Luxury Prison Suite: Difference between revisions

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* During the introduction of ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', Shepard half-jokes that being detained isn't so bad "once you get used to the hot food and soft beds." What little we see of Shepard's cell features floor-to-ceiling windows looking out on the city, and since nobody bats an eyelash at Shepard walking around unrestrained, we can assume s/he's been given freedom to move about.
== Web Original ==
* In the ''[[SCP Foundation]]'', a lot of SCPs are contained this way, often because the only way to keep them contained is to make them not want to leave. Some well known examples:
** SCP-082 (aka Fernand the Cannibal) [[Napoleon Delusion| believes he is the King of France]]. Because it seems impossible to kill him or hold him in any sort of restraint (and is very dangerous, especially if angered), the Foundation enforces this delusion. His spacious living accommodations have the appearance of a luxurious palace, he is given any amenities he desires (like television, movies, books, and gourmet food), and anyone who speaks to him (mostly D-classes) are instructed to address him as they would actual royalty.
** SCP-053 (“the Small Girl”) is a child suffering a curse that makes her [[Not Allowed to Grow Up| unable to grow older]], and inflicts a [[Hate Plague]] among anyone who touches her or stays near her for longer than 10 minutes. Her cell is more or less a comfortable child’s room, and she is given toys, books, and games typical of a five-year-old, and food provided is prepared by her request.
** The Foundation is more cautious with SCP-166 (the “Teen Succubus”) but she is still given a suite with comfortable furnishings and any provided with any requests she makes, within reason (such as a Bible, rosary beads, and other books, and occasional use of a telephone to call the nuns at the convent who raised). She’s even allowed a furlough every month, although where she goes is marked [DATA EXPUNGED]. So long as only female researchers and doctors interact with her, there is little risk.
== Western Animation ==