merchants, enjoy the relationship for a few decades, and then inherit sizeable holdings. It [[Did Not Do the Research|didn't even occur to the elves that half-human/half-elf offspring were viable]], and when half-human children started being born [[Fantastic Racism|the elvish nation restricted trade and closed its borders out of fear]]. However, all of the newly born half-elves were born into rich families, and most of the elven parents stayed around to raise their children, so half-elves came to occupy a nice section of upper/middle-class society in Khorvaire and make "Khorvar" villages on their ancestral land holdings.
** In the ''[[Planescape]]'' setting, half-elf PCs who do not start out as "Clueless" Primes are the offspring of Prime elves and Planar humans, as if half-elves didn't have "issues" enough!
* Daddy, where do half-[[Our Orcs Are Different|orcs]] come from?
** Many sources have presented them using the [[Child by Rape]] scenario, but not always. And in some cases where it ''is'', the [[War Is Hell|father is the human side.]]
** At least some stories do show half-orcs that came from consenting parents. The ''[[Planescape]]'' setting had at least one half-orc character whose parents were a genuinely loving human/orc couple (male human, female orc). There was also the ''[[Dungeon (magazine)|Dungeon Adventures]]'' module "Rudwilla's Stew" where the villains were three half-orcs and their human mother, who was a moderately powerful wizard. One of the brothers kept the skull of their father in a trunk in his bedroom, but no clue other than that was given as to how he was killed.
** In ''[[Planescape]]'', Factol Lhar of the Bleak Cabal is a half-orc whose parents were a married but impoverished couple, who abandoned him at the Gatehouse when he was 12; his mother had become pregnant a second time and they could not support two children. Clearly, this was at least one reason why Lhar embraced the nihilistic philosophy of the Bleak Cabal enough to eventually become its leader.
** In fact, orcs likely have the most unstable genetic structure of all humanoid beings. One source claims that can crossbreed with almost any humanoid race except for elves, and have done so with goblins, dwarves, and gnomes, as well as humans. Two well-known half-orc species that don't involve a human parent are orogs (which is the result of male orc and a female ogre, and somehow smarter than its parents and much more disciplined than either) and an ogrillion (a rarer creature that occurs with the same two species, but the genders of the parents reversed; more stupid than both parents and, somehow, armored).
* Derro, grimlocks, kuo-toa, and all Gith subraces are results of slave breeding by illithids, and those are the ones we ''know'' about. Illithid experiments have created a ''lot'' of bad things.
** Though in ''Pathfinder'' the Derro are actually descended from [[Hollow Earth|Darklands]] fae who've [[The Fair Folk|become insanely evil]], with no odd breeding practices involved.
* D&D3+ also features, as templates, half-celestials, half-dragons, half-elementals, half-fey, half-fiends, half-janni, half-minotaurs, half-ogres, half-trolls (which can be anything from half-human to half-griffin to half-stegosaurus), half-vampires, and even half-''golems'' and half-''illithids'' (though at least those last ones thankfully don't involve sex).
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* One example of this Trope that ended ''very'' badly is part of the backstory of the ''[[Dungeon (magazine)|Dungeon]] #44'' module "Train of Events". One of the villains is a [[Lamia|Lamia Noble]] who once fell in love with, married, and even had a child with a human male. (The monstrous equivalent of a she-wolf falling in love with a male sheep, at least from the typical lamia's point of view.) Problem is, she used her shapechanging ability to pose as human almost all the time, and one day he saw her in her true form. He was both repulsed and terrified, and she became enraged at such a reaction. (As the text states, [[Black Comedy|"after all the years of giving up raw human flesh for boring roast beef, this is how he treated her?"]]) In her rage, she killed him by shoving him out a third floor window, and fled. Her ultimate goal in the story is to find and reclaim her son with the aid of factions of derro and duergar. There's even a portrait of her son in her private quarters, placed for the DM to use as a [[Sequel Hook]].
* Ahem, Drow. They are known to hold rituals to summon demons simply for horrid orgies, simply to appease their dark goddess or prove how tough they are, and it is not uncommon for prisoners of the drow to be "invited" to these rituals. The "guests" used as [[Human Sacrifice]] for the actual summoning ritual are the lucky ones.
** One of the worst examples of this is how a Draegoloth is conceived. This special type of half-fiend is the result of an unholy ritual conducted by a drow priestess where she lets a glabrezu [ (that would be this thing)] have its way with her. Assuming she survives the initial ritual (demons tend to play rough), is tough enough to both carry the child to term and survive the birth (most do not) simply being able to bear this child puts her in a privileged status among Lolth's clergy, not to mention the benefits of being mom to a demon that makes an obscenely powerful engine of destruction. ''Volo's Guide to Monsters'' states that while the odds of survival are slim, some drow - being depraved creatures always trying to win Lolth's favor in their [[Social Darwinist]] society - consider it worth the risk.
* Halfling mythology has a legend of a female halfling who was something of a slut and a bigamist with three husbands, a dwarf, elf, and gnome. Loyalty towards one's family and spouse are considered important virtues for halflings, so as a result, the gods put a curse on her, so that her children would be of a new species that embodied the negative qualities of all four races. This new species was humans. [["Not Making This Up" Disclaimer|And yes, this ''is'' a story in canon halfling mythology;]] while the veracity of the myth is as debatable as any myths, most would admit that if true, it would explain a lot.
[[Category:Tabletop Games]]