Jimmy Two-Shoes/Characters: Difference between revisions

Took the descriptions out of "quote" markup, because none of them are quotes. Also made some other minor changes.
(fix image links)
m (Took the descriptions out of "quote" markup, because none of them are quotes. Also made some other minor changes.)
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=== Jimmy Two-Shoes ===
{{quote|The title character. The happy-go-lucky boy somehow ended up in Miseryville and stayed there. His goal is to spread happiness in Miseryville, much to Lucius' chagrin. Voiced by Cory Doran.}}
{{quote|The title character. The happy-go-lucky boy somehow ended up in Miseryville and stayed there. His goal is to spread happiness in Miseryville, much to Lucius' chagrin. Voiced by Cory Doran.}}
* [[Adorkable]]
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* [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]]
=== Beezy J. Heinous ===
{{quote|Jimmy's best friend. Son of Lucius Heinous VII who rules Miseryville. He is bigger than his father but is lazy and he'd rather spend time with his friends. Voiced by Brian Froud.}}
{{quote|Jimmy's best friend. Son of Lucius Heinous VII who rules Miseryville. He is bigger than his father but is lazy and he'd rather spend time with his friends. Voiced by Brian Froud.}}
* [[Anti-Anti-Christ]]
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* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: In ''I Married a Weavil''.
=== Heloise ===
{{quote|A very intelligent young girl and Jimmy's other best friend. She works for Misery Inc. as top inventor in making hazardous products for people in bringing misery. She is sadistic and likes to torment anyone she hates which is pretty much almost everyone. She has a big crush on Jimmy. Voiced by [[Tabitha St. Germain]].}}
{{quote|A very intelligent young girl and Jimmy's other best friend. She works for Misery Inc. as top inventor in making hazardous products for people in bringing misery. She is sadistic and likes to torment anyone she hates which is pretty much almost everyone. She has a big crush on Jimmy. Voiced by [[Tabitha St. Germain]].}}
* [[Ambiguously Human]]: Some fans wonder...
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* [[Hair Color Dissonance]]: Her hair looks brown, but it's dirty blonde.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Hairy Hammerspace Hair]]: ''Heloise's Big Secret''
* [[Hartman Hips]]: Whenever she's dressed up like a mermaid. They kinda come out of nowhere.
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: Unless, of course, it's Jimmy who's touching her.
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* [[Yandere]]: Occasionally [[Tsundere]].
=== Cerbee ===
{{quote|Jimmy's pet monster dog.}}
{{quote|Jimmy's pet monster dog.}}
* [[Big Eater]]
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* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]: Just look at him! D'aww!
=== Lucius Heinous VII ===
{{quote|The seventh ruler of Miseryville and in charge of Misery Inc. He is a short, red devil-like creature who is the father of Beezy J. Heinous and is very much unlike his son. He hates Jimmy due to his happy attitude being a foil to his plans. He is dating Jez. Voiced by Sean Cullen.}}
{{quote|The seventh ruler of Miseryville and in charge of Misery Inc. He is a short, red devil-like creature who is the father of Beezy J. Heinous and is very much unlike his son. He hates Jimmy due to his happy attitude being a foil to his plans. He is dating Jez. Voiced by Sean Cullen.}}
* [[0% Approval Rating]]
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* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Gets along with his own father even less than Beezy does with him.
=== Samuel "Samy" Garvin ===
{{quote|Lucius's assistant who dreams of stardom and fame. He is timid and often abused by his boss. He used to serve Lucius' father, Lucius Heinous VI, for 87 years. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.}}
{{quote|Lucius's assistant who dreams of stardom and fame. He is timid and often abused by his boss. He used to serve Lucius' father, Lucius Heinous VI, for 87 years. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.}}
* [[Asexuality]]: He acts [[Ambiguously Gay]] / [[Camp Straight]] / [[Transparent Closet]] ([[Depending on the Writer]]), but when [[Word of God|Edward Kay]] was asked on the matter: "I don’t think of him as either gay or straight, just someone with a pathetically desperate need to feel needed and more important that he is."
* [[Beleaguered Assistant]]
* [[Butt Monkey]] / [[The Chew Toy]]
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* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: He was stated to work for Lucius VI long before he started working for Lucius VII.
* [[The Starscream]]: According to [[Word of God]], he would take over Lucius' position if he only knew how.
* [[AsexualitySuddenly Sexuality]]: He acts [[Ambiguously Gay]] / [[Camp Straight]] / [[Transparent Closet]] ([[Depending on the Writer]]), but when [[Word of God|Edward Kay]] was asked on the matter: "I don’t think of him as either gay or straight, just someone with a pathetically desperate need to feel needed and more important that he is." <!-- MOD: "Asexuality" is for when a character has no sexual orientation whatsoever, and the examples listed here show this character has a whole bunch of orientations Depending on the Writer. "Suddenly Sexuality" is the best match we have at the moment. -->
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Despite the way he's treated by him, Lucius cites him as his best friend.
* [[Yes-Man]]
=== Jez ===
{{quote|Lucius's girlfriend who is tall, blue and can change her noses. She is often very picky in her dates with him and threatens to break up with him. She lives in a white mansion and owns a pet dog named Jasmeen who Cerbee, Jimmy's pet, once fell in love with. Voiced by Valerie Buhagliar.}}
* [[Anime Hair]]
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* [[Too Important to Walk]]: In ''Matchmaker Jimmy''.
=== Saffi ===
{{quote|Beezy's girlfriend who is an orange-skinned, one-eyed creature. She hates statues and destroys any she sees. She usually spouts one-word phrases such as "Yogurt!" and "Smoothy-Smooth!" but occasionally speaks sentences. Voiced by Sunday Muse.}}
{{quote|Beezy's girlfriend who is an orange-skinned, one-eyed creature. She hates statues and destroys any she sees. She usually spouts one-word phrases such as "Yogurt!" and "Smoothy-Smooth!" but occasionally speaks sentences. Voiced by Sunday Muse.}}
* [[Anime Hair]]
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* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]
=== General Molotov ===
{{quote|Head of Lucius' muscle, Molotov is large and in charge...whenever he isn't being bossed around by his wife. He also has a son named Tory, and a baby daughter named Blamo. Speaks in a vaguely Russian accent. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.}}
{{quote|Head of Lucius' muscle, Molotov is large and in charge...whenever he isn't being bossed around by his wife. He also has a son named Tory, and a baby daughter named Blamo. Speaks in a vaguely Russian accent. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.}}
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]
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* [[Unexplained Accent]]
=== Lucius Heinous VI ===
{{quote|The sixth ruler of Miseryville, Lucius VII's father and Beezy's grandfather. He's even crueler and more evil than his son. He is rather old and is in a wheelchair, with his limbs occasionally falling off. Lucius overthrew and cryogenically froze him many years ago, but he's defrosted every now and then for various reasons. Voiced by Sean Cullen.}}
{{quote|The sixth ruler of Miseryville, Lucius VII's father and Beezy's grandfather. He's even crueler and more evil than his son. He is rather old and is in a wheelchair, with his limbs occasionally falling off. Lucius overthrew and cryogenically froze him many years ago, but he's defrosted every now and then for various reasons. Voiced by Sean Cullen.}}
* [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]: Seems to lighten up to his son sometimes, as seen in ''Heinous on Ice'', where he only wanted to spend time with him on his own birthday.
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* [[Talking to Himself]]: Both him and his son are voiced by Sean Cullen.
=== Dr. Ludwig Von Scientist ===
{{quote|A demon evil genius with a German accent who somewhat resembles an owl. He's not employed by Misery Inc. but is Heloise's arch-rival in mad science. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.}}
{{quote|A demon evil genius with a German accent who somewhat resembles an owl. He's not employed by Misery Inc. but is Heloise's arch-rival in mad science. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.}}
* [[Bald of Evil]]
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* [[The Von Trope Family]]
=== Dorkus ===
{{quote|A tiny, one-eyed demon who's Heloise's lab assistant. He often has invention ideas of his own, but they're not very good. Heloise has numerous clones of him in case he's ever injured or killed, which is often. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.}}
{{quote|A tiny, one-eyed demon who's Heloise's lab assistant. He often has invention ideas of his own, but they're not very good. Heloise has numerous clones of him in case he's ever injured or killed, which is often. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.}}
* [[Beleaguered Assistant]]
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* [[Pointy Ears]]
=== Rudolpho and Peep ===
{{quote|A father/son team of con artists who live to swindle the people of Miseryville out of their money. Rudolpho will sell you just about anything, but expect it to have some kids of flaw, while Peep will merely pick your pockets. Rudolpho is voiced by Juan Chiron, and Peep by Christian Potenza.}}
[[File:200px-Rudolpho_4265.png|frame]] [[File:Peep the Salesman 7997.jpg]]
{{quote|A father/son team of con artists who live to swindle the people of Miseryville out of their money. Rudolpho will sell you just about anything, but expect it to have some kids of flaw, while Peep will merely pick your pockets. Rudolpho is voiced by Juan Chiron, and Peep by Christian Potenza.}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: Peep, despite being a conning salesman, comes off quite pleasant and doesn't bare any ill will to the good guys.
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* [[Villainous Crush]]: Peep has a crush on Heloise, but naturally she only has eyes for Jimmy.
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