Kuudere: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Raven 01.jpg|link=Teen Titans (animation)|frame|[[Ice Queen|Cold on the outside]]...]] [[File:ravenblush 8485.jpg|link=Blush Sticker|frame|...[[Beneath the Mask|sweet on the inside.]] ]]
One of the newer{{when}} neologisms[[neologism]]s, a [[kuudere]] rounds out the ''dere'' family in a rather basic way. Allegorically speaking, a kuudere is like snow: it may be [[Snow Means Death|cold and harsh]] at first glance but it is also what keeps autumn's seeds warm and safe until spring.
Similarly, while she may appear [[Emotionless Girl|apathetic]] and [[The Spock|awfully pragmatic]], it is but a [[Ice Queen|frosty]] [[Beneath the Mask|mask that protects her tender, delicate feelings deep underneath the facade]], [[Defrosting Ice Queen|waiting for someone to melt the snow]] and allow them to spring. A subtrope of the [[Tsundere]], the kuudere avoids combative and immature demeanor;
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Compare [[Not So Stoic]] and [[Stoic Woobie]]. Related to [[Beneath the Mask]]. Can overlap with [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]] as her appearance is a perfect fit for a Kuudere's personality. Part of the dere family along with [[Tsundere]] (angry outside, sweet inside and vice-versa), [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] (sweet outside, [[Ax Crazy]] inside), and [[Dandere]] (unsocial outside, sweet inside). See also [[Rei Ayanami Expy]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Shinku from ''[[Rozen Maiden]]'' towards Jun (She treats him coldly and like a servant), with overlaps with [[Tsundere]] she constantly abuses him verbally and physically and shows, in both anime and manga, that she cares deeply about Jun.