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* It's revealed that Shamsiel had known Lute and his family since before he was born. She even visited his family a few times while he was growing up (until he was 3 years old). Then, years later in Boan, when she first sees Lute she says, "Long time no see. You've gotten big~" and "You're Lute right?" as though she already recognized him. Why then does she still have sex with him (his first time), knowing who he is and that it might kill him (in fact, much of what she says during seems like she IS trying to kill him). They explain in at least Shamsiel's own route that immediately following their first night together, she recognized him from their past meetings, but she didn't tell him out of a desire to let him live his life freely how he wanted... Again though, Why then does she seem to both recognize and yet still seem to try to kill him during that first night they're together in Boan?
== The Prime Minister's Goal ==
* The Prime Minister is the big bad of the visual novel and anime. Sure he does a lot of evil and despicable things over the course of the story, but what exactly was his goal or reason behind doing all of it? Some of it doesn't add up: He claims to be the one secretly holding all the real power in Edelland, and yet the King is actively trying to enact political reform from a noble-based system to one where knights would be placed in charge of the territories of the kingdom. Was the Prime Minister for or against this? Sure, he hated the Royal Knight's Academy, but he also spoke in support of the new system. But then, he was secretly instructing Bobon into stirring up a rebellion in Boan, and even ordering [[Running Gag|Whan Crayon]] into playing the rebels in Inland and the King's forces into fighting each other. It gets even stranger when you realize that IF the rebels had attacked the King's forces, they could have wiped them out and even marched on the capital of the entire Kingdom and likely won. Which likely wouldn't have ended well for the Prime Minister since Gladys, the leader of the Rebels, has had a long-standing feud with him. So why make it so her forces could win? Then, there's Prince Bobon. Anyone who has ever known him, knows that he's too much of a spoiled idiot to be fit for ruling anything, yet even before the Prime Minister murders the king, he was setting up for Bobon to take the throne, such as having his grades altered in the Royal Knight's Academy, trying to have him stir up revolt in Boan which would have likely led to the neighboring nation of Lingobard invading in support of Bobon, but again. How does that benefit the Prime Minister? Had that revolt happened, it would have actually clashed with Gladys' forces AND an invasion from Lingobard would mean that instead of Bobon inheriting the throne legitimately, it would be more likely that Edelland would be annexed or conquered by Lingobard so then Bobon would have Lingobard's support and connections protecting him. In which case, the Prime Minister would either have been replaced by someone FROM Lingobard, or even if he were left in office, he wouldn't be able to go against Bobon since Lingobard would have immediately suspected him and had him executed for it. In Isis and Shamsiel's route, he also does the strange thing of sending Bobon with instructions on how to navigate the Demon forest and try to steal the power from the temple. Why wouldn't the Prime Minister just take that power himself? Where did he learn all he knew about said forest and demon temple already? What did he think Bobon could possibly do with god-like power that would be of any benefit to himself? So again, what exactly WAS the Prime Minister's goal in all of this?