Jesus Was Way Cool: Difference between revisions

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When Jesus surpasses "way cool" and delves into "Freakin' [[Badass]]", that's [[Kung Fu Jesus]]. Compare and contrast [[Jesus Was Crazy]], [[Hippie Jesus]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* In the manga [[Saint Young Men]], Jesus and Buddha are [[Pals with Jesus|best buddies]] living in Tokyo and generally enjoying the human world on their vacation, doing such mundane things as going to convenience stores, taking the train and buying souvenirs. Even though Jesus is depicted as a bit of a [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]], it's affectionate rather than insulting.
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* [[Tim Minchin]]'s song [ WoodyAllenJesus] (yes, he spells it as a [[Wiki Word]]) lists some of Jesus's powers and attributes, and consequently [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|accumulates words to put in front of "Jesus"]]. "Dragon" is one of those words, but "[[Crystal Dragon Jesus|crystal]]" isn't.
{{quote|Praise be to {{spoiler|1=MagicWoodyAllenZombieSupermanKomodoDragonTelepathicVampireQuantumHovercraftMe}}Jesus!"}}
== Radio ==
* In ''[[Old Harry's Game|Old Harrys Game]]'', Jesus [[Jesus Taboo|only gets mentioned rather than appearing directly]], but even Satan seems to have some grudging respect for him, with the worst he has to say being that he's a bit holier-than-thou. This is a marked difference from his attitude to God Himself and non-fallen angels.
== Theatre ==
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== Web Original ==
* In ''[[The Salvation War]]'', Jesus is definitely cool. He realizes how insane his father is well before anyone else and tries three times to help humanity (Jesus, Mohamed, and someone else, possibly Joan of Arc or Martin Luther), but after these attempts backfire and he sees how rapidly they are progressing, he decides to see what they can do to correct the injustices done to them on their own. Even after Michael the Angelic [[Anti-Hero]] sets him up to die by nuclear weapon, he still forgives him because he understands his motivation for doing so.
* Subverted in ''[ Jesus Christ Supercop]'', which portrays Jesus as a stereotypical [[Cowboy Cop]]. Possibly not a benign version of Christ, and certainly not a nice Jewish boy... but you [[Rule of Cool|cannot deny that this Jesus is Cool]].
* In [ this] ''[[I'm a Marvel And I'm a DC|I'm a Marvel And Im ADC]]'' video, [[Iron Man]] is daydreaming about the opening day of ''[[The Dark Knight]]'' and how it's stealing the hype for his movie. Everybody is rejecting his movie (released a few months before) as being yesterday's news, but the culmination is the arrival of Jesus.
{{quote|'''Jesus:''' My children, I have come back to you. The sheer awesomeness of ''[[The Dark Knight]]'' has brought about my Second Coming, and with it the Rapture, which shall begin immediately. ...after the 7:45 session. I gotta see this bad boy!}}
* [[Richard Dawkins]]: [,20,Atheists-for-Jesus,Richard-Dawkins Atheists for Jesus.]
* [ Santa Christ].
* In the ''[[Mr. Deity]]'' series, Jesus isn't perfect, but he's almost always standing up for the general good of humanity and objecting to particularly unreasonably aspects of the way his father does things. Out of Mr. Deity (God), Larry (archangel), Lucy (devil and Mr. Deity's girlfriend), and Jesus, who are the four main characters, Jesus generally gets portrayed as being more concerned with doing good than the other three and more reasonable than Mr. Deity.
== Webcomics ==
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== Real Life ==
* [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]] was opposed to such portrayals of Jesus, writing: "I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic--on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg--or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
** [[Crazy Awesome|The two views don't exactly have to be mutually exclusive though.]]
** [[The Quran|That's assuming he said that part though.]]
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*** That's nothing. He renamed the sons of Zebedee the ''Sons of Thunder.'' How filthy a temper do you need to have for ''Jesus'' to be impressed by it?
* Jesus was [[Shaped Like Itself|so cool]], He gets a trope dedicated to how cool He is.
* Let's not forget that Jesus worked as a carpenter -- ''millennia'' before power tools. He would have not been a burly, muscular guy, not the thin meek figure commonly depicted. Now imagine him chasing the crooked money exchanges out of the temple... with a Whip. (And not a Miracle Whip, mind you.)
** Keep in mind, he was upending tables -- which is even more impressive when you consider that some historians have suggested that those tables, given the era, would have been ''marble''.
* He later (1300 years, give or take) appears to Julian of Norwich (who 'wrote' "Revelations of Divine Love") and told her, after showing her multiple fairly horrific visions, that "It has been behooved that Sin should exist; but, All will be well, and All will be well and All Manner of Thing will be well..." which is the basic belief of Universalists (Julian was described as a Proto-Universalist) that, even the Traitor (Satan) can be given the chance, even in Hell to be redeemed and Return to Paradise with the Father. It's VERY''very'' cool.
* Jesus' got his first fan (John the Baptist) just minutes after being magically introduced in Mary's womb.
* '''[[Averted Trope|Averted]]''' for many, many people, right around [ John 8:58], or, y'know, when he makes his own [[A God Am I|claim to fame]]. Basically put, he claimed to be one with the [[God]] of the Hebrews, the transcendent God of all existence, as a manner of begetting, which means either he was was telling the truth, or was one of the world's greatest psychopaths.
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** Averted with the Mandaeans, who believe that Jesus was a false prophet, and that John the Baptist was the true messiah.
* Some think he's actually a pretty cool Trickster God.
** The [[Discordia|Discordians]] would happily agree.
* There is an organization called [ Atheists for Jesus]. Professor [[Richard Dawkins]] wrote [ an article] with a similar title and theme, though he was not aware of the Atheists for Jesus website at the time.
* Many Buddhists, including the current Dalai Lama, view Jesus as a Bodhisattva, an enlightened being who abstains from nirvana to help other humans attain it, and sometimes study portions of the Christian New Testament.
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** That last bit is actually how Christians basically see it, just replacing "the people around him" with "every last human being ever born, ever". ([[Heroic Sacrifice]]s are a universal trope.)
*** Well, the entire planet is "around" him, isn't it? From the perspective of someone on Mars, the entire human population might as well be standing three inches from his face.
* Porphyry, a Neoplatonist philosopher of the third century and the author of the mostly lost, fifteen books -book-long treatise ''Adversus Christianos'' (Against The Christians), famously stated that
{{quote|The Gods have proclaimed Christ to have been most pious, but the Christians are a confused and vicious sect.}}