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Kyonyuu Fantasy/Characters/Antagonists: Difference between revisions

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* [[Entitled Bastard]]: See [[Entitled to Have You]] and [[Jerkass]] below or [[Complete Monster]] above.
* [[Entitled to Have You]]: He feels that being king or having absolute authority and power gives him a free pass to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and [[Mate or Die|whoever]] he wants... Including flat out saying he wanted to make Isis, Roxanne, Gladys, Aristera, and Droit have sex with him and become his sex slaves even though pretty much all were spoken for.
* [[Evil Prince]]: Or he tries to be, he's certainly depraved but no less inept in the deed.As a prince he tried to start a revolt with the Prefect of Boan.
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: He trolls people he doesn't like, supports nobody or anything aside from him wanting to be in charge, humiliates people on a whim, and has people banished or sentenced to death if he thinks they are "cooler" than he is.
* [[The Evil Prince]]: Or he tries to be, he's certainly depraved but no less inept in the deed.As a prince he tried to start a revolt with the Prefect of Boan.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: He's even carrying a big lollipop with dozens more in a saddle bag to put an exclamation point on his gluttony!
* [[Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling]]: He's the fool (big time), to his sister Luceria's responsible.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: He may have been born a prince, but Bobon was NEVER going to sit on the throne so long as his father had anything to say about it. He is cowardly, unskilled, stupid, and spoiled rotten, so on his own he's as much of a threat as a dirty diaper. {{spoiler|However, in Shamsiel's route he manages (by some miracle) to travel through the demon forest and reach the temple unscathed (hints point to the Prime Minister telling him the way to do it), and in the temple he seizes god-like powers to become a devil that was capable of conquering the entire world. Lute managed to stop him, but still... In the Harem route, after his father is murdered, he is crowned the new king, and starts making life for all around him pretty much living hell with his cruel and uncaring abuse of power. Again though, he's stopped and Lute becomes the new, true king}}.
* [[Go Through Me]]: When he tries to harm or condemn someone, others generally step in to stop him. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route, he tried to kill her AND Lute, but Shamsiel tried to fight him alone at first, but when she was defeated, Lute stepped up and protected her. In the Harem Route, Emeralia gets caught attempting to free Lute from his cell, but Lute steps before him and convinces Bobon to execute the 2 of them together the next day in front of an audience. This actually allows Lutes' allies to initiate their plan to rescue him from his false execution. At which point, Shamsiel, then Gladys, then Isis and Felzen, then Emeralia, and Motaire (in the Prime Minister's case) all manage to protect Lute from Bobon and the Prime Minister}}.
* [[A God I Am I]]: How he views himself, regardless of the route he thinks he can and should do whatever he wants. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route he seizes god-like power in the demon temple, and takes on a monstrous form}}.
* [[Hate Sink]]: He isn't as funny or cunning like the other antagonists, and lustful, lazy, greedy, gluttonous, impatient, and disrespectful to his peers all at once.
* [[High Hopes, Zero Talent]]: He wants to be king, but has nothing that would actually make him qualified to be one apart from being the Prince by birth, which he feels is the only qualification he needs.
* [[Horny DevilDevils]]: {{spoiler|His devil form in Shamsiel's route is covered with eyes and horns, and his goal for using the power is to take all women in the world as his sex slaves. Fortunately, see [[Teeny Weenie]] for what you DON'T'don't'' see in his demonic form}}.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Most people mockingly call him "Baboon", "Cow", "Porky". {{spoiler|The Demons refer to him as "Devil (Bobon)"}}.
* [[Inadequate Inheritor]]: 2 times he inherits something, that wasn't meant for him.
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* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: See his image. He's every bit as vain, pompous, and rotten to the core as he looks. If not moreso. {{spoiler|When he becomes king in the Harem Route, his first act is to force everyone to bow to him as he proclaims they must do as he says from then on. He then tries to force Motaire into bringing women (Gladys, Roxanne, and Isis - Motaire's supposed fiance at the time) to him for the purpose of having sex or as he puts it "making strong girls cry, just once" before throwing them away like trash. In Shamsiel's route, when he seizes god-like power, he proclaims that he intends to use said power to enslave all demons ''and'' force all women in the world to be his sex slaves}}.
* [[Quit Your Whining]]: He's a huge [[Manchild]], and acts like a spoiled baby, much to others' annoyance when he whines over not getting his way.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: He tries to delve these out. His claim being that since he's a prince he is superior to everyone and is therefore above laws and is entitled to saying or doing whatever {{spoiler|(or whoever)}} he wants. In actuality, {{spoiler|more people tend to deliver these about him if not straight to his face. Gladys especially.}}
* [[Bastard Bastard|Royal Bastard]]: Of the whiny, bratty, dopey, undesirable variety. Born of two royalties yet found less than worthy to take up kingship, seeking to further incite riot and rebellion simply because daddy wouldn't name him successor only hammered the point home. Finally the vitiation's made when the shrieking bastard finally got his bottle put emphasis on his inevitably running the kingdom into the ground. Bobon's claims to royal prerogative, ineptitude while in leadership and all around doucheholiness, all it did was prove what an [[Inadequate Inheritor]] Prince Butthead well and truly was right up to the end of his pathetically short lived reign.
* [[Royal Blood]]: Loved, hated or not. Prince Buttelf's heritage was still that of the highest royal lineage of two kingdoms, as we find out in the Gaiden Game.
* [[Royal Brat]]: [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|This. In. Spades.]] Born into royalty, he feels he is owed to anything and everything because of it. From the very air you breath to the very ground you walked on, every large breasted woman within his would be kingdom and most likely to the very thoughts he would allow you to think. [[Sarcasm Mode|It was any wonder why he was passed over as King Hagel's; his father, successor to the throne of Edelland]].
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* [[Sissy Villain]]: This lard-ball is a total coward, completely unskilled (at anything), and SO spoiled, that the only way this fool is even close to a threat is {{spoiler|when he stole demonic god-like power, but even then he still got beaten in one shot pretty easily}}. Otherwise? {{spoiler|He's as much a threat to someone's life as a dirty diaper}}.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Oh, Like you wouldn't believe. Just because he's the son of the King; being crowned prince by birth. Bobon thinks he's [[Entitled Bastard|entitled to anything and everything in his fathers kingdom]], including the throne and/or any woman he lays eyes upon. There was some small movement behind the scenes working to put him on as king, but given [[Fat Bastard|what a huge prick he is]] these supporters are largely unpopular in garnering follow through with their endeavours.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Loves to act snooty and self-important, given most anything he ever wanted growing up, granted excuses by people of power for allowances, gaining a selfish and ugly mindset as a result. In short, Bobon is a rotten, conceited, fugly, useless, dumbass who makes you wonder how a [[The Good King|guy like Hagel]] could produce [[Where Did We Go Wrong?|such a lemming as this]]. He even makes [[Jerkass Ball|Motaire]] [[The Bully|seem like]] [[Bastard Boyfriend|a nice guy]] by a [[Mistreated Bride|huge comparison]].
* [[Speak Ill of the Dead]]: His own words for his [[Too Good for This Sinful Earth|Late Father]]; [[The Good King]]. Shows just how much of an ungrateful and undeserving [[Spoiled Brat]] he was when he finally got his crown.
* [[Teeny Weenie]]: In {{spoiler|Shamsiel's}} route, he seizes {{spoiler|god-like power and assumes a demonic form. Lute and Shamsiel confront him, but during this, he is naked, but thankfully, you can't see anything... meaning... this}}.
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* [[Troll]]: This fat pig ''loves'' having power over others. Hence why everyone with a brain knows he absolutely should ''not'' ever be trusted with any. He enjoys taunting and humiliating anyone and everyone he wants, and usually his reason for it is simply on a whim. He sees women as things he is entitled to have, take, use, and abuse any time he wants (regardless of their being spoken for much less their consent, which he actually ''enjoys'' them refusing since as he puts it he "likes making strong women cry". {{spoiler|Makes it all the more satisfying when it aaaaaaaall comes back to bite him}}.
* [[Tyrant Takes the Helm]]: Prince lard-ass was a stuck up, self-entitled bunghole with delusions of authority long before he was properly crowned in ceremony. {{spoiler|The second he got his hands on real power for a change, Baboon made it abundantly clear that everyone present and within the kingdom regardless would do as he said. [[Lampshade Hanging|If that's not an indicator to his motives, then...]]
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: According to his cousin and fellow [[UpperclassUpper Class Twit|idiot noble]]; Argent De Bonn in the Gaiden series. Prince Baboon didn't turn rotten until his ambition for the throne got the better of him. Considering what an asshole he was in story, it's [[Arbitrary ScepticismSkepticism|impossible to believe]] admittedly.
* [[Unpopular Popular Character]]: Against all conceivable and inconceivable odds in story. There are some who're petitioning for him to become king despite how unworthy a candidate he is. {{spoiler|The minuet news gets out of his death after Lute is crowned Monarch of Edelland, the ruler of the neighboring kingdom of Lingobard declares open war on Lute's nation in retaliation.}}
* [[What an Idiot!]]: He spends majority of his screentime being a complete bastard to literally EVERYONE, and expects that people would just let him get away with whatever he wanted without ever finally being pushed too far. It all comes back to bite him spectacularly:
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