Jabba Table Manners/Playing With: Difference between revisions

Using tropes actually correctly.
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(Using tropes actually correctly.)
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'''Basic Trope''': A villainous character has bad table manners to emphasize their badness.
* '''Straight''': Emperor Evulz eats in a sloppy, wasteful manner.
* '''Exaggerated''': Emperor Evulz eatscan veryhardly expensiveget any food in suchhis amouth wasteful manner thatbecause he bankruptsdrops so himselfmuch.
* '''JustifiedDownplayed''': Emperor Evulz skippeddrops Tablea Mannersfew 101 in favor of Evil 101crumbs.
* '''Justified''': Emperor Evulz has a chronic disease that makes his hands shake.
* '''Inverted''': Bob the Hero eats like a pig.
** '''Subverted'''Alternately: Emperor Evulz eatsis hisan foodextremely withfastidious theeater sameand mannersalways uses the viewer would expect of ancorrect emperor..fork.
* '''Double Subverted''': ...butEmperor Evulz was trying onlyto inmislead public.the Inheroes private,into heunderestimating eatshis likeintelligence aand slobeducation.
* '''Double Subverted''': ...by eating how he always eats anyway.
* '''Parodied''': Whenever Emperor Evulz eats, people around him [[Waterfall Puke]] out of disgust.
* '''Parodied''': Emperor Evulz eats very expensive food in such a wasteful manner that he bankrupts the nation.
* '''Zig Zagged''': Emperor Evulz eats properly in some scenes, and like a pig in others.
* '''Averted''': No one is shown eating on screen.
* '''Enforced''': "We need to show that Emperor Evulz is a bad ruler so let's have him waste food during a famine."
* '''Enforced''': ???
* '''Lampshaded''': "Emperor Evulz will be dining here tonight, so go buy another mop."???
* '''Invoked''': ???
* '''Exploited''': The heroes know that Emperor Evulz's potential ally is fanatical about manners, so the heroes arrange that the two are invited to the same dinner party.
* '''Exploited''': "O great and might Jabba..." "Oi, fuck you!!"
* '''Defied''': InEmperor aEvulz [[No,announces Mr.to Bond,himself Ithat Expectthis Youtime tohe Dine]]will scene,not Emperorget Evulzdrunk and embarrass displayshimself exquisitewhile tableeating mannersagain.
* '''Discussed''': ???
* '''Conversed''': ???