Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden 2/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Amnesiac Hero]]: At the beginning of the game, Lute wakes up in Hillsland, far off from Edelland, with no recollection of who he is and how he got there.
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: As said, he graduated dead last in his class at the Royal Knight's Academy, and yet eventually managed to become the King. However, in terms of international opinion, he's still seen in a low light, because they consider him just the king of some second-rate kingdom. There's also his reputation for being the "Tits-loving King".
* [[Badass]]: Is this without even trying.
** [[Badass Abnormal]]: Not only does the full extent of this eventually come out during the course of the plot, {{spoiler|He discovers he's so much this trope he's practically a walking "I win" button in mortal form, as by the final act he effortlessly [[No Sell]]s everything his enemies throw at him, even things most supernatural powers can't so much as a scratch}}.
** [[Badass Unintentional]]: Over half the things he does he has no idea how he pulls said feats off for most of the game.
** [[Underestimating Badassery]]: Subject to this to a nigh cliche extreme. In fairness to those who do, even he's not aware of just what he can power through by sheer will alone.
* [[Berserk Button]] Even when amnesiac, Lute/Mask reflexively punched out Wan Patan when he insulted Shamsiel by calling her an ugly demonic queen of a lowly kingdom. He was surprised himself what he just did.
* [[Born Lucky]]: Some people talk about how Lute was born under a lucky star due to the favorable fortune he keeps getting. One instance where Lute/Mask was made to fill in as pirate captain for Rosalyn, he and the crew get captured by Serebria’s naval ship. He manages to convince her to take a deal that she’ll let him and the crew go if he beats her and her entire crew in coin tossing (which means instant death if he loses once). Serebria humors Lute/Mask, but he managed to win ''forty times in a row''.