Kyonyuu Fantasy/Characters/Antagonists: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bad Boss]]: He utterly ''hates'' his job, since he is essentially the laughing-stock of the political community of his country. He therefore, hoards all the best of anything he can get ahold of in Boan for himself. He also ignores and cheats on his wife, and even conspires with Prince Bobon to attempt a rebellion against the crown.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the Boan arc.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: He tries to be. He was trying to use Roxanne to regain some political credibility and wealth, but her family had little to offer. He tried to divorce her, but she refused, so he tried to manipulate her into cheating on him with Lute so that he could discredit and divorce her while keeping all the power he could steal from her, which would then be put toward revolting against the kingdom and siding with Prince Bobon. It fails, spectacularly.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: He can't understand Roxanne's desire to be a devoted wife, even if he treats her like crap.
* [[Fallen Hero]]: Using the word "hero" quite loosely here. He had been a child of a minor (noble?) family, but had went into the Royal Knight's Academy to become a knight (whether he actually supported the meritocracy system or simply wanted to be a part of it at the time is unclear). However, he wound up graduating last in his class and was sent to Boan, and that in turn was seen as an insult to him since Boan is the most backwater part of the kingdom. He tried to get some wealth and political status through marriage to Roxanne, but her family had little to offer, so that failed too. Eventually it all led to him trying to start a rebellion against the king in support of prince Bobon who promised him power, wealth, and status if he did so. Lute at one point wonders if things had been different maybe he'd have ended up like him or vice versa.
* [[Government Conspiracy]]: {{spoiler|He was part of one with Bobon, who were actually both being supported by the Prime Minister, to stir up a revolt in Boan and possibly lead to civil war that may have even caused Lingobard and other outside nations to invade}}.
* [[XanatosHoist Backfireby His Own Petard]]: He had tried to pull 2 [[Xanatos Gambit]]s on Lute and both get turned around on him. First in setting him up to take on a Succubus with no skills or preparation to actually succeed. To everyone's utter surprise, Lute is actually able to survive and even befriend Shamsiel. (Unbeknownst to everyone including Lute himself, he is half-incubus which allowed him to survive her.)}} Then, when Lute came to collect on his "reward", the Prefect panicked, but Madoise suggested (quietly) that they use Lute as bait for Roxanne to commit adultery with someone so that the Prefect could discredit her and seek divorce. That one is also botched by outside variables: First is the succubus, Shamsiel, whom Lute had befriended, because she was keeping an eye on Lute and had discovered the Prefects dark intentions and conspiracies. The second is that the Prefect was suffering from a heart condition, and when time came to catch Lute and Roxanne in the act, he instead suffers a heart attack (or stroke). Either way he eventually dies from it.)
* [[If I Can't Have You]]: Inverted. The Prefect wants nothing more than to be rid of Roxanne, so that he could apparently hook up with some loli girl he was cheating on her with, but since Roxanne won't consent to a divorce, he takes to isolating her and ignoring her as much as possible, as well as plotting against her to try and get her to cheat on him so that she will be executed and he will be rid of her.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: He hates his job, he hates where he is, he hates his wife, he hates his citizens, he hates the people who sent him where he is, and he makes little effort to hide it. He hardly does anything to actually improve his life through legitimate work, instead he hoards all the best of anything he can get his hands on in Boan for himself, he tried to marry into fortune and political gains, but Roxanne's family had little to offer of anything, plus he prefers loli girls anyway. He pretty much ignores his citizen's pleas for action against the Succubus that was terrorizing them, apart from trying to get them to shut up and leave him alone. He hated how the king (and his government) assigned him to Boan, which is considered the political exile/laughing-stock assignment of the kingdom, and this leads him to conspire with Prince Bobon to try and revolt against the king.
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* [[Uriah Gambit]]: It's a strange one to be honest (especially the visual novel version): The idea was to have Lute exorcise the Succubus that had been causing trouble in the Boan region up till then. However, the Prefect knew full well that there was no chance that anyone who was sent to Boan would be sufficiently trained in anything, much less exorcism specifically, so him ordering Lute to try was basically a death sentence. At the same time, the Prefect was also considering using Lute for his plans to set up Roxanne for committing adultery and then he'd divorce her, but again he was expecting Lute to fail and die, so it came as quite a shock when it backfires and Lute not only survives but befriends the Succubus.
* [[Villain by Default]]: He is an aristocratic jerk.
* [[What Happened Toto Thethe Mouse?]]: {{spoiler|Following his heart attack or stroke in the Visual Novel, we never see him again, but all signs point to him having died from it. In the anime, the last we see of him, he and his assistant are thrown in prison and he is laying motionless on the floor while the assistant kneels over him}}.
* [[Xanatos Backfire]]: He had tried to pull 2 [[Xanatos Gambit]]s on Lute and both get turned around on him. First in setting him up to take on a Succubus with no skills or preparation to actually succeed. To everyone's utter surprise, Lute is actually able to survive and even befriend Shamsiel. (Unbeknownst to everyone including Lute himself, he is half-incubus which allowed him to survive her.)}} Then, when Lute came to collect on his "reward", the Prefect panicked, but Madoise suggested (quietly) that they use Lute as bait for Roxanne to commit adultery with someone so that the Prefect could discredit her and seek divorce. That one is also botched by outside variables: First is the succubus, Shamsiel, whom Lute had befriended, because she was keeping an eye on Lute and had discovered the Prefects dark intentions and conspiracies. The second is that the Prefect was suffering from a heart condition, and when time came to catch Lute and Roxanne in the act, he instead suffers a heart attack (or stroke). Either way he eventually dies from it.)