Magical Girl Noir Quest: Difference between revisions

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* [[Changing Clothes Is a Free Action]]: An anonymous artist (maybe more, but the art style is pretty consistent) posts comics. Sometimes these comics feature NiceHatGuy. NiceHatGuy in these comics is always wearing a hat, and each panel he is in features a different hat.
* [[Grand Tabletop Rules List]]:
** Rule 0. Sometimes a player is notices a bad possibility. On one hand perhaps Decu already knew and if hethe player announces it, perhaps the hive mind will figure out a solution or find a way to side step it. On the other hand:
{{quote|People are actually considering stuff that I myself missed!|Deculture}}
Also a player may consider 'would Decu taking this possibility into account allow for a better story'?
** Rule 1: >shadowruns
** Rule 2: >shadowruns