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== Awesome Moments ==
=== ''Justice League'' ===
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'''Lord!Batman''': Who?
'''Batman''': Mom and Dad. They'd be ''so'' proud of you. }}
**** Even better when you remember that, previously, Lord Batman had won by saying, "A world where a child can't lose his parents to some punk with a gun."
** Another from "A Better World" was the [[Enemy Mine]] moment that ends the episode. Batman notes that the Lords are just as powerful and smart as they are with the advantage that they're willing to kill, meaning the League has have ''something'' they'll do that the Lords can't. So, Superman allies with Lex Luthor who whacks all the Lords with a power disruptor he built early in the episode. So, Luthor gets a full pardon by taking out darker versions of his biggest enemies all to a pretty sweeping "heroic Luthor" theme.
{{quote|'''Lord!Superman''': Nice company you're keeping. Must be your true colors.
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{{quote|'''Flash''': What are you going to do, throw a Batarang at it?
'''Batman''': ... something like that. }}
** [[Fridge Brilliance]] makes it even more awesome when you realize that his logic for staying aboard is that the Watchtower might burn up on reentry otherwise. This, then, is proof that Batman is a [[Load-Bearing Boss]] when he needs to be. By force of will and awesomeness, he can hold together a satellite.
** Well, it's more that he can't predict everything, and if something shifts the Watchtower's course, it would burn up or miss its target. He pilots it manually to correct any shifts.
* I'm normally not a big fan for the Big Blue, but this line got me. Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Supes were about to face off against hundreds of Thanagarian fighters.
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** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Unl8l8VdONw&feature=related Except fly.]
* The Question's hilarious yet awesome moment of off-key singing/breaking-and-entering in the ''[[Justice League Unlimited]]'' episode ''Fearful Symmetry''.
* He gets another one in the episode ''Question Authority'' when, after hacking into Cadmus's secret files while his girlfriend makes short work of the guards, he grabs the computer monitor and nails a man sneaking up behind them in the face.
** A feat which is then topped by Lex Luthor in the same episode as he [[Curb Stomp Battle|beats the everlasting crap]] out of the man:
{{quote|President? Do you have any idea how much power I'd have to ''give up'' to be president? That's right, conspiracy buff, I spent ''seventy-five million dollars'' on a fake presidential campaign ''[[Magnificent Bastard|just to tick Superman off]].''}}
* Further Question awesome, his response to demands for information while being horribly tortured:
{{quote|Tell me what you know!
The plastic ends on shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister. }}
** Bonus points to Huntress for [[Determinator|stopping at nothing]] to [[James Bondage|rescue him]], and dragging Superman along for the ride.
** The awesome part is not that he endured it, it was ''how long'' he endured it. Give that man a Green Lantern ring because his will is ''unbreakable.''
* Even more Question awesome, after giving his theory on Supergirl's nightmares in "[[Fearful Symmetry]]":
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** The ending which is a perfect mirror shot of the first scene of the entire DCAU, nearly 15 years before.
* Lex ''shooting Grodd in the face'' and usurping the Secret Society.
* The Flash's moment was probably when Giganta kissed him out of nowhere. ''He'' probably thought so, at least.
** Or better yet, the entire episode "Flash and Substance", which showed him to be such an effective hero in his hometown that it put Batman and Orion to shame. And more importantly, ''without any angst whatsoever''.
*** A hero so effective, mind you, that he managed to ''talk down'' a member of his own rogue's gallery by convincing him to get back on his meds and return to the mental hospital. "Caught me again, Flash!"
Line 228 ⟶ 230:
** That, and Vigilante riding a motorbike towards his enemy at high speed, jumping off at the last moment and shooting it so it exploded on impact. [[Implacable Man|It didn't work]], but still...
** Two more: Vigilante taking care of getting a few boys in the crowd out of there by telling them to "do the very important job" of pseudo-crowd control, and then one of these boys hurling a demolition ball at the General when he was about to kill S.T.R.I.P.E.
*** Vigilante is just CMOA incarnate. Every time he shows up, you know the coolness will get turned up mighty quick. He is voiced by [[Nathan Fillion]]...
** The real crowning moment goes to the old woman at the end, who with just one line stopped Eiling in his tracks. One more line from one of Vigilante's "deputies" (the kids) and Eiling leaves peacefully. Granted, this is Metropolis and the citizens have seen their share of supervillains, but facing down someone who took out seven Leaguers with almost no effort still takes balls.
*** 9 words: "''You're'' the only one around here with super powers."
Line 244 ⟶ 246:
** His speech after Superman announces that the League is disbanding in "Divided We Fall":
{{quote|'''Green Arrow''': Says who? You remember what we did yesterday? We saved the world, again. You don't think that has any value? Well, think again, pal! The Justice League goes on, with or without you. Look, no one can question your service or commitment to making things better. If you're quitting because you think you've already done your fair share, fine. We'll throw you a parade. But if you're quitting because it's easier than continuing the fight, then you're not the heroes we all thought you were. The world needs the Justice League, and the Justice League needs you, Superman!}}
** Not as supremely awesome as above, but the scene in "To Another Shore" where he hums his ''own theme tune'' whilst kicking ass is just brilliant. Also doubles as [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].
* In "Wake the Dead", there's a crowning moment for an ordinary woman who is never named. Her little girl and her are trapped in a car falling off a bridge, and Hawkgirl flies down and rips open the car roof with her mace. Instead of just sitting there and being rescued as per the standard, she ''[[Mama Bear|instantly grabs her daughter and tosses her up out of the car to Hawkgirl]]''. Shayera barely manages to pull her out of the car too before it hits the water... God, I love this show.
** This same woman compounds her awesome by showing up again at the end of the episode to give Hawkgirl a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] when she most desperately needed one.
* "The Once And Future Thing":
{{quote|'''Batman:''' Six guns, six of us. Nobody miss! (They don't.)}}
** What makes it even better is that Green Lantern makes his shot with an actual six-shooter, and not his ring.
** Chronos punishing a traitorous mook by sending him back in time to the Cretaceous period. In just the right time and place to get directly smacked by ''an oncoming asteroid.'' His wide-eyed, near-deadpan delivery of "[[Oh Crap|Aw, phooey]]" doesn't hurt.
{{quote|'''Chronos:''' Do you know what killed the dinosaurs? Well, ''Chucko'' does.}}
Line 259 ⟶ 262:
'''Green Lantern:''' Everything's relative.
How about Static's epic return anyone? }}
* "[[For the Man Who Has Everything]]". All of it from start to finish. Each of the Big Three gets a big CMoA in this episode. [[Took a Level Inin Badass|Mongul goes from being "Darkseid lite" to a truly menacing foe who traps Superman in an insidious prison and later matches an]] ''[[Took a Level Inin Badass|enraged Superman]]'' [[Took a Level Inin Badass|blow for blow.]] Wonder Woman put up one hell of a fight against Mongul earlier; remember that Mongul is someone who can take blows from ''Superman''. Proving that you don't have to win to look [[Badass]]. Batman reaches Superman through the [[Lotus Eater Machine]]. And Superman? Well...
{{quote|'''Superman''': '''''Burn.'''''}}
** The writers of the episode deserve props too. The animation, script, and sound track make it clear that they wanted to pay as much respect to [[Alan Moore]] as possible. There's even a [[Continuity Nod]] when Superman's dream Krypton explodes; the tragic musical score that plays during it is the same as the one that plays during the ''real'' Krypton's destruction in the Superman pilot "The Last Son of Krypton". Batman's dream is a short but poignant one; it's shocking to see a genuine ''smile'' on Batman's face.
Line 273 ⟶ 276:
** When she floors the Nazi soldiers, and we see Steve Trevor with his mouth (quite understandably) hanging open.
** When she took on Mongul long enough for Batman to free supes from the Black Mercy. Seriously...Mongul even stated that only Superman could stop him. Wonder Woman held out LONG ENOUGH for Supes to wake up and jump into the action. She did an awesome job fighting too...and as mentioned above...I want to see Diana blast stuff with a Bazooka more often!
{{quote|'''Mongul''': I'd advice you to try the plasma disruptor...it's more of a ''woman''{{'}}s weapon.
'''[[Wonder Woman]]''': Go...To...H''[[Curse Cut Short|* Boom!* ]]'' }}
** Wonder Woman taking out those small time bank robbers, to the point where J'onn has to yell at her TO STOP because she could kill them was pretty awesome!
** Also Hawkgirl and Wonderwoman tag teaming to release Hades was awesome too...I wanna see more tag teams between Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl.
Line 327 ⟶ 330:
'''Darkseid:''' Allow me to refresh your memory.
''(Darkseid '''picks up the Daily Planet's globe and slams it into Superman)''''' }}
** Commander Steel, one of the [[Living Prop|background heroes who wasn't even named in the series]] and a Captain America-lookalike, saves a wounded Hawkgirl by throwing a shield and ''decapitating'' a Parademon.
** [[Green Lantern]] and [[Flash]] destroying one of the [[This Is a Drill|drill]] [[Weapon of Mass Destruction|Weapons Of Mass Destruction]].
{{quote|'''Green Lantern:''' We gotta find a way to take this out for good.
Line 370 ⟶ 373:
* In "Doomsday Sanction", a nuclear missile is launched at an island. Batman sprints out the Monitor Room and performs an emergency launch with the Javelin. He nearly burns his plane entering the atmosphere, and when he finds out that shooting the warhead doesn't work, Batman [[When All You Have Is a Hammer|uses the plane to shove the missile off course.]] Averting missiles is usually Superman's territory, but Batman manages to top Supes with a mix of [[Determinator|determination]] and sheer insanity.
** In the same episode, Superman beating up Doomsday despite having his [[Eye Scream|eyes gouged out]]. To make it even better, when Wonder Wonder tries to help him, he just goes, "No! Stay with the evacuation! This ''isn't'' important! Getting those people to safety is!"
** And then there's Batman's response when Superman comes to visit him in the sick bay. "You don't get to joke! Not today! I just took a bullet for you!"
* Hawkgirl's short rapport with Vixen about how lovers' quarrels are resolved on Thanagar:
{{quote|'''Hawkgirl''': It's not like I can just assassinate you in your sleep or poison your water. [wistfully] I miss Thanagar.}}
Line 381 ⟶ 384:
** And her charging into battle in "Chaos at Earth's Core," without any of the powers she'd normally rely on, and still managing to kick a sizable amount of ass(with a sword, no less!). Especially her [[Determinator|teeth-clenched "I... won't... quit"]], even while being slowly killed by a kryptonite chunk. This is made even more badass considering she'd just carved that kryptonite chunk out of Metallo's chest, using a dagger that she'd stealthily picked up after tricking Metallo into thinking she was totally helpless by making a show of being too weak to pick up a sword. The sheer badass of that scene was enough to convert Stargirl from the [[Alpha Bitch]] to a friend.
* Task Force X. These are a group of ''unpowered'' humans that manage to penetrate a citadel in space occupied by super powered beings (some of whom are practically gods) and managed to steal a giant freaking suit of living armor from a high-security lock down.
** And there's J'onn J'onzz when he descends on them as they're about to escape. He effortlessly beats them all in seconds, shakes off being thorn in half by said living armor as if it was nothing (seriously it didn't tooktake him even 10 seconds to stand up) and then he starts throwing freaking Annihilator around like it was a puppet - the same thing that Wonder Woman couldn't even scratch. Even those two sentences he says doing that are made of Awesome:
{{quote|'''J'onn J'onzz''': Ask yourselves - is being in here with ME what you truly desire?
After being thorntorn in half:
'''J'onn J'onzz''': Green Lantern. Return to the Watchtower. I may need some assistance. }}
* "Dead Reckoning": the prepubescent [[Shangri La]] monk at Nanda Parbat that stood down a group of the most dangerous villains in the world, kicked the crap out of Atomic Skull with wuxia martial arts then goes "This humble one would not presume to fight you alone." Cue badass Shaolin Monks out of nowhere!
* Aquaman '''owning''' the Wondertwins in "Ultimatum." At least the shape-shifting one was more of a challenge (A challenge quickly ended after Aquaman smashed a support beam in it'sits face), the one that turns into water? Well...
{{quote|'''Aquaman''': King of the seas, remember?}}
* In the episode ''Dark Heart'', after the League - the ''entire'' League - barely stops an endlessly-replicating alien nanomachine horde, the US military confiscates it for study, much to the despair of the League. The following line sums them up perfectly.
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'''Superman''': ''We are''. }}
* The end of "The Great Brain Robbery," the Legion has Lex detained - thinking he's an impostor despite his objections. Having already been itching for a power play, Doctor Polaris decides to dispose of him regardless and uses his powers to rip several very sharp metal fragments out of the ceiling. Lex presses a button on his belt, overriding Polaris' control of his powers. The look of [[Oh Crap]] on Polaris' face is priceless.
{{quote|'''Lex:''' ''(standing up)'' [[Badass Boast|That's how you know I'm Luthor.]] When I augmented your powers, I also made sure I can override your abilities. Would anyone else care to try me?}}
[[Category:Justice League]]
[[Category:DCAUDC Animated Universe/Awesome]]
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