/wiki/Lost Pausecreator

"Some people call you stupid for trying. But the stupidest thing is holding yourself back from something great and doing nothing."

"So many people ask me how to get good at youtube...
You think I started good? XD
Just keep making videos and you'll gradually get better."

"I've learned there's some things about people that are inherent:
1) Knowing how to breathe
2) Liking boobs
3) Correcting people's grammar."

"You know... he's that guy that does anime. That one that likes boobs."
"Virtual Noble is not really a good conversationalist, and kind of a creeper."

Kaede: Perhaps merely having someone to share your problems with can make a world of difference.
(Noble: It really can. Venting those problems out on some helpless poor bastard is a great way to feel better! Let me tell ya that!)

Sakura: (to Noble Maibigbutt) If there's anything that bothers you [about the manga rough sketch I'm working on], please let me know without holding back.
Maibigbutt: Really?
Sakura: I'd be very thankful for that. I'm a novice, so I know it won't be good right off the bat.
Noble: Yeah, that's pretty much how it always goes, man. I'm fucking embarrassed as shit to watch my old YouTube videos. (laughs) I'm kinda embarrassed to watch my new ones too, but that's a different matter!

"Hey look, there's no butts all over the [thumbnail] screen this time. Somebody needs to fix that!"
"Assemble the Santa legion! We have an army."
Noble, his proposed solution to a dramatic problem in Sakura Santa.
"Well thank you for this nice lovely exposition, as your house is on fire!"

"If you haven't noticed, there's been a little bit of.. drama with me and YouTube going around lately.
So let's just mix it up and do something fun for a change with a Noble Senpai."

Noble: We complemented her titties. Now she's in love with us. (chuckle) Makes sense.

"I'm ready to laugh at myself! (laughs) Let's do that together! Let's laugh at me. Nobleception!"

Michelle: Rose, calm down.
Noble: "Calm those tittles." (laughs) I've been wanting to use that line so long!

Rose: Just... the sooner Kenji is back, the better...
Noble: Man! She really cares! Oh, Rose!
(Caption from Rose: It's been 2 days but I LOVE him)

"You're falling into the waifu trap. Soon, you'll be a degenerate... like the rest of us! (laughs) I'm so bad."
Noble on Takeshi falling for Asahi, Burokku Girls Ep 6

"I'd say this is a 100% accurate super realist portrayal of me. Jiggle physics included."

"Why is it that even if a girl treats me bad, I still accept and love her? I need waifu help."

"This game wastes no time with fan service. That's my kind of game."

"I still stand by the bigger your boobs are in this game, the more plot relevance you have."

"And so the boobie adventure begins..."

"Clench the Butts!"

"No animated Japanese school girls will be safe from me..."

"Boobs are cool... but stay in school."

"Noble approved!"[1]