Ironic Echo Cut: Difference between revisions

standardized section heads, added example, italics on work names, potholes, replaced redirects, copyedits
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Cross Game]]'', with some nice post-cut sarcasm:
{{quote|'''Aoba''': I bet he's nervous like hell. After all, this is the first game he can't afford to lose.
Line 42:
'''Bradley''': That sounds like a very interesting fight. I'm going to allow the battle assessment. }}
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In a [ scene] from ''[[Elf Quest]]'', both Leetah and Two-Edge say "I lost." Leetah has been trying to save a life, while Two-Edge has been playing a deadly game with everybody's lives.
* ''[[Runaways (comics)|Runaways]]'' combined this with a subversion of the [[Evil Laugh]]. For full effect, Old Lace is a ''Deinonychus''.
{{quote|'''Mr. Wilder''': I have no doubt [the children] are plotting to destroy us even as we speak.
Line 51:
{{quote|'''Thugboy and Ninjette:''' Didn't know she could '''do''' that.
'''Empowered:''' Didn't know that I could '''do''' this... }}
* ''[[Great Lakes Avengers|]]'': The Great Lakes Initiative]] has just [[Saving Christmas|saved Christmas]] from a [[Harmless Villain|D-list List Villainvillain]], when this ironic echo cut appears:
{{quote|'''Flatman''': Man, I wish Squirrel Girl was here. This's our biggest adventure in months and she's missing it.
(Cut to [[Squirrel Girl]])
Line 66:
'''Executive #2:''' And took them for everything they had! }}
== Film[[Fan Works]] ==
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series]]'' got a good joke out of this with Ishizu's narration.
{{quote|'''Ishizu''' (narrating): Something told me that Marik wouldn't be forgetting his experience on the surface for a long time.
'''Marik''': I will not forget my experience on the surface for a long time. }}
* ''[[Dragon Ball Abridged]]'' had a memorable scene in Episode 15, cutting between scenes of Frieza stating confidence in Dodoria's skills and Dodoria screwing up.
{{quote|'''Zarbon''': "How do you think Dodoria is doing out there?"
'''Freeza''': "We are talking about one of my finest soldiers, there is no way that they'll escape Dodoria's grasp."
''(Krillin head-butts Dodoria in the face and escapes.)''
'''Dodoria''': "Ah, Dammit!"
'''Zarbon''': "But what if they have any tricks in their sleeves?"
'''Freeza''': "Come now Zarbon! We know Dodoria wouldn't let them out of sight!"
''(Krillin blinds Dodoria with a solar-flare, [[Call Back|which includes a shot of Freeza in the shower]].)''
'''Dodoria''': "Ah, DAMMIT!!"
'''Zarbon''': "Still, sir, we have to remember that Vegeta is on the planet."
'''Freeza''': "Oh Please! Like Vegeta could even lay a hand on Dodoria."
''(Vegeta smacks Dodoria downwards.)''
'''Dodoria''': "[[Rule of Three|AH, DAMMIIIIIT!!!]]" *Splash* }}
* From the ''[[Worm]]/[[Doom (series)|Doom]]'' crossover ''[[Taylor is DOOMed]]'' by "mp3.1415player":
{{quote|"I love a target rich environment," [Taylor] chuckled.
"I fucking hate a target rich environment!" Taylor screamed as she ran like mad.}}
== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade]]'':
{{quote|'''Elsa:''' It's perfectly obvious where the pages are. He's given them to Marcus Brody.
Line 75 ⟶ 97:
'''Marcus Brody:''' Uhhh, does anyone here speak English? }}
** This example is made even more hilarious when Indy reveals [[Indy Ploy|he was bluffing]].
* ''[[Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country]]'': Spock states his confidence that the Captain is already in the middle of his escape ... cut to Kirk getting the crap beat out of him in a prison fight.
* Another example without the cut: ''[[Austin Powers]]|Austin Powers in Goldmember]]''.
{{quote|'''Austin''': ''(To his father)'' Like I'd ever let Goldmember get away.
(''Foxxy Cleopatra enters the shot'')
'''Foxxy''': Austin? Goldmember's getting away. }}
* This is almost [[War Machine (Comic Book)|James Rhodes]] (Terrence Howard)'s entire purpose in the ''[[Iron Man]]'' [[Iron Man (film)|filmIron Man]]''.
** The man in action:
{{quote|'''Rhodey''': Now, what am I supposed to tell the press?
'''Stark''': exerciceexercise, isn't that the usual BS?
'''Rhodey''': It's not that simple.
(Cut to Rhodey in front of the press)
Line 107 ⟶ 129:
(Cut to Ze. Ze stops walking, turns around, thinking.)
''Ze:'' Why didn't I kill him? }}
* In ''[[Singles]]'', Linda is talking with her girlfriends after she and Steve have their initial one-night stand:
{{quote|'''Linda:''' This guy plays no games.
(Cut to Steve, talking with ''his'' friends)
Line 123 ⟶ 145:
'''Zorg''': I'm screwed. }}
** [[''The Fifth Element]]'' did these cuts often and did them well.
{{quote|'''Zorg:''' This case is empty.
(Scene switch)
[Leeloo laughs]
'''Cornelius:''' What do you mean, empty?
(Scene switch)
'''Zorg:''' Empty. The opposite of full. }}
* From ''[[The Family Stone]]'':
{{quote|'''Everett:''' (To his fiancée that he's about to introduce to his family) Don't worry, they're going to love you.
Line 144 ⟶ 166:
'''Grosser''': ''(following in van)'' That punk is either in love with that guy's daughter or he has a new-found respect for life! }}
* Used in ''[[Finding Forrester]]'', with Forrester giving Jamal romantic advice.
{{quote|'''Forrester''': The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time.
'''Claire''': (opening a present) This is so unexpected! }}
* In ''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]] 2]]'', Deluded Buzz, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky, Hamm, and Rex are in a ventilation shaft in Al's apartment to rescue Woody. They look through the grate and mistakenly think Woody is being tortured.
{{quote|'''Rex:''' What are we going to do, Buzz?
'''Buzz:''' [[Use Your Head]]!
(Cut to the other toys running while carrying Rex to use as battering ram against the grate.)
'''Rex:''' BUT I DON'T WANT TO USE MY HEAD!!! }}
* The live1987 live-action film ''[[George of the Jungle (film)|George of the Jungle]]'' film invokes this trope as much as possible.
== [[Literature]] ==
* [[John Ringo]] tends to have these in his books, especially at chapter transitions. ''Watch On The Rhine'', written by Tom Kratman, as part of Ringo's [[Posleen War Series]] (Ringo's name is on the cover of ''Watch'' only due to a marketing decision, not because he wrote any of it, as per [[Word of God|a question/answer session at DragonCon, in 2007]]) has them nearly ''every'' scene change.
* The ''[[New Jedi Order]]'' novel ''Star by Star'' has a brutal example of this:
{{quote|'''Anakin Solo''' (after receiving a heavy wound that eventually kills him): [[Only a Flesh Wound|It's just a little cut]].
Cut to next chapter and an entirely different setting and group of people.
Line 169 ⟶ 191:
{{quote|Appleby was a fair-haired boy from Iowa who believed in God, Motherhood, and the American Way of Life, without ever thinking about any of them, and everybody who knew him liked him.
"I hate that son of a bitch," Yossarian growled. }}
* From the tenth ''[[Ranger's Apprentice]]'' book, when Alyss and Evanlyn propose setting out on their own to get reinforcements for battle:
{{quote|'''Alyss:''' It's such a logical idea, [Halt] can hardly say no, can he?
'''Halt:''' No! No, no, no -- and, just in case you missed it the first time, no. }}
* There's an ''unspoken'' one in one of [[Isaac Asimov]]'s ''Black Widowers'' stories, when a very forgetful man has misplaced the card on which he'd written some information he desperately needs. The Widowers agree not to ask Henry, despite all his previous successes, because there's no way he could just "pull the answer out of a hat" in this situation. Then Henry enters with the card in question; the guest had absentmindedly handed it to Henry when he arrived, along with his hat and coat, and Henry tucked the card into the man's hat for storage. So he ''did'' pull the answer out of a hat—but no one points this out.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* ''[[100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd]]'': Gwen's dad has suggested she get a part-time job to pay for an expensive watch she wants.
{{quote|'''Gwen:''' Oh, no. Working in a fast food restaurant? There is ''nothing'' more humiliating than that.
(Cut to her brother, Justin, who has been stuffed in a basketball hoop)
Line 191 ⟶ 213:
Cut to a different room
'''Jayne''': "There's people gonna die." }}
** [[Joss Whedon]] is simply the MASTER''master'' of this technique and variations there-of. It's gotta be like half of the humor element of any of his shows (especially the darker ones).
* An example from one episode of ''[[Eureka]]'' has one foot in this trope and the other in [[Description Cut]].
{{quote|ZANE'''Zane:''' [[The Sheriff|Carter]], [[The Smart Guy|Henry]], and [[Dr. Jerk|Stark]]. That's your [[Who You Gonna Call?|money]] [[Freudian Trio|team]]. ''They know exactly what they're doing''.
Cut to Carter, Henry, and Stark crouching in the bushes, Carter holding a huge gun.
STARK'''Stark:''' You sure you know what you're doing?
CARTER'''Carter:''' I have no idea. }}
* Frequently used straight in ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'', but subverted in the first season finale when twice, after baldfaced lies, it cuts to an insert saying "FOOTAGE NOT FOUND."
* The ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' episode "Earshot" takes this a bit further, as the 'echo' comes from what Cordelia is thinking, before she speaks—while everyone else is thinking one thing and saying another, Cordelia thinks "I don't see what this has to do with me" then repeats that exact phrase out loud.
Line 290 ⟶ 312:
'''Ethan Slaughter''': I'd tell you what ''I'd'' do. I'd go all caveman on that partner of yours, show her what time it is in ''real''-man land. }}
== Machinima[[Radio]] ==
* ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'' does this several times:
{{quote|'''Church:''' Private Mickey was the first to go. He was halfway across the base when he started screaming bloody murder.
(Cut to Mickey spinning around and shooting)
'''Mickey:''' Bloody Murder! Bloody Murder! }}
{{quote|'''Church:''' Tex walked up to him, pulled Jimmy's skull right out of his head and beat him to death with it.
'''Tucker:''' Wait a second, how do you beat someone to death with their own skull? That doesn't seem physically possible!
'''Church:''' That's exactly what Jimmy kept screaming!
(Cut to Jimmy being beaten to death with his own skull)
'''Private Jimmy''': This doesn't seem physically possible! }}
{{quote|'''Simmons:''' Grif, don't you understand that because we lost Sister, we're horribly outnumbered? We already lost Donut and Sarge, now it's four on two. The Blues are probably gearing up for an enormous attack right now! At any moment they're gonna come over that hill, guns blazing, yelling "CHAAAARGE!"
(Cut to the Blues, under attack)
'''Church:''' RETREEEAAATTTT!!! }}
{{quote|'''Church:''' Man, I hope Tucker's having an easier time with his part of the plan.
'''Tucker:''' Crap. This isn't going very well at all! }}
{{quote|'''Grif:''' I bet the Blues don't have to deal with anything this annoying.
'''Computer Phone Lady:''' To leave a callback number, press 11.
'''Church:''' There is no 11, you FUCKING WHORE!
'''Doc:''' Ooh, language! }}
{{quote|'''Donut:''' Okay, 'cause I'm saying right now, if they came at us with their tank, I'm gonna totally freak out.
(Cut to Tucker, Lopez, and Sheila)
'''Tucker:''' Man, I sure hope they don't totally freak out when they see us coming.
'''Donut:''' Oh no, it's true! I'm gonna freak out! I'M FREAKING OUT! }}
{{quote|'''Church:''' If he starts giving him mouth-to-mouth, I'm leaving.
(Cut to Simmons and Grif, trying to resuscitate Sarge)
'''Simmons:''' Maybe you should give him mouth-to-mouth.
(Cut back to Church and Sarge)
'''Church:''' I'm leaving. }}
{{quote|'''Tucker:''' He must be one smart sonuvabitch.
(Cut to Donut, completely lost with the flag)
'''Donut:''' Man, I am so freakin' lost! }}
** ''Beta Complex:''
{{quote|'''Sarge:''' Let's say the Blues are launching a coordinated offensive.
(Cut to Blue Team)
'''Church:''' Where the heck are we? I don't even know this map!
'''Tucker:''' Where are the weapons?
'''Caboose:''' Which base is ours? }}
* [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]] got a good joke out of this with Ishizu's narration.
{{quote|'''Ishizu''' (narrating): Something told me that Marik wouldn't be forgetting his experience on the surface for a long time.
'''Marik''': I will not forget my experience on the surface for a long time. }}
* [[Zero Punctuation|Yahtzee]] explains this in his [[Mortal Kombat]] episode thusly:
{{quote|It's like a [[sitcom]] moment wherein Character X defends the intelligence of Character Y while in the background Character Y is busy [[Too Dumb to Live|snorting Drano off the back of an enraged lioness]].}}
== Radio ==
* In ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'' radio series, during the description of the Guide's advice when falling from a great height, the narrator points out that the Guide does not mention the possibility that someone might survive by falling onto a large bird in flight because "the very idea is utterly ludicrous". Arthur, and later Ford and Zaphod then fall onto large passing birds who both remark:
{{quote|'''Bird''': Look, this is utterly ludicrous!}}
== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Super Robot Wars]] Original Generation'' uses this very well. This major boss shows up and just kinda toys with the good guys before leaving. After the good guys get back to base, one guy remarks that the villain seemed to have been showing off, but another one blows him off, says that's something the protagonist would do instead. Cut to villain hideout. [[The Dragon]] notes that he was showing off, and the villain owns up to it.
{{quote|'''Giado''': Mon, I think he wuz just showing off! A mecha otaku, I swear!
Line 363 ⟶ 339:
== [[Web Animation]] ==
* From ''[[Homestar Runner|Strong Bad's Cool Game Forfor Attractive People]]'' Episode 1: ''Homestar Ruiner''
{{quote|'''Strong Bad:''' Well, I didn't get a chance to pummel Homestar with my fists, or beat him in a race, but I did succeed in turning him into a publicly humiliated criminal fugitive without a girlfriend. And I didn't even have to use my A-K.
''Strong Bad enters his basement and finds Homestar seated on the couch.''
Line 370 ⟶ 346:
'''Homestar:''' Now that I'm a publicly humiliated criminal fugitive without a girlfriend, you're the only friend I've got, so I'm gonna go ahead and crash here for a couple of weeks or years until I put my life back together.
'''Strong Bad:''' '''''[[Skyward Scream|Irony!]]''''' }}
* ''[[Bowser's Kingdom]]'' episode 6:
{{quote|'''Hal''': I wonder how Team Super Awesome Platinum Bros. are enjoying their vacation?
(Cut to Team Super Awesome Platinum Bros. [[Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga|Chomp Bro]] is in a tug-of-war with a [[Super Mario World (video game)|Yoshi]] over Monty Mole.)
Line 384 ⟶ 360:
* In ''[[Skin Horse]]'', concerning things [ you really don't want to know].
* ''[[Tales of the Questor]]'' inverted this when [ the duke tries to hire Quentyn to slay a dragon].
* ''[[DMFADan and Mab's Furry Adventures]]'' subverts the inverted form [ here].
{{quote|'''Alexsi:''' I've been kidnapped by my mom's boss...great. Of course this would happen on the day that I'm scheduled to show off Lost Lake!
'''Destania:''' Oh, I'm sure the inn is fine, Alexsi.
Line 392 ⟶ 368:
'''Dan:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|What did you expect? Comedic irony?]] }}
** Also [ parodied here].
* Happens twice in ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'', combining with [[Villains Out Shopping]].
* Used in ''[[Everyday Heroes]]'' [ here], and again [ here].
* Although it's technically not a "cut", [ this] ''[[The Way of the Metagamer]]'' comic applies this trope to half its panels.
* In ''[[Ménage à 3]]'', Didi decides that it's up to her to deflower [[Nerds Are Virgins|Gary]] because "Every Man should know the intimate touch of a woman". [ Cut to] Gary being pinned down by a nun-chuck twirling [[Does Not Like Men|Yuki]] screaming "Die pervert!!!"
* Done in ''[[The KAMics]]'' in [ this comic]
* ''[[Spinnerette]]'':
Line 425 ⟶ 401:
'''Rachel:''' Oh my God! She's friendly, I promise!
'''Linc:''' Oh, I love dogs. }}
* ''[[Suburban Knights]]'' has this gem as both teams learn simultaneously the location of the treasure:
* ''[[Dragon Ball Abridged]]'' had a memorable scene in Episode 15, cutting between scenes of Frieza stating confidence in Dodoria's skills and Dodoria screwing up.
{{quote|'''Zarbon''': "How do you think Dodoria is doing out there?"
'''Freeza''': "We are talking about one of my finest soldiers, there is no way that they'll escape Dodoria's grasp."
''(Krillin head-butts Dodoria in the face and escapes.)''
'''Dodoria''': "Ah, Dammit!"
'''Zarbon''': "But what if they have any tricks in their sleeves?"
'''Freeza''': "Come now Zarbon! We know Dodoria wouldn't let them out of sight!"
''(Krillin blinds Dodoria with a solar-flare, [[Call Back|which includes a shot of Freeza in the shower]].)''
'''Dodoria''': "Ah, DAMMIT!!"
'''Zarbon''': "Still, sir, we have to remember that Vegeta is on the planet."
'''Freeza''': "Oh Please! Like Vegeta could even lay a hand on Dodoria."
''(Vegeta smacks Dodoria downwards.)''
'''Dodoria''': "[[Rule of Three|AH, DAMMIIIIIT!!!]]" *Splash* }}
* [[Suburban Knights]] has this gem as both teams learn simultaneously the location of the treasure:
{{quote|'''[[Bad Movie Beatdown|Film Brain]]:'''"Oh, you've"
'''[[The Nostalgia Chick]]:'''"Got to be"
'''[[Todd in the Shadows]]:'''"[[Precision F-Strike|Fucking]]"
'''[[The Nostalgia Critic]]:'''"Kidding me! {{spoiler|It's right back where we started?!"}} }}
* ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'' does this several times:
{{quote|'''Church:''' Private Mickey was the first to go. He was halfway across the base when he started screaming bloody murder.
(Cut to Mickey spinning around and shooting)
'''Mickey:''' Bloody Murder! Bloody Murder! }}
{{quote|'''Church:''' Tex walked up to him, pulled Jimmy's skull right out of his head and beat him to death with it.
'''Tucker:''' Wait a second, how do you beat someone to death with their own skull? That doesn't seem physically possible!
'''Church:''' That's exactly what Jimmy kept screaming!
(Cut to Jimmy being beaten to death with his own skull)
'''Private Jimmy''': This doesn't seem physically possible! }}
{{quote|'''Simmons:''' Grif, don't you understand that because we lost Sister, we're horribly outnumbered? We already lost Donut and Sarge, now it's four on two. The Blues are probably gearing up for an enormous attack right now! At any moment they're gonna come over that hill, guns blazing, yelling "CHAAAARGE!"
(Cut to the Blues, under attack)
'''Church:''' RETREEEAAATTTT!!! }}
{{quote|'''Church:''' Man, I hope Tucker's having an easier time with his part of the plan.
'''Tucker:''' Crap. This isn't going very well at all! }}
{{quote|'''Grif:''' I bet the Blues don't have to deal with anything this annoying.
'''Computer Phone Lady:''' To leave a callback number, press 11.
'''Church:''' There is no 11, you FUCKING WHORE!
'''Doc:''' Ooh, language! }}
{{quote|'''Donut:''' Okay, 'cause I'm saying right now, if they came at us with their tank, I'm gonna totally freak out.
(Cut to Tucker, Lopez, and Sheila)
'''Tucker:''' Man, I sure hope they don't totally freak out when they see us coming.
'''Donut:''' Oh no, it's true! I'm gonna freak out! I'M FREAKING OUT! }}
{{quote|'''Church:''' If he starts giving him mouth-to-mouth, I'm leaving.
(Cut to Simmons and Grif, trying to resuscitate Sarge)
'''Simmons:''' Maybe you should give him mouth-to-mouth.
(Cut back to Church and Sarge)
'''Church:''' I'm leaving. }}
{{quote|'''Tucker:''' He must be one smart sonuvabitch.
(Cut to Donut, completely lost with the flag)
'''Donut:''' Man, I am so freakin' lost! }}
** ''Beta Complex:''
{{quote|'''Sarge:''' Let's say the Blues are launching a coordinated offensive.
(Cut to Blue Team)
'''Church:''' Where the heck are we? I don't even know this map!
'''Tucker:''' Where are the weapons?
'''Caboose:''' Which base is ours? }}
* ''[[Zero Punctuation]]'': Yahtzee explains this in his ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' episode thusly:
{{quote|It's like a [[sitcom]] moment wherein Character X defends the intelligence of Character Y while in the background Character Y is busy [[Too Dumb to Live|snorting Drano off the back of an enraged lioness]].}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Inverted echo example: ''[[Hey Arnold!]]!'', "Cool Party": Gerald is certain that he's cool enough to be invited to Rhonda's party, mostly because his best friend Arnold has already been invited as well. Hard cut to Rhonda telling her best friend Nadine that Gerald has been put on the geek list, much to Nadine's surprise...and Gerald's when he finds out from Phoebe.
** In fact, they played this trope into the ground over the course of the series.
* ''[[Rocket Power]]'': Otto, wanting to go surfing while playing hooky, thinks he has tricked his dad into giving him surfboards for him and Sam via a phone call. He hangs up.
Line 462 ⟶ 466:
{{quote|'''Zuko''': *Looking at map with Aang's route traced on it* The Avatar is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering.
'''After cut, Sokka looks at the same map''': You have no idea where we are, do you? }}
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' does a variant of this using a single character then proceeds to give it a good old [[Lampshade Hanging]].
{{quote|'''Homer''': "Thanks Moe, how can I ever repay you?"
'''Moe''': "Hey, some things mean more to me than money."
Line 478 ⟶ 482:
{{quote|'''Reverend Lovejoy''': Be strong, Marge, I'm sure he's gone to a better place.
'''Homer''': D'oh! Ew...this is the worst place yet. }}
* In Season 7 of ''[[Futurama]]'', Fry is {{spoiler|promoted to "Executive Delivery Boy". Hermes turns to Leela and says "It's a meaningless title}} that helps insecure people feel better about themselves." Fry then says, "I feel better about myself!"
* The ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'' episode 'Idiot Box' is full of these.
** After a failed attempt to find out how the box keeps getting the sound effects:
{{quote|'''Squidward:''' (Leaves the box) All right, fine. If you don’t want to show me, I don’t care! I’ve got better things to do than pace the floor wondering how you two work this thing.
Line 495 ⟶ 499:
'''Spongebob:''' I know! Let's go see Squidward!
'''Patrick:''' I hope he's not too down in the dumps today. (Music like a down noise is playing) }}
* ''[[The Fairly OddparentsOddParents]]'' does this with Crimson Chin comics - the narrator will say what's happening to the unsuspecting citizens, and then the citizens will echo it, including a guy at the end saying, "We were so unsuspecting!"
** In "Foul Balled", Timmy sticks up for Chester after his wish to make him the best baseball player ever wears off after Chester stops being friends with him, therefore going back to his crappy baseball playing. Note that the following quote may not be accurate.
{{quote|'''Timmy:''' We're 40 points up, in the 9th inning, and 3 outs left, there's no WAY you'll catch up with us!
Line 532 ⟶ 536:
** That exchange, in various forms, turns into a [[Running Gag]] as the series goes on.
** Repeated in Roller Coaster; [[Musical Episode|The Musical]], except after Linda asks it (Candace responding, "Yes, yes he is.") we cut to a ''music and dance routine'' version of the exchange.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]];'': in the episode "One of a Kind", Jazz invites a representative from ''Genius Magazine'' over to attempt to demonstrate that her parents were genii, while attempting to keep a lid on the Ghost little or no avail. Danny had just had a fight with a ghost, leaving his room wrecked, so when the representative came up to try to talk to him, he slammed the door in her face.
{{quote|'''Danny''': Jazz is going to kill me for that.
'''Jazz''': I'm gonna kill him for that. }}
Line 557 ⟶ 561:
'''Father:''' I am not happy finding you kids in my house! }}
* From ''[[Invader Zim]]'':
{{quote|'''Professor Membrane''': Anyone who would build a space-time object replacement device is a [[Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?|complete moron.]]
'''Zim''': Gir! The space-time object replacement device is complete! }}
* The 1974 [[Christmas Special]] ''[[The Year Without a Santa Claus]]'' has an exchange where Santa says (of two AWOL elves): "Poor little guys. They must be scared to death," which is followed by a hard cut to one of the elves saying "I'm scared to death!"
* From the ''[[Magic School Bus]]'', Ralphie was sick and worrying about how he was missing broadcasting day, to which his mother says that his class could do fine without him. Cut to his classmates exclaiming that they couldn't do it without him.
* From ''[[The Boondocks]]'':
{{quote|'''Riley''': And that's when it hit me: the best idea I've ever had in my entire life.
Line 586 ⟶ 590:
''(Cut to Grump)''
'''Grump:''' You will ''never'' give Grump the slip! }}
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'':
{{quote|'''Twilight:''' Spike knows he can't be replaced.