It Runs on Nonsensoleum: Difference between revisions

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** Though interestingly, sometimes things ''will'' have a scientific basis, such as their plan to experience forty hours of sunlight by flying around the world in "Summer Belongs to You." Amusingly, ''this'' was the one time one of their friends decided to exhibit [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]—he may not understand their usual insane take on science, but he ''knows'' a day isn't that long!
* ''[[Darkwing Duck]]'' hardly has any other kind of technology. For example, there's the completely fictional notion of all matter consisting of "trons", particles that come in good and evil flavours.
* In an episode of ''[[Krypto the Superdog]]'', tiny aliens land on Earth to refuel their spaceship, the fuel in question being ''sugar''. And they're rather sickened to discover humans eat what is their equivalent of gasoline.
== Other ==
* The tongue-in-cheek idea of building an anti-gravity or perpetual motion device by attaching a piece of buttered toast to a cat's back and dropping them from a height. According to the [[wikipedia:Buttered cat paradox|buttered cat paradox]], the cat must land feet first and the toast must land butter side down, but both can't hit the ground at the same time.