Leets Play

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Leets Play is a Screenshot Let's Play series started on Fantendo. It can be located at: http://fantendo.wikia.com/wiki/Leet%27s_Play

The games the author, 1337doom/Leetroper has let's played are:

In the future, he will play the rest of the Pokemon Ruby Destiny series.

News from Fantendo: Leets Play will eventually include videos as well, for the Half-Life series, Portal series, Garry's Mod and Minecraft. The current screenshot Let's Plays will continue, but slowly.

  • Let's Play
  • Shout Out: To Pokémon Quartz. In Part 2 of ROL, a strange old man lives in a house claims to have been a Pokemon Trainer in his youth. Leet speculates on who he is: Red? Blue? Gold? J Akira?
    • According to Leet, a person in the first town of ROL may be Cave Johnson.