Leverage/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Addiction Displacement]]: In season 2, Nate goes on the wagon, and starts drinking [[Must Have Caffeine|a lot of coffee]]. And running [[The Berserker|very scary cons]].
* [[The Alcoholic]]
* [[Anti -Hero]]
** [[Hurting Hero]]
* [[Amicably Divorced]]: He and Maggie are about as amicably divorced as you can get.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Being [[The Chessmaster]], Nate is very good at these.
* [[The Big Bad]]: If this is a [[Five -Bad Band]], anyway.
* [[Byronic Hero]]
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Let's go steal [[Mad Libs Catchphrase|(something crazy)]]." Examples:
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** "We're going to steal the wake?" "Have some respect. We're going to BORROW the wake."
** "The Department of Defense." "Isn't that treason?" "Well, we're going to give it back."
** [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|"a potato."]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Crazy Prepared]]
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* [[Good Is Not Nice]]
* [[Guile Hero]]
* [[The Hero]]: If this is a [[Five -Man Band]], anyway.
* [[Intelligence Equals Isolation]]: While he does fine dealing with people when he is manipulating them or when dealing with the team, he is often incapable of dealing with normal people, most notably shown in "The Boys Night Out Job"
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]
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* [[Token Good Teammate]]: Early on, Nate was the only team member who was genuinely interested in helping people. By partway through, this is no longer the case, as everyone else has lightened up.
* [[UST]]: With Sophie and Maggie
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: In a weird, kinda twisted and ruthless way, as seen in "The Three-Card Monte Job."
** Played more straight (and tragic) in "The Radio Job", when {{spoiler|his dad is trapped in a warehouse with explosives about to go off, he tells Nate over the phone, "Tell them how much Jimmy Ford loved his son." Nate, who was [[Leeroy Jenkins|was about to rush into the warehouse]], is so stunned he stops in his tracks and can only watch helplessly as the building explodes.}}
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: He and Sophie for most of the show.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Cold cocks a nun in "The Boys Night Out Job." {{spoiler|she wasn't really a nun.}}
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'''Nate''': "She can act... When it's an act." }}
* [[Con Man]]: She was a confidence trickster before the team formed.
* [[The Dragon]]: If this is a [[Five -Bad Band]], anyway.
* [[Femme Fatale]]: Channels this in most of her cons.
* [[Giftedly Bad]]: As an actor.
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{{quote| '''Sophie:''' I'm a grifter. If I'm doing my job right, they just...turn the alarm off for me.}}
* [[The Heart]]: Ironically, as Nate was the "honest man" who got everyone to work together, she's become Nate's moral compass and the emotional center of the group.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy]]: Whoa, what if [[Coupling|Jane]] was just one of Sophie's cons? She lived in London (i.e. near museums and Buckingham Palace), she had a job that required a helicopter, and no one ever suspects the dumb one.
* [[Hypno Fool]]: Her use of neuro-linguistic programming on others verges on this.
* [[Journey to Find Oneself|Journey To Find Herself]]: Second half of season 2.
* [[The Lancer]]: If this is a [[Five -Man Band]], anyway.
* [[Lost in Character]]
* [[Male Gaze]]: Sophie's wardrobe, even when not on a con, seems almost calculated to appeal to this.
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* [[Badass]]: A colossal one.
** [[Badass Long Hair]]
* [[The Big Guy]]: If this is a [[Five -Man Band]], anyway.
** Which is funny because he's the [[The Napoleon|shortest guy]] in the group. Shortest ''person'' in the group, when the girls are wearing their heels.
* [[Brains and Brawn]]: When partnered with Hardison he's the Brawn.
* [[The Brute]]: If this is a [[Five -Bad Band]], anyway.
* [[The Casanova]]: If we take his claims about his own love life to be truth. To put things in perspective, he also claims to grow his own food and sleep ninety minutes a day.
** Then again, he's been shown to pick up women quite easily, so it's pretty likely he's telling the truth.
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* [[Handsome Lech]]: We hardly ever see him actually hook up, but he is indubitably this.
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: Portrayed subtly, but confirmed by [[Word of God]]. Played for laughs.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy]]: Kane played Lindsay on ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]''.
** Also Robert Duvall's younger self in ''[[Secondhand Lions]]''.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Out the wazoo. And he keeps uncovering more.
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* [[Distressed Dude]]: So far, he's had to be rescued the most out of everyone of the team.
* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]]: In a less obvious way than Eliot, but the costume director sure likes to show off Aldis Hodge's fine figure in a suit or tank top.
* [[Evil Genius]]: If this is a [[Five -Bad Band]], anyway.
* [[Happily Adopted|Happily Fostered]]: He calls his foster mom "Nana" and speaks of her with great fondness. She was apparently a powerfully positive influence in his life.
* [[Genius Sweet Tooth]]: He's a technological genius who pretty much runs solely on orange soda and gummi frogs.
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* [[Insufferable Genius]]: Interestingly, he's so charismatic by nature that he's generally easy to forgive when he gets into a bragging spiel. The other characters aren't quite as charmed as the audience, though.
{{quote| '''Hardison:''' You're wondering if I have an answer? I do! BAM!}}
* [[Last -Name Basis]]: Everybody else is called by their first names, but the creators loved the sound of "Dammit, Hardison!"
* [[Mission Control]]: Often holed up somewhere safe, hacking and providing support.
** But no one seems to appreciate his contributions.
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* [[Science Hero]]
* [[Sharp Dressed Man]]: When he wants to, Hardison [[She Cleans Up Nicely|cleans up very nicely]].
* [[The Smart Guy]]: If this is a [[Five -Man Band]], anyway.
* [[Techno Babble]]: So. Much.
* [[Techno Wizard]]
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* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: But Hardison understands.
** He's her pretzel.
* [[The Chick]]: If this is a [[Five -Man Band]], anyway. Although Sophie fits many of the requirements as well, despite generally serving as [[The Lancer]].
* [[Classy Cat Burglar]]: Well, a cat burglar, anyway...she has the look, but none of the attitude.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
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* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Bordering on [[Hilariously Abusive Childhood]] at some points.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: She wears a lot of comfy black clothes, even when she's not on the job.
* [[The Dark Chick]]: If this is a [[Five -Bad Band]], anyway.
* [[Dawson Casting]]: Beth Riesgraf is 33...Parker is not.
* [[Friend to All Children]]: Not just orphans, either. In "The Wedding Job," she is seen teaching a young girl how to pick a lock. [[Dead Little Brother|There are]] [[Parental Abandonment|pretty]] [[Dark and Troubled Past|specific]] [[Abusive Parents|reasons]] she is drawn to kids.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: She becomes jealous when Hardison is a little too friendly with other women. This was most notable in "The Double-Blind Job."
{{quote| '''Parker:''' (Discussing a woman with whom Hardison is flirting) Did you do a background check on her? She could be a spy, or a terrorist. <br />
'''Hardison:''' She's not. She's just a nice girl who needs our help.<br />
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** Later she [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9waEwRU7oBw shatters a beer bottle with her bare hands] in a jealous rage.
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]]
* [[In HarmsHarm's Way]]: She's a heck of an adrenaline junkie.
* [[Literal Minded]]
{{quote| '''Eliot:''' She is hot.<br />
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* [[The Alcoholic]]: Formerly. As of his second appearance in "The Boys Night Out Job," he's been sober for two years.
* [[Anti -Villain]]: He wants to help people, he just has no idea how.
* [[Big Fun]]/[[Fat Bastard]]: Toyed with. He tries to be the former, appears to be the latter, and falls somewhere in the middle.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: In his second appearance.
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* [[Fat Bastard]]
* {{spoiler|[[Hijacked By Ganon]]: [[The Man Behind the Man]] to Latimer}}
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: With Pearson Aviation {{spoiler|and Nate after he gets sent to prison.}}
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: {{spoiler|The brains behind Jack Latimer's attempts to manipulate the team.}}
* [[The Mark]]: By partway through the first episode.
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* [[Evil Brit]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: "He's like Nate... [[Lampshade Hanging|Evil Nate]]."
* [[Guile Hero]]: Guile [[Anti -Hero]] if one views him as the good guy. The creators do.
* [[Hero Antagonist]]: Depending on how you look at it.
* [[Interpol Special Agent]]
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Keeps getting promoted through the hard work of Leverage Consulting and Associates. Also, '''[[Running Gag|Sterling. Never. Loses.]]'''
* [[Last -Name Basis]]: Even Nate, who has known Sterling a long time, never calls him "Jim."
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* {{spoiler|[[Papa Wolf]]}}
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* [[Beard of Evil]]
* [[Brains and Brawn]]: With Quinn in the Season 4 finale.
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]]: In the most fun way possible. He honestly seems to beleive [[Evil Is Cool]].
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: He backstabs Starke, Dooley, and his own henchmen, all in the space of two episodes.
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* [[Out Gambitted]]: By Nate in "The Two Live Crew Job" and Hardison in the "The Ho-Ho-Ho Job." He himself inflicts this on Marcus Starke in the former, and the entire Leverage crew during the first part of the latter.
* [[Rapid Fire Typing]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Gives a pretty nasty one to Marcus Starke, telling him flat out that Sophie's the one people were really afraid of.
* [[Recurring Character]]
* [[The Rival]]: To Hardison.
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*** In "The Two Live Crew Job" the rival crew was fellow thieves, Moreau is a money launderer who has no reason to keep tabs on thieves.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy]]: [[ER|Dr. Kovac!]]
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: To several [[Villain of the Week|villains of the week]] and [[President Evil|President]] [[Puppet King|Ribera]] of San Lorenzo.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]
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* [[The Dreaded]]: Nate, Sophie, Hardison, and Parker have all heard of him, and are tempted to abort the mission when he shows up alongside the other Russians. See the page quote.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: He certainly doesn't do much to demonstrate his intelligence, spending almost all his onscreen time ranting "I kill you!"
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]
* [[Eye Scream]]: Eliot defeats him by shoving appetisers in his eyes. The lemon juice does bad things to them.
* [[The Giant]]: He's huge.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: His last encounter with Eliot left him with some very evil burn scars on one cheek.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: His and Eliot's fight using a large amount of kitchenware, including knives and his trademark cleaver.
* [[Ironic Echo]]: "It burns!" Shouted in flashback when Eliot smacked him in the face with a burning piece of plywood, shouted in the present when lemon juice is sprayed into his eyes.
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: With Eliot
* [[Knife Fight]]: With Eliot, complete with the requisite fighting for control of the blade.
* [[Knife Nut]]: Uses butcher knives and a meat cleaver as his [[Weapon of Choice]] (though it's quickly established that he's perfectly capable bare-handed as well).
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* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Of the "hard-hitting [[Fragile Speedster]]" variety, as opposed to Eliot's "fast-moving big bruiser." Quinn's fast and can really dish out the damage, but can't seem to swallow the same level of punishment as Eliot.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[One -Scene Wonder]]: Shows up out of nowhere, gives Eliot his toughest fight to date, and then vanishes from the show. It's been noted that this is exactly how Eliot himself probably appears to your average [[Mook]].
** {{spoiler|As of Season 4 this is no longer the case. Still a [[One -Scene Wonder]] in that episode though}}.
* [[Only in It For The Money]]: He has no personal stake in this, and doesn't even seem particularly sadistic (especially when compared to [[The Butcher]] or Roper). He's doing this because Sterling pays his bills, nothing more, nothing less. This is given further credence in "The Last Dam Job" when Quinn is shown to be on perfectly amicable terms with Eliot and even willing to work with him when it's not his job to kick Eliot's ass.
* [[Punched Across the Room]]: Does this to Eliot.
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* {{spoiler|[[The Bus Came Back]]: Returned in the season 4 finale.}}
* [[Wake Up Call Boss]]: Very much so. He's the first person in the show to genuinely threaten Eliot's life, and his attack (much like the rest of Sterling's plot in that episode) serves to demonstrate that the show is about to get serious.
* [[Why Won't You Die?]]: Demands to know why [[Determinator|Eliot]] won't go down and stay down.
== '''Ian Blackpoole''' ==
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* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]
* [[Evil Old Folks]]
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: For Nate it is.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: He has no empathy for Nate, dismissing his son's death (and all the other deaths he's responsible for) as good business.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
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* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: He trusted [[Card -Carrying Villain|Chaos]]. Not the best move there, buddy.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Only in It For The Money]]
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* [[Mayor Pain]]
* [[Permanent Elected Official]]: He's a third-generation corrupt mayor. Thanks to his connections with the FBI and his own spin machine, other people inevitably take the fall for his actions.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: Uses his status as an FBI snitch to stay abreast of state police investigations into his activities and keep law enforcement away from Kadjic's business.
== '''Tony Kadjic''' ==
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* [[The Mark]]: Becomes this after the revelation that he and Culpepper is not the [[Final Boss]] of the season.
* [[Ruthless Foreign Gangsters]]: Albanian and without a conscience.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: Uses Culpepper's status as mayor and job as an FBI informant to keep police away from his shipping business.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]: Has the look, though with a personality like that...
* [[True Final Boss]]: Of Season 2 (unless you want to give that position to [[Hero Antagonist|Sterling]]).
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* [[Abusive Dad]]: Emotionally abusive if nothing else.
* [[Always Someone Better]]: The cause of Nate's [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] persona.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Admiration]]: For the way Nate set him up.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Played with. Nate states that his father's game is Three-card Monte, not chess, and Jimmy is nothing if not opportunistic, keeping his cards close to his chest and improvising as need be. That said, he does have an overall plan, and it's very near as detailed as one of Nate's.
* [[Con Man]]
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* [[Evil Laugh]]: Gives a few, which reverberate throughout the funhouse.
* [[Hired Guns]]
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: Implied.
* [[The Mafiya]]: Works for them in "The Carnival Job" though he's clearly not a member of their organisation.
* [[Mysterious Past]]: He and Eliot obviously know each other from somewhere, but we're darned if we know where.