Isekai by Moonlight: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ascended Extra]] / [[OC Stand-In]]: There's more to Urawa Ryou (who appeared in two episodes in canon) in this story than just "precog who likes Ami".
* [[Asian Gal with White Guy]]: Makoto and Robu-san. Race isn't a factor in their mutual attraction, but the fact that Robu-san was a ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' fan before being transplanted into their world certainly helped.
* [[Beach Episode]]: During the third chapter, when Robu-san, Ryou, Makoto, and Ami were Sent to [[Another Dimension]]. They went to the beach for Robu-san's birthday. Ami and Makoto wore bikinis; nobody noticed what Robu-san wore.
* [[The Big Damn Kiss]]: Makoto and Robu-san, just before the Senshi take the battle to the Dark Kingdom. Bittersweet because she knows from him that she probably isn't coming back... and it's her [[First Kiss]], too.
* [[Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs]]: Conversed. "Zoicite. Sewers. Rats. Zoicite covered in sewer rats."
* [[Bruce Wayne Held Hostage]]: Kooan threatens to kill Rei Hino unless Sailor Mars shows herself.
* [[Chick Magnet]]: In one scene in the fifth chapter, most of the group convinces {{spoiler|Ryou}} that he is one.
* [[Chosen Family]]: By the end of the fourth chapter, many of the Sailor Senshi considered themselves to be closer than siblings — to the point that the characters who had no living parents were either informally or officially adopted into Sailor Mercury's family.
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: [[Defied Trope|Defied]] for {{spoiler|Osaka Naru}}, but played straight for {{spoiler|Umino Gurio}}.
* [[Class Trip]]: Made up out of whole cloth, since the senior-year trip was never shown in the canon anime.
{{quote|"Why are school trips always to Kyoto?" I asked.}}
* [[Cliff Hanger]]: The end of the second and fifth chapters.
* [[Cloning Blues]]: The "robot doubles" subtype, played with. Two of the synthetic-intelligence characters introduced late in the third chapter remember being the biological people that they were based on... complete with remembering volunteering to have their memories copied.
* [[Continuity Snarl]]: While the story primarily follows the '90s anime timeline, elements from the manga, ''[[Codename: Sailor V]]'', ''[[Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Crystal]]'', the live-action ''[[Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon]]'' and even Naoko Takeuchi's earlier manga ''[[The Cherry Project]]'' have ended up in the story — some [[lampshaded]], some not.
* [[Cool Sword]]: {{spoiler|Naru Osaka}} develops the metahuman ability to ''make'' swords in seconds when needed, but only if the raw materials are available. Since carbon is usually available, the swords often have diamond blades. Eventually the intimidation factor of making a sword out of "thin air" doesn't work against an opponent, and the character needs to actually learn how to fight with a sword.
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** Robu-san remains on a family-name-with-honorific basis with Hino-san until the middle of the second chapter, when she gives him permission to call her Rei. They never get close enough to drop the honorifics.
** Robu-san, Makoto, and Ami are on a first-name-without-honorific basis by the end of the second chapter. Ryou joins that list partway through the third chapter, as do the friends they make while they're in [[Another Dimension]].
** Minako goes to first-name-without-honorific basis when Robu-san finally realizes she's a friend ''and'' as close as a sister.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Robu-san, his early blind spot about his relationship with Makoto notwithstanding. Early in the first chapter, he worries that "Stupid genre conventions" is becoming his [[Catch Phrase]]. {{spoiler|By the end of the second chapter, it has.}}
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: "my ... nosebleed." Context shows that this isn't referring to a literal [[nosebleed]].
* {{spoiler|[[Ghost Memory]]}}: {{spoiler|One of Robu-san's powers, which requires the cooperation of the person donating the memories, is to copy the other person's memories... and give them back later.}}
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: [[Played With]]. Robu-san had no idea what his powers were until he used some of them reflexively to protect other people. Once he realized what his powerset was, though, he could use the powers without effort.
* [[How We Got Here]]: The third chapter starts with a short scene of the characters who had been sent to another dimension at the end of the previous chapter announcing their return. [[Whole-Episode Flashback|The remainder of the chapter shows how they managed to return home.]]
* [[I Know You Know I Know]]: The "absolute honesty" version is used by Robu-san when he wasn't sure whether Zoicite was spying on him.
* [[I Need to Go Iron My Dog]]: Robu-san points out an eye-catching rosebush in order to give Sailors Moon and Jupiter some privacy to transform back to Usagi and Makoto... and then Makoto points out that it's a poinsettia plant.
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* [[Load-Bearing Boss]]: As a security measure, the tunnel from D-Point started to collapse as soon as Kunzite died.
* [[Love Thy Neighbour]]: Next-door neighbours, to be exact. It's because they lived next to each other that [[First Girl Wins]] applies to Makoto and Robu-san.
* [[The Maiden Name Debate]]: In the fourth chapter, and as part of Saeko-san giving her daughter Ami permission to marry Ryou, she insists that he become a [[wikipedia:mukoyōshi|mukoyōshi]], taking the Mizuno name instead of Ami taking the Urawa family name (which would have caused the Mizuno family to end with Saeko).
* [[Male Pack Mule]]: A downplayed example appears in chapter three:
{{quote|One nice thing about a magitech society like {{spoiler|Midchilda}}'s was that I didn't need to hide my powers. The flipside of that, of course, was that I ended up carrying everybody's purchases in a forcefield wheeled basket...}}
* [[Man on Fire (trope)|Man on Fire]]: Zoicite, when most of the Senshi attack him at the Star Light Tower. It doesn't last long.
* {{spoiler|[[Mauve Shirt]]}}: {{spoiler|With the number of deadly enemies the Senshi go up against, you weren't really expecting all of the [[Original Character]]s and [[OC Stand-In]]s to survive, were you?}}
* [[Married Mai Waifu For Real]]: The only reason Robu and [[Sailor Moon|Makoto]] aren't married is because her guardian has told them to wait. They're otherwise an example of this trope, wearing each other's rings, scheduling fun times around work, shopping for groceries together, sharing the household chores, and eventually [[Battle Couple|supporting each other in combat]].
* [[Mathematician's Answer]]: Two of them, at the start of the "sent to another dimension" story arc.
{{quote|"Has anybody figured out where we are?"
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** In the first chapter, Aoyama Ichigo in Makoto's class and Sato Kichirou in Robu-san and Ami's class.
** Introduced during the "sent to another dimension" story arc, Sakura, Ichiro, Meia, and Kasandara, and playing with the trope, {{spoiler|[[Cloning Blues|Hayate-chan and Shario-chan]]}}.
** Between the canon ''R'' and ''S'' story arcs, [[New Transfer Student|Elmira Bogdonava]], Sakamoto Kazuya, [[Jerkass|Matsudaira Hanzō]], [[Those Two Guys|Ueno Daisuke and Yamaguchi Toshiaki]].
* [[New Transfer Student]]: Makoto (as per canon) and Robu-san (the same day) at the start of the story, Minako later, and {{spoiler|Urawa Ryou}} in the second chapter, and [[Original Character]] Elmira Bogdonava in the fifth chapter.
* [[Pop Cultural Osmosis Failure]]: Of the "Who's X?" variety, whenever Robu-san references or quotes from famous works that haven't been written yet.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Discussed and consequently averted:
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* [[Sexy Discretion Shot]]:
{{quote|I closed the door behind me... and that is all that anybody will learn from me about the rest of that day, except that we were both very happy at the end of it.}}
* [[Shout-Out]]:
** When they were sent to another dimension, Robu-san downloaded ''[[Shadowjack Watches Sailor Moon]]'' and Ryou downloaded a copy of what existed of ''[[Dungeon Keeper Ami]]'' in 2017, so that Ami and Makoto could read them.
** Sword-wielding [[Original Character]]s Ichiro and Sakura were named after the characters in ''[[Sakura Taisen]]''.
** The canon trope-naming [[In the Name of the Moon]] speech occasionally includes a sentence about how a relevant famous or trailblazing person might forgive the malefactor, but Sailor Moon will not. ''[[Isekai by Moonlight]]'' follows this pattern on occasion. In order:
*** During the figure-skating lesson trap: "Kristi Yamaguchi might forgive you, but I will not!" Kristi Yamaguchi won an Olympic gold medal for figure skating in 1992.
*** At the grocery store where the Dark Moon's "Dark Fruit" was being sold: "Shizuo Tsuji may forgive you, but I will not!" Shizuo Tsuji, head of the Ecole Technique Hotelier Tsuji and author of ''Japanese Cookery: a simple art'', passed away on March 9, 1993.
*** During the chess match between Berthier and Mercury: "Naoko Takemoto might forgive you, but I will not!" Naoko Takemoto won the Japanese Women's Chess Championship every year between 1979 and 1994, and placed sixth in the 1987 Women's World Chess Championships.
* [[Something Completely Different]]: The [[Whole-Episode Flashback]] story arc that starts when Robu-san, Makoto, Ami, and Ryou get sent to [[Another Dimension]] by the Black Moon's Stick and {{spoiler|[[crossover]] with ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]''}}. Most of the Senshi appear only in the chapter's first, short framing scene, and [[Absentee Actor|Mamoru, Naru, Ichigo, and Mizuno-sensei do not appear at all]].
* [[Standard Female Grab Area]]: No, Usagi, you don't get to leave and immediately come back as Sailor Moon, thus blowing your cover.
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* [[Super Empowering]]: In the [[backstory]] for Robu-san, and {{spoiler|in-story for Osaka Naru}}.
* [[Super Family Team]]: Mizuno Saeko appears to be doing her best to put one together. As of the end of the fourth chapter, the family includes her daughter Ami, Ami's future husband Ryou, Ami's adopted sister {{spoiler|Minako}}, and honourary members Robu-san and Makoto. All but the last two either are or have agreed to be listed in the Mizuno family register with the official paperwork filed at city hall.
* [[Super Weight]]: If you aren't familiar with ''[[Sailor Moon]]'', then this list contains spoilers for "Chapter S". If you're a ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' fan, the spoilers should be obvious.
** Fragile Weight (-1): nobody
** Mundane Weight (0): Ichigo, Saeko, Shario-chan
** Iron Weight (1): Artemis, Luna
** Abnormal Weight (2): Ka'o, Naru, Ryou, Princess Lady / Sailor Chibimoon
** Super Weight (3): Haruka / Sailor Uranus, Hotaru / Sailor Saturn, Mamoru / Tuxedo Kamen, Michiru / Sailor Neptune, Minako / Sailor Venus, Setsuna / Sailor Pluto, Hayate-chan, Ichiro, Meia, Sakura
** Hyper Weight (4): Ami / Sailor Mercury, Makoto / Sailor Jupiter, Robu-san
** World Weight (5): Usagi / Sailor Moon
** Cosmic Weight (6): nobody
** Author Weight (7): nobody
* [[The Talk]]: Implied to take place offscreen, with Naru in the adult's role and Usagi in the child's.
{{quote|"Naru-chan," Bunny-chan asked, "what are they talking about?"
"Oh, Usagi... I'll tell you later, but not in front of Chibiusa."}}
* [[Tap on the Head]]: Robu-san is knocked out by one blow from Makoto during a training session during the fifth chapter. When he comes to, he's receiving (magical) medical attention for the concussion he's received, and ends up having to sit out the remainder of the training session.
* [[The Team Normal]]/[[Ordinary High School Student]]: Aoyama Ichigo, who isn't even a formal member of the team... but she isn't a [[Magical Girl Warrior]] or a [[Designated Victim]], either.
* [[Their First Time]]:
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* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: Not during the first season, at least; everything Robu-san does other than forming relationships with various Senshi and their friends only accelerates the canon plotline. Canon starts going off the rails when Chibiusa shows up, and the second chapter ends with canon being broken completely.
* {{spoiler|[[You Did Everything You Could]]}}: Minako's opinion during the first talk she had with Robu-san after {{spoiler|he was forced to kill a classmate}}.
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]:
** Played Straight during the first story arc. No matter how hard Robu-san tries to change things during the first chapter, including suggesting a power-up to Makoto, the Sailor Senshi still end up outclassed at D-Point.
** Played With during the Black Moon arc. Some characters survive who died in canon, others who survived in canon die, and Naru ends up without a boyfriend but knowing who the Senshi are... but Chibiusa still becomes Dark Lady.
* [["You?" Squared]]: Makoto and Petz during the Lucky Charms House incident, revealing that Petz had seen Makoto transform to Sailor Jupiter the previous time they met.