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*** He may have provided the Proconsul who actually ruled with technological assistance, although no sign of that is shown.
* In the re-imagined ''[[Flash Gordon (TV series)|Flash Gordon]]'' series, Ming is no longer "Emperor Ming the Merciless" who dressed like rulers of Ancient China. Instead, he prefers a military uniform and the self-appointed title of "Benevolent Father". His subjects, though, still occasionally call him "Ming the Merciless" behind his back. And his daughter is still called Princess Aura.
* In a heroic version, Eon, King of Ethiopia, has as his proudest title, "Man of the regiment". In other words "private".
* Averted with Citizen G'Kar in ''[[Babylon 5]]''. He ''was'' offered absolute power for {{spoiler|organizing the Narn Resistance and participating in the assassination of [[The Caligula|Emperor Cartagia]]}}, but he refused and only accepted his old position of an ambassador. Nevertheless, his fans continue to pester him until the end of the series.
* An almost literal example in ''[[The Prisoner]]'', where every citizen of the Village is known by number rather than by name. The official in charge of the Village is known simply as "Number Two." (The nature of Number One is one of the arc mysteries.)
** The 2009 remake takes it even further, with there actually being no "Number One" and Number Two genuinely being the sole ruler. Apparently, the lack of a "Number One" is to remind the Villagers that they are all public servants, even [[Manipulative Bastard|their leader]]. (Apart from 2, the closest thing to a 1 is {{spoiler|his wife, identified as M2}}.)
* In HBO's [[Rome]], this is Octavian's [[Insistent Terminology]] name for his position. A consummate politician, he knows that Romans still despise the notion of a king and thus makes himself one in all but name.
* ''[[Blake's 7]]'': First Citizen Hower of planet Obsidian.
* In another heroic version the head of ImpSec in [[Vorkosigan Saga]] is Captain Simon Ilyan. It is obeying a tradition because the head of ImpSec before him had so much power that promoting himself beyond wasn't worth the trouble.
== Tabletop RPGs ==
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== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Girl Genius]]'': Despite reluctantly controlling most of Central and Eastern Europe, [[Emperor Scientist|Klaus Wulfenbach]] seems content with the lowly title of Baron.
** He also uses this to rub everyone's noses in the fact that yes, they're princes and dukes and whatnot, but a minor house was the one that finally fixed everything. As Martellus [http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20141031 noted], this "obvious contempt" to the whole system was one of the main reasons why the nobility didn't get along with Klaus.
** The von Mekkans are seneschals of Heterodyne Lords, and this responsibility includes running the city. Since Wulfenbach conquered Mechanicsburg, they are heads of the shadow government, holding the title of ''ringers of the Doom Bell''. The joke being that {{spoiler|the Doom Bell is rung only to greet a new Heterodyne. By a dedicated Castle-controlled mechanical monster which stands on top of the belltower (in plain sight). Using the special hammer about the size of a lamp post (it certainly can be ''dragged'' by most adult humans, and really strong ones should be able to ''lift'' it, but intended use requires much more force than that)}}.
== Western Animation ==
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** The title of ''Princeps'' is a contraction of ''Princeps Senatus'', or "First of Senate", that is, its speaker. It was a distinguished, but not very influential office, which is why Augustus actuall started calling himself that, though it did hold some key powers.
* When the Zand dynasty ruled Persia, they never actually used the title of "Shah", instead styling themselves as ''Vakil e-Ra'aayaa'' (Advocate of the People or People's President). May also overlap with [[People's Republic of Tyranny]], since they were still absolute monarchs, albeit ones with a reputation for benevolency.
* [[Josef Stalin]] [[Zig Zagged Trope|zig-zags]] this by playing it straight and averting it at the same time. For all his power, all the control, all the spy networks and the state he built, he was simply the General Secretary of the Communist Party; his rivals during his rise to power jokingly called him "Comrade Card-Index", as the official role of the General Secretary in the early party was keeping the membership rolls.<ref>Because of Stalin's use of this trope, the de facto leader during the history of the U.S.S.R. was always the person filling this post, regardless of whether or not that person was also the Premier.</ref> Someone stated that a title that would reflect his ''real'' power would have to be something like "Pope of the Communist church; Czar of Russia; CEO of Soviet Inc." In addition, he also allowed himself to be called simply "Vozhd" (leader/boss) after his fiftieth birthday celebration in 1929, and was given the title "Generalissimus" (the highest possible military rank), although he never wore the insignia. On the other hand, years before becoming General Secretary he did change his birth name from Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili to the Russian equivalent of [[Awesome McCoolname|Joe Steel]]. During his [[Cult of Personality|personality cult]] he also accepted an immense number of grandiose titles, including "Coryphaeus of Science", "Father of Nations", "Brilliant Genius of Humanity", "Great Architect of Communism", "Gardener of Human Happiness", and many more.
* And the rulers of the Aztec called themselves "Tlatoani", which means "speaker"
* [[Maximilien Robespierre]], deputy and Member of the Committee of Public Safety.
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** [[The New Russia]] is actually a presidential republic, but during the Medvedev presidency, the guy in power was still Prime Minister [[Vladimir Putin]]. Not because he was the Prime Minister, but because he was [[Vladimir Putin]].
*** And now he's back to being President, since the Russian constitution only has a limit on the number of ''consecutive'' terms in office. Basically, he can fairly easily be President for 2 terms, then put a puppet in his place for a term, and get "re-elected" after that.
* The title of "Führer", which [[Adolf Hitler]] adopted when he became leader of the Nazi Party and elevated to a government title when they took power in Germany can be simply translated to "guide", although it is generally translated as "leader", which is more in line with fascist philosophy. Although not even nearly as ubiquitously used as Führer, Hitler also awarded himself a number of bombastic titles over the years designed specifically to invoke this trope, including "First Soldier of the German Reich", "First Worker of the New Germany", and "Supreme Judge of the German People". In something of an overlap with [[Modest Royalty]], Hitler's ceremonial uniform was also much more staid than you would expect from a man in the process of conquering the world. He wore a plain uniform with only the awards that he earned in [[World War OneI]], which looks funny in contrast to, say, Goering, who swanked it up with silks and furs and every medal he could lay his fat hands on.
* And before him Mussolini did the same thing with "Duce".
** And General Franco - "Caudillo"